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Opera Mini approved for iPhone!!!


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Too bad iphone blows....

Im one of the few non apple fanatics here.

Too bad iphone blows....

Im one of the few non apple fanatics here.

Is your Microsoft smart phone that let's you do that awesome double posting all the time?


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My thoughts in the first five minutes I've used it:

A) Badass. I love it.

B) When quick replying on vBulletin based forums, the redirect after clicking "Post Quick Reply" doesn't work. It just goes to a blank white page. But it does post.

C) Love the zoom in/zoom out. Way better than Safari.

D) Love the start page.

E) Full screen mode should be enabled by default.

F) Ability to lower resolution of images is awesome.

Really, if the redirect thing gets fixed this will be my replacement browser.

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B) When quick replying on vBulletin based forums, the redirect after clicking "Post Quick Reply" doesn't work. It just goes to a blank white page. But it does post.

I've filed a bug report with Opera for this. Hopefully it's a quick fix. The quick reply uses ajax, so I'm sure it's just something with the way it's handling the java.

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Too bad iphone blows....

Im one of the few non apple fanatics here.

Is your Microsoft smart phone that let's you do that awesome double posting all the time?


I'm actually with the flat fish on the iPhan stuff.

But I use Android and it doesn't double post.


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That's not the fault of Android....that's hardware my friend. Put a proper processor in and goodbye to the iPhone market.

At least apps for Android aren't removed from the market place like some other company does when it might 'take their business away'.



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Why Ubuntu over say, Fedora? Just curious.

Used to run RH and then FC for awhile. Just wanted to change it up a bit. I end up creating multiple VM environments when doing pen testing on different OS flavors. Recently I had to create a Solaris 10 VM in order to do some configuration anaylsis / vuln testing for the project Im on.

At some point or another, Ive run or was the admin for just about every nix flavor you could imagine including AIX, and HP-UX.

Havent touched AIX in at least 8 years and recently been working on some HP-UX here and there but am limited by system access since I cant create a VM of it and I dont have an Itanium or RISC based machine.

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I did some adminning on early Solaris OS but haven't touched linux until we started using ESX 3.5 and now 4. It's funny because our IT guy is a M$ whore and doesn't know a lot about linux so I always wind up helping him do stuff.

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Used to run RH and then FC for awhile. Just wanted to change it up a bit. I end up creating multiple VM environments when doing pen testing on different OS flavors. Recently I had to create a Solaris 10 VM in order to do some configuration anaylsis / vuln testing for the project Im on.

At some point or another, Ive run or was the admin for just about every nix flavor you could imagine including AIX, and HP-UX.

Havent touched AIX in at least 8 years and recently been working on some HP-UX here and there but am limited by system access since I cant create a VM of it and I dont have an Itanium or RISC based machine.

I haven't touched AIX since I worked for CSCC (about a year ago). Running on an IBM P590. Nothing like working on a million dollar computer.

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lol ive had it on my blackberry since day 1. good to know the iphone is catching up finally... again. hell, it only took em a year to get MMS on the iphone lol.

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lol ive had it on my blackberry since day 1. good to know the iphone is catching up finally... again. hell, it only took em a year to get MMS on the iphone lol.


I was a Windows Mobile guy, then a BlackBerry guy, now an iPhone guy. I can honestly say without bias, the iPhone is better. Until you've used them all for extended periods of time, you really can't talk shit. Just saying.

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better at what?

honestly, i dont really think you can say an iphone is categorically better than the blackberry, or vice versa. they both have their ups and downs. which one you get should depend on what you want out of your device.

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