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Katana PRIDE!!!


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Then dont come in here talkin shit

and it's only 4 pages

I read enough to see some dum ass post about schooling a kid on the road. you can say what you want that it wasnt going to go any were with it but all your doing is pumping a kid up to try to prove himself. its not always about if it is actually going to happen its about if someone feels they have to prove themself to others to fit in. Im not talking shit im talking like a responsible adult you might want to try it. just the trashing of the bikes on this forum is sad. people come here to meet other people to ride with and learn from at least thats what brought me to this and that my sister was on here for some time. All im saying is be smart about what you say. remember this kid is 18 and a very young rider that dosn't have fear built into him yet.

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I read enough to see some dum ass post about schooling a kid on the road. you can say what you want that it wasnt going to go any were with it but all your doing is pumping a kid up to try to prove himself. its not always about if it is actually going to happen its about if someone feels they have to prove themself to others to fit in. Im not talking shit im talking like a responsible adult you might want to try it. just the trashing of the bikes on this forum is sad. people come here to meet other people to ride with and learn from at least thats what brought me to this and that my sister was on here for some time. All im saying is be smart about what you say. remember this kid is 18 and a very young rider that dosn't have fear built into him yet.

If you are referring to me as the dumb ass that was challenging the kid to a race for a burrito or two, GUILTY on both counts.

If you thought it was actually going to happen you need to hang around more. Didn't you catch that I was for the most part being ignored like I should have been.

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The guys in front of you weren't pulling away because they were going really fast in the straights it was because they could judge entry speeds and handle curves better. None of them started riding like that it was learned and practiced. It was foolish of you to try to chase these people when you had warnings. When learning a new technique sometimes you have to slow down to perfect it and the speed just comes with it later.

I will whole heartedly agree with this as I just had a conversation with another in the group asking How fast the 5 of us in front were running because he was doing 120+ in the straights trying to keep us in sight and could not .... He was surprised when I said we didnt break 80. Im not going to name him as it was a private conversation, he'll chime in if he wishes

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ball busting is all good and fun till someone gets hurt then what is it called :dunno:
ok I haven't read all this but I hope you all have enough since to take this kid to a track and keep this off the street you all are all old enough to know better and all your going to do is get some one hurt or killed. dont talk down to the kids bike the fact that he likes what he has is great. thats what riding is about it fun and its not about a track bike all the time. I dont want to here that he started the talk of racing hes 18 of course he did just be smart about shit and teach dont tear down.
I read enough to see some dum ass post about schooling a kid on the road. you can say what you want that it wasnt going to go any were with it but all your doing is pumping a kid up to try to prove himself. its not always about if it is actually going to happen its about if someone feels they have to prove themself to others to fit in. Im not talking shit im talking like a responsible adult you might want to try it. just the trashing of the bikes on this forum is sad. people come here to meet other people to ride with and learn from at least thats what brought me to this and that my sister was on here for some time. All im saying is be smart about what you say. remember this kid is 18 and a very young rider that dosn't have fear built into him yet.
If you are referring to me as the dumb ass that was challenging the kid to a race for a burrito or two, GUILTY on both counts.

If you thought it was actually going to happen you need to hang around more. Didn't you catch that I was for the most part being ignored like I should have been.

SHEESH! If I thought that posting up me love for my Kat would cause so much unrest and would get some people's panties in a bunch I wouldn't have ever done it! :rolleyes:

TG.... I'll say it for the last time nicely since you decided you're above everyone else in here and can pass judgement without reading everything that was said.... :)

I absolutely WILL NOT allow ANYONE to push, encourage, embarrass, challenge, provoke, or talk me into riding above my level of comfort on the street. When it is time to push the envelope I will take it to Mid OH (or some other track). In fact, I'm already saving up and reading up on track days and exactly what I need to do to prepare for my first one which will hopefully come toward the beginning or middle of the summer.

As for being irresponsible adults and the general Kat-bashing....

I love my CRAPtana! :D She's the sexiest bike I've ever seen or ever will see hands down! She's my first and only love and it'll always stay that way. The rest of you with your '09/'10 600+ super sport bikes can go have your pissing competitions and dick wagging contests on your own. Right now I'm just happy to be blessed enough to be able to ride on 2 wheels!

And at no point was I seriously thinking about, or will I ever, think about actual racing (which considering that it's "street racing" is actually VERY illegal) on the street. When I'm ready, I'll take it to the track to whoop Punk's ass! :p

Remember that 18 doesn't always mean 99.99% stupid and 0.01% brains.... There are some of us young'uns that have enough sense to not get caught up in our invincibility, belligerence, and youthful naivete!

With that all said and out of the way for HOPEFULLY the last time....

You wanna put a wager on me?! How bout a triple thick McD's shake to wash my burrito down :dunno:

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folks behind me didnt break 80ish to much..... :-) i'd say it was medium speed...

btw not that you guys really care, but there is a whole forum that would disagree with folks hating on the katana....katriders.com some of the guys over there can handle the kats extremely well and although they are not the fastest or lightest bikes on earth the can handle anything well including the twisties.......the rider makes the biggest difference...... They actually are very capable bikes in many areas.

just my 2 cents..... carry on......

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folks behind me didnt break 80ish to much..... :-) i'd say it was medium speed...

btw not that you guys really care, but there is a whole forum that would disagree with folks hating on the katana....katriders.com some of the guys over there can handle the kats extremely well and although they are not the fastest or lightest bikes on earth the can handle anything well including the twisties.......the rider makes the biggest difference...... They actually are very capable bikes in many areas.

just my 2 cents..... carry on......


They're a great bunch of guys. I've been offered quite a bit of help on there and have bought more than a few parts from some.

Plus I just go there and read some shit or chime in for awhile whenever you OR bunch get me down! haha :D

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I will whole heartedly agree with this as I just had a conversation with another in the group asking How fast the 5 of us in front were running because he was doing 120+ in the straights trying to keep us in sight and could not .... He was surprised when I said we didnt break 80. Im not going to name him as it was a private conversation, he'll chime in if he wishes

I know this without being there, 70 to 80 is the usually pace between curves. If he was going over the yellow lines around the corners then the only way for him to keep up was to ride fast between them. Having someone else chime in won't resolve anything. I am willing to take the heat for being an asshole and calling him out, there is no reason to pile on. I do think he owes the group an apology and I'm glad this issue was resolved here instead of in the original thread.

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