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Anyone who says a woman can't do everything in heels is WRONG!!


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and people wonder why I have lost faith in half the female population. Grab a backpack or bungee cord and bring your stupid fucking heels with you and wear normal ass footwear to ride. hell tennis shoes would be smarter than that dumb shit

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This makes me laugh its such a girl thing to do. Its not about safe riding its about fashion lol. Im just really starting to think alot of you guys must have never been with a woman I could so see my exwife doing something like this and if I got on her about it she would bring up every dumb thing I have done in my life and tell me to shut up lol. I can hear her now (you remember when you were doing 100 on the free way and I was telling you to slow down) (bla bla bla bla) <thats all I would hear when I tone her out so I dont know how she would really finish that lol

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  1000rrrider said:
Yep you girls go.... You're proving nothing but ignorance. Notice no experienced female riders are supporting you. Two newbs claiming awesomeness, what happens when you get cut off or lose balance .. anything that requires a foot down in a hurry you will be totally screwed because those heels are gonna slide right out from under you. Even a totally routine stop at a light and a foot down in an oil spot or water spot from a cars AC and you'll be on the ground. How stupid can you be, but hey its your bike and your body. I promise you my wife wont be anywhere near her bike in heels, but then again she has a brain and nothing to prove.

+1. @ 1000rrrider

And to the ladies trying to be cute .... Stop being fucking attention whores and reconsider why you ride a bike in the first place. From what I am picking up over the past year, the only reason you are even on a bike sarah is for fucking attention. Pull your big girl pants up, put your shirt back on, put your camera away, put some real boots on before you become the butt of another joke on the board. Grow up and start being a positive representation of women... not a fucking dumbass.

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  Likwid said:
I ride in heels all the time... stop being such dicks :)

My wife rides on the back in heels sometimes... but hey, she doesn't have to put her feet down.

I didn't think your bike went fast enough to worry :confused:


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  juliejuliejulie said:
+1. @ 1000rrrider

And to the ladies trying to be cute .... Stop being fucking attention whores and reconsider why you ride a bike in the first place. From what I am picking up over the past year, the only reason you are even on a bike sarah is for fucking attention. Pull your big girl pants up, put your shirt back on, put your camera away, put some real boots on before you become the butt of another joke on the board. Grow up and start being a positive representation of women... not a fucking dumbass.

thank you for directing this thread in the exact direction i was hoping it would go.


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  1000rrrider said:
:lol: You really do have claws, all this time I thought you were sweet and innocent.

im just tired of the bullshit that comes from some of these girls. some of these girls thinking that riding a motorcycle with heals on is soooooooooo cool. Seriously, I know for a fact thats not the first thing thats been between your legs while wearing heals, and surely not the last. We don't need to hear about it. (or see pictures)

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  Likwid said:
awwww man, the truth hurts sometimes :(

sowwy buddy you know I still ride with ya

but maybe if you complain to the wife you catch a lot of shit she will give in about that sport bike!

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in before the move...

i like attention whores on bikes. its not my skin/body that gets jacked up if they go down. of course this post is useless when theres no NWS tag or pictures of titties.

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  shittygsxr said:
meow I am going to get a kiddie pool of milk for the kat fight to happen My $$$$$(also read gsxrnurses $$$$$) is on Julie in the second round. Mandie err sara doesn't stand a chance


p.s. i'm laughing at the gsxrnurses $$$$$ parts :rolleyes:

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Wow.. this thread took a turn for the worse.

that's merely an opinion that you are entitled to. i ,on the other hand, beg to differ kind sir.

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