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Thanks Wheezle!


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As some of the OR family knows I broke down on 270 today. For some reason I thought to call Lance first off. When I told him my bike wouldn't run, without missing a beat he said, "I'm on 270 already. Where you at?"

I was 270 North by Sawmill, he was out by Cemetary Rd. I told him don't worry about it, I was just calling to tell him what I thought was a funny story because we had just talked re-tuning my bike. Lance was having none of it. He drove to where I was, looked the bike over and helped me find a towing company.

I told him he didn't have to stay, I could just ride with the tow guy....again Lance was having none of it. He stayed out there with me for an 1 1/2 hrs. waiting on the wrecker.


When the wrecker gets there Lance rolled the bike on the truck and proceeds to help this guy trying to tie my bike down. So after Lance..I mean the tow truck driver gets everything secure, Lance drove me home from 270 in 6:00pm traffic.

Not done helping me yet, he was able to get my bike started after we get to my house and starts to figure out what's wrong.

Sorry for this post being so long but I had to thank Lance for a lot and make sure people know the great quality of people we have here on OR.


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He's just not that girl savvy. He's still in 4th grade mode... ya know, if he pushes you off the swings, punches you in the shoulder while you're on the seesaw, or knocks you off the monkey bars...

...it means he likes you.

One of these days he'll catch up to the rest of us and just mentally abuse women until they break down and decide to sleep with us.

Edited by JRMMiii
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He's just not that girl savvy. He's still in 4th grade mode... ya know, if he pushes you off the swings, punches you in the shoulder while you're on the seesaw, or knocks you off the monkey bars...

...it means he likes you.

One of these days he'll catch up to the rest of us and just mentally abuse women until they break down and decide to sleep with us.

Wow! Nice way to put it! :lol:

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It was no biggie looney, I'd do it for anybody. Thaks for hanging at bike night, I know you were stressed about your bike but you still came to have fun. We'll get your ol girl running soon!

I love the rest of you goofs too. Jrmii I know why you like that copper paint. I love mine!!

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I only reach around on yota, he gives back ten fold afterwards.

614-657-8305 is my number if I can ever lend a hand.

Djism2 I know you like it in the face so I had to lend a hand.

Is that really your number or will it be rerouted to a Bangladesh phone sex operator at $5.99 per minute? :lol:


I love hearing stories about OR members helping eachother out.

Well it makes ORDN more than just a site. We is a big ole happy family! :D

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