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Loading pre-mapped Route to Garmin nuvi?


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Ok before my computer crashed a month ago I googled a how-to to get the Garmin program for free to work. Well I tried to do it after the reboot and now I can't figure out why it won't work. Pretty sure I found the same how-to and doing the correct steps. Anyone have any tips on this?


Is there a way to load a google map onto my Garmin? Its easier to plan a route using google maps but just so long as I can have a pre-determined route on the gps on the bike is all I care at this point

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I've been pissing about with this all week and can't get it to work. I've just come to the sad conclusion that my garmin doesn't do routes only waypoints.

Which one do you have? I had mine working in the fall but when I lost the program this is where my frustration begins

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Nuvi's can accept waypoints, or if you use the City Navigator you can create routes.

For what you're looking to do (same thing I was messing around with) you have to go into Google Maps and basically trace the entire damn thing in City Navigator... it sucks.... for group rides I'll be using my GPS for destinations in case I get lost or something

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the nuvi's do not let u load mapped routes.

using city navigator it let me :confused:.

I didn't really want to break down and buy the software since I had it for free at one point

Nuvi's can accept waypoints, or if you use the City Navigator you can create routes.

For what you're looking to do (same thing I was messing around with) you have to go into Google Maps and basically trace the entire damn thing in City Navigator... it sucks.... for group rides I'll be using my GPS for destinations in case I get lost or something

Yea I was using City Navigator that I got for free, thats the program I was referring to. I just have a terrible memory and I find roads I'd like to hit for a little after fun work but I forget what I had in mind as far as a route

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Not sure if this is what you need but I've seen some luck with GMapToGPX


It creates a GPX file from your google map and SOME garmins can read that gpx file.


2nd option..

Garmin has a free download on their website to a transfer/update program. If you attach your garmin to your pc and run that program then go to google maps and plot your route and do a SEND (top right corner) you will see the option for Email, Phone, Car, GPS. I might be wrong about needing that free garmin program, I don't have everything in front of me at the moment.

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Garmin has a free download on their website to a transfer/update program. If you attach your garmin to your pc and run that program then go to google maps and plot your route and do a SEND (top right corner) you will see the option for Email, Phone, Car, GPS. I might be wrong about needing that free garmin program, I don't have everything in front of me at the moment.

This works for waypoints, but it won't transfer routes.

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I have the nuvi 260w...it doesn't allow for route plans. If there is a program (City Navigator?) that allows it to do routes let me know.


I've tried to do this and have been unsuccessful but let me know how it works for you. I tried something similar in the fall and it had worked, whether it was exactly the same I can't recall. I will probably just end up buying the software

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From what I have read nuvi's wont do routes, only waypoints even with other programs. I used mapsource and it still will only transfer the waypoints over. I have the 260w so i think i'm stuck.

somehow it worked on my 255w so I'm not sure?

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