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Betty White hosting SNL


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This Saturday, if I heard right. She could be absolutely hysterical on there, if they don't blow it by givin' her shitty skits like they do with so many others anymore

Her Snickers Super Bowl commercial still cracks me up every time I see it :lol:

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"Location: SexualAssaultburg" :lol:

Named the town after him, now they had to rename it?

I was wondering how long it'd take for someone to catch that :D

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Not real impressed with JayZ tonight.... Especially this last song.... Blows

The Ramstein/mosh remix of the Golden Girls theme made me laugh out loud when she first started screaming in the mike

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Last skit with Tina Fey was the best!

"That's Blarfingaaaarl Blarfingaaaarl..... Spelled L E E S M I T H"

"Ascertain..... That used to be my stripper name"

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