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Sportbikes.com sucks


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There's a thread on there asking where the Ohio riders are.

http://sbw.sportbikes.com/showthread.ph ... tid=595611

So, I posted up our website address, said it was free and not spam.

I get this PM:

DreamRyder wrote on 11-13-2006 03:11 PM:

Even if something is "free" it's still considered spam... below is a pm that comes from the site admin himself that we are to forward to those we find breaking SBW rules.. feel free to contact him directly ...

Thanks for being a member to SportbikeS.com. I was on the forums and noticed some of your posts, of which I 'deleted' one where you are promoting a competing forum.

As a new member, maybe you are not aware of our policies. I want to point out that commercial advertising is not allowed on the boards without going through the Admin. This refers to your only posts related to TLR History, which were removed. Please see our full Ad Policy at http://www.sportbikes.com/wwwthread...sb=5&o=&fpart=1

As a business person and owner of the site you claim to moderate, you know the value of advertising and promotion. You evidentially are also aware of the cost required to gain new customers and maintain websites. SportbikeS incurs costs every month to run the site, attrack and keep members.

Your post is a self-promoting post that would be deemed in poor taste on most any board. I compare this free advertising the same as if I took the SportbikeS Server to an ISP and set it up and walked out... free bandwidth... DON'T think that I could get away with that. Do you?

There are plenty of members that have a free choice to seek a forum that is to their liking. If you acted properly, I would even help you.

Feel free post your link on our site here http://more.sportbikes.com/links. The system will verify your site address and may request and verify if you have a reciprocal link (a link on your site back to SportbikeS.com, so please be sure you enter the our link on your site and place the address to that page where the reciprocal is requested. Once, the system accepts the info, we will approve and it will be live from 1 to 24 hours.

Please refrain from posting other self-serving posts on the site.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly about this topic.


Mike DiSabatino, CEO


The #1 Sport Riding Supersite


1-888-8.DR.BIKE - Toll Free



Home of the

Sportbike Riders' Association, Inc.



My reply:

Or maybe, just maybe........ we're not competing. Our board is for Ohio Riders of every type of bike. We're non-profit, and free. There is no possible way you can call that spam. Did you even check out the website? No, I'm sure you didn't. We're only looking to connect more riders in Ohio. We're sponsoring rides for cancer research, St. Jude's Children's Hopsital, etc. We're helping sponsor a father and son race team. I use Google Ads at the bottom of the forums to help cover the cost of the hosting, which it doesn't, not even close. Thanks for the friendliness though. I'll be sure to put out a good word for your website here in Ohio.

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OK. Fuck 'em!!! I can't even navigate through the registration. "You did not fill in a field name. Hit the back button to correct." "This page has expired." Tried it twice, Fuck 'em. The WERA BBS is great! Plus they have some areas you can advertise on. If you do sign up, and you do enter the Dungeon, be prepared and do your homework. They sent me home with my tail between my legs more than once.

Congratulations on the 200 mark! I love it here!

Go Bucks!


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