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P.E.T.A. Crossed the Line


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Um no, it's not. I would LOVE to hear your explanation of this.

So from the person that chastised me for not having kids and not understanding, you're taking it upon yourself to inflict your parenting methods on some kid that you don't know? That seems a bit, I don't know... hypocritical? Which rolls nicely into...

Let me help you with that. You are. Incredibly.

Bless you.

It's sad that no one has mentioned, not once, that PETA euthanizes animals by the thousands. In VA, they facilitated the adoption of a whopping 8 dogs and cats for the entire year of 2009. 2,366 dogs and cats were euthanized. I suppose this is a bad time to mention PETA's income is about 30 million a year in donations.

If I put on a ski mask, stood outside of the school, handed out candy and hugged kids, you would have no problem. The "no kids" thing wasn't meant to be an insult. It's a different relationship than I have ever had in my life. I think others would agree.

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We have canines for a reason. Our eyes are in front of our head, not on the sides, for a reason. Meat tastes good for a reason.

+1^ As for the parent comments... That is also inate. What do you do when you come across a bear cub? GTF out of there because mamma bear won't be happy. Every try to mess with a baby goose? Ever swim up to a bluegill's nest? Ever climb a tree and find eggs?

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Look at it this way to each there own. We can get along you eat vegs and we eat meat. Just dont push things you think is right because some people have to eat meat do to the protein from the meat. Veg dont have that kind of protein

as for slaughter house that prepair meat on how they treat animals that should be left up to the usda harder laws not by people that think every body should eat vegs

I totally agree, I have no problem with people eating meat. I get hot when I read ignorant comments.

Humans have eaten meat forever, but it was not meant to be in this magnitude! That is what I have a problem with. We are mass producing cows, chicken and pigs for cheap meat. ONE slaughterhouse slaughters 6000 animals an hour!! How can anyone think that this can be without stress and pain for animals? Cows feel pain just like a dog - they scream in fear just like humans or our "domesticated" animals do.

I am not against the farmer that kept animals the correct way on pastures and humanely ends their life to make money for his family to make a living. Capitalism is what is destroying this world, sadly.

And I do have a problem with insensitive comments about meat. It did not grow in a plastic box, it was given birth to by a mammal and we take the liberty to destroy it (because our eyes are in front of our head and not on the side (???))

Think seal pup bashing on the ice NO

save the hump back whales NO

humane treatment of animals NO

clean oil off of animals after a oil spill NO

brain wash kids not to eat meat

and skin ad of females how degrading yes a weiner 04-29-2010 09:07 AM

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It did not grow in a plastic box, it was given birth to by a mammal and we take the liberty to destroy it (because our eyes are in front of our head and not on the side (???))


We are hunters. hunters have eyes on the front of their head to judge distance and be accute while hunting. Prey animals have eyes on the sides to look out for predators. Look at the lion and the gazelle.

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I am not supporting them...they are supporting me ...my views that is.:o

I am for the ethnical treatment of animals. So, there. PETA and I see eye to eye.

Take it or leave it. Look up any organization and you will find pros and cons...opposers will always find something bad about the org and supporters always find something good.


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We are hunters. hunters have eyes on the front of their head to judge distance and be accute while hunting. Prey animals have eyes on the sides to look out for predators. Look at the lion and the gazelle.

chevysoldier...YES that is correct, but we are not doing that anymore (a minority might still do that) ...we are using and abusing animals and not hunting them to survive! We can survive WELL without meat if we choose to.

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LoLoL... being a conscious omnivore is one thing. Supporting a criminal/terrorist sponsoring movement like PETA is quite another.

by the way that is all I am hoping for - People turning into CONSIOUS omnivores.

Don't save money on the meat you buy, if it is cheap, it is that for a reason...poor treatment of animals and mass production. And skip meat a day or a few days a week - it does a body good. ;)

That's all I got, because that is what it is all about.

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chevysoldier...YES that is correct, but we are not doing that anymore (a minority might still do that) ...we are using and abusing animals and not hunting them to survive! We can survive WELL without meat if we choose to.

My point is thats our evolution. You seemed confused when I talked about our eyes. If we were meant to eat only plants our bodies would be set up differently. Our eyes would be on the sides of our heads, no canines to tear meat. Our bodies need meat, it's healthy for us. If someone doesn't want to eat it, that's fine with me. That just means there's more meat for me to eat.


Vegans are therefore encouraged to plan their diet and take dietary supplements as appropriate.[6] Various polls have reported vegans to be between 0.2%[4] and 1.3%[9] of the U.S. population, and between 0.25%[5] and 0.4%[10] of the UK population.

That being said, I don't think abusing animals or genetically altering them so we can eat more is right. PETA does a whole lot more bad than good. They are also very hypocritical.

I like me a good salad followed by a big steak and baked patato

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These reports were on the petakillsanimals website. hard to see but when you read them you will see that in 2009 of over 11K animals 2.3K were euthanized and not like it is actually advertised on the same website - 2.3 taken in and 2.3K were euthanized.


Yes Peta euthanizes animals because we as the public cannot (are too ignorant) or refuse to take responsibility for our own animals and leave the responsibility to other people. I agree sometimes because they can't take care of them anymore. The Montgomery county animal shelter (definition of shelter - anyone please?) alone receives 700-900 cats and dogs A MONTH!!!!! and barely 100 are adopted out! Where do you suggest are they supposed to keep all these pets?

I am sorry, but I think I am pretty well informed, being a volunteer and having worked with rescue groups. Unfortunately these pets are put down but I say it again, it is because of people that keep buying puppies at malls and breeders and overbreeding is done for money...OH WAIT...we are back to the money issue, funny (or sad for that matter) how all suffering is done through money.. Where do you think the puppies go that have not been sold in the mall by the time they get too big and aren't CUTE enough anymore.

Like I said before. There will always be people out there that will produce rumors and fabricated facts to confuse the public - if you will dig long enough you will find something, but like I said, they don't even have their facts straight on their own website.

Kind of like I heard in the news today...someone is saying President Obama cheated on his wife. Let the detective work begin...is it true (someone dug deep enough to make a case against someone who is successful) or is it just a rumor???

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There are extremes on both ends of the scale. And I'm sure there is always a better way.

PETA is a domestic hate-crime terrorist group, subject to constant surveillance and investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


Animal rights and environmental extremism pose a significant domestic terror threat. To date, extremists have been responsible for more than 1,800 criminal acts and more than $110 million in damages. Currently, we are investigating approximately 170 such extremist incidents across the country.

Edited by ReconRat
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O, this is two pair of shoes...what they do...i.e free animals, hide money whatever has nothing to do with them educating people. There undercover investigations show a lot of sad things...and yes big companies are targeted and they fire back....Logical, isn't it?

I am not giving them my money. I read up on current animal issues and it educates me about things I have ( and probably most people) never even thought of....

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My point is thats our evolution. You seemed confused when I talked about our eyes. If we were meant to eat only plants our bodies would be set up differently. Our eyes would be on the sides of our heads, no canines to tear meat. Our bodies need meat, it's healthy for us.

Just to pipe in, probably where I'm not wanted... but it always strikes me as jumping to conclusions regarding so called 'evolution' designing us to need meat because of where our eyes are placed and the canine teeth we have. Gorillas have canine teeth that make ours look minuscule and wimpy by comparison... and gorillas also have eyes facing forward. Yet, gorillas are herbivores, foliovores specifically. The Giant Panda also has forward facing eyes and large canine teeth, but has a herbivore diet consisting of almost exclusively bamboo.

If you want to use teeth as an example of why we are carnivores, the argument could go the opposite way. Carnivores have LARGE canine teeth. Our canine teeth are pathetically small. Carnivores have jaws that move up and down exclusively for gripping and tearing (and then swallowing large chunks of meat). Herbivores have flat molars, which carnivores lack, for grinding of fibrous plant matter and jaws that have ability to grind side to side and forward to back, facilitating grinding of vegetable matter.

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My point is thats our evolution. You seemed confused when I talked about our eyes. If we were meant to eat only plants our bodies would be set up differently. Our eyes would be on the sides of our heads, no canines to tear meat. Our bodies need meat, it's healthy for us.

Just to pipe in, probably where I'm not wanted... but it always strikes me as jumping to conclusions regarding so called 'evolution' designing us to need meat because of where our eyes are placed and the canine teeth we have. Gorillas have canine teeth that make ours look minuscule and wimpy by comparison... and gorillas also have eyes facing forward. Yet, gorillas are herbivores, foliovores specifically. The Giant Panda also has forward facing eyes and large canine teeth, but has a herbivore diet consisting of almost exclusively bamboo.

If you want to use teeth as an example of why we are carnivores, the argument could go the opposite way. Carnivores have LARGE canine teeth. Our canine teeth are pathetically small. Carnivores have jaws that move up and down exclusively for gripping and tearing (and then swallowing large chunks of meat). Herbivores have flat molars, which carnivores lack, for grinding of fibrous plant matter and jaws that have ability to grind side to side and forward to back, facilitating grinding of vegetable matter.

vegitarians are food.

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