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Disgruntled old man......

vintage rider

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Earlier I was just reading a few posts when I came across one called "crusier question". I enjoy rustling peoples feathers and getting on thier case from time to time, however someone needs to say enough with the insanity of Suzukis might not be reliable..... I bought my first in 1976 and have owned several since and I still have two in my garage. I have always felt like reliability was one of thier strong points. I must add I don't think anybody makes a bad machine anymore. I'm even planning on buying a Harley before my retirement.

Thanks. I feel better now....

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Honda is superior to all the others. You guys with other bikes just think they are okay because you have had good luck with them but if you owned a Honda you would know what a good bike is.

I've had two Suzukis, and they were both fine. So was my Harley. Actually, the only bike I've ever had a problem with has been my Honda, and it was a minor problem.

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WTF are you talking about of course you are wrong and you should be listening to the disgruntled old men.

Honda is superior, there I said it and so it is so.

Cruisers still suck.

LoL Hondas are superior. Those 2008-2009 1000rrs love oil so much they go through 1 qt ever 1000 miles.


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