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Ok, weird MySpace question - 30 plus year olds....


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Ok, have a buddy who is just a little younger than me. He's 32. He rides, has a family, etc.

He comes to me and says I need to get a MySpace page. I'm like "Yeah, good one. What am I? 18?" He goes on to tell me he networks with it and keeps up with friends and family. He also thinks it would be good for selling things or advertising services. I immediately thought, what? Male Escort? What services can benefit from Myspace.

So, I check out his set-up. It's totally bizarre. Call me old and stuff, but unless you are under 26 years old, why the hell would you need a MySpace page? Pedophile? Stalker? What? I look at his friends and it has a bunch of people I've never even seen with the guy. He's got these pro athletes he has as "friends" and says he chats with hot chicks and everything. RIIIIIIGHT....

Just thought it was funny. Wondered how many of you homos have a page on MySpace. I mean, if I were single, 21-24 years old, I'd be all over it. Network, my ass. Network to meet chicks? Sure. Network to meet buds and share stories? At that age? Sure.


Oh, and Drew? It isn't Nick from the other site. You know who I am talking about, right? He's another example, but I don't know him well enough to throw him under the bus...

Anyone else have a silly person thinking they are youngins on MySpace? Let the under the bus throwing begin...:metal:

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I don't have one but there are a lot of people that do. I guess it is a good way to catch up with old friends and keep in touch with new ones. I don't have an account. I signed up for one day, searched for some old friends from high school, and then closed my account. I don't know quite how I feel about putting celebs on my friends list if I did have a page. That's a little suspect.

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I used as a easy place to store pics from racing, and a few of my friends on there I only get to talk to on MS. Now I do have a couple Racers on there I just check the page every now and then to see if any news is there about what the rider is doing next year. I know that the racer themselve is not doing the page.

I still haven't heard what Spies is doing next year.

It is funny to see all the Spammers pictures for nudes. I almost started adding them just to be jackass.

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i am 24 and have a myspace account that a created in college. I check it maybe once a month.

It is a good way to self-promote. Might be the best thing to ever happen to bands no one has heard of.

I suppose you could do the same if you were looking for racing sponsorship etc. (post videos of yourself riding, post pics of you w/ trophies, post your sponsor's logos, etc.)

Like I said, I check mine about once a month, and mostly to see how fast my cousin's kid is growing up and find out what my college roommates are doing.

it all depends on how you use it. I don't 'friend' anyone who i don't actually know, and you have to know my last name to request to be my friend.

http://www.myspace.com/akacrad my page sucks. except the pictures of me wasted. those are at least funny.

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You guys are all under 30, though... Right? I mean, I understand the band deal. I even SLIGHTLY get the racer deal, but Sponsorhouse is a better route. I just don't understand 30 plus aged folks doing it.

Plus, realize how many "famous" people are listed? I typed in a few well known racers and saw numerous members with their names. When I asked one of them at a dinner we had together, he stated "I'm not on MySpace. That shit is all bogus..." So, may look like pie, may smell like pie, but it ain't pie...

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Ok so I will chime in as one of the older guys here.. I have a myspace page that I created a few years ago.... I never search for people on it and very rarely add someone as a friend. However, I have had people I went to high school and college and even family members I didnt know where family find me on there. If you use it to stay in touch with people only and not use it as a hookup device, then I would say your a stable person.

If your buddy wants to be more business oriented as well as use it for staying in touch, I would suggest using LinkedIn and even facebook is trying to target its page to more of the professional / young professional.

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I've looked around at myspace - its f@ckin funny to see who's there, and who isn't.

Most of the people over 30 do seem VERY creepy, especially when you look at who their "friends" are.

While we're on the subject, google some selected "user names" from this or any other BBS - really crazy what ya come up with sometimes!:roll:

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Just like anything else, the internet (let alone specific sites) is what you make of it. You can use Myspace to hook up with teenage girls with daddy issues, or you can use it as a place to have free hosting for family photos.

I'm 'friends' with UD Cleveland Alumni. That yielded at least 2 job interviews when I was looking. Although the pictures i have posted may also have been the reason I didn't GET one of those jobs! hahaha

It's the person that makes it creepy or not creepy.

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i think the only thing that makes it creepy for old people is they have no use for it. like a lot of people have said, you can network and things, as well as find family and stuff or host photos, but as with all new technologies, old people are confounded by it. this means theres a lot fewer old people on myspace than young people. so with fewer old comrades on the site, you, as an old person, have very little use for it. and as it turns out, the old people that are on there are usually looking creepy because they have to find some new use for it because there are not that many of them on there.

i predict one day myspace will be full of old people. all those teeny boppers will grow up sometime and unless they delete their accounts, will still have myspace.

*DISCLAIMER: This message was intended as a joke and should in no way be taken seriously.*

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It's the person that makes it creepy or not creepy.


I think it is great to stay in touch with people, especially people far away AND definatly Military friends who are out of the country. Myspace is all some of our soldiers have to keep them in touch with loved ones.

Just like anything else, it is what u make of it.

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I'm 29 and I've got one... I keep in touch with old military friends around the world... I'm bad about trying to keep up with all of their email accounts since they change all the time. Better to just jump on myspace and find out whats new, check out pic's of their new kid or bike, ect..

If it wasn't for all the friends I made while I was in the service, I don't think I'd have one.

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ya myspace is REALLY nice if you want it to be... i have every family member almost, keep in touch with old friends i would rather type to than talk to, lol...

My gf uses it ALOT b/c there are groups on there of other people with Cystic Fibrosis and she has learned ALOT from other CF patients on there... theres sooo manythings on there that are good for people of any age..

its just like the war, you only hear of the bad stuff on the news and never the good stuff...

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I'd suspect that you could do Email and have the same success. I understand keeping in touch with family, military folks, etc.

BUT.... If that is all the "friends" you have in your collection, cool. Otherwise, if there are strange and bizare folks as friends, one tends to think it goes beyond the "ease to communicate"...

I don't really buy it. For the family and friends, yes.

However, if you are looking for old friends you haven't seen in years, I can find that info via the internet. If I go to MySpace and look, I think I saw maybe three people from my class. We had over 200 plus in my graduating class...

I'm with you on the age medium. I think it will only go up as those who are 22 now, will most likely keep it and continue using it. But for today, over 30 is a weirdo deal. You cannot convince me that a 30 plus guy needs a MySpace account...

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Yup. I have MySpace.

Brian has been a "MySpace Friend" for a couple years now, at least since he helped me out with some YSR racing advice, tips, tricks, etc. at Circleville and BeaveRun (and on the OYL forums and LocalRiders).

The vast majority of my top "Friends" are family (sibings, cousins, aunts, uncles, spouses/SOs of family members... yeah, you get the point). Many are scattered across multiple states. Some are coworkers. Others our riding/touring friends. Again, scattered across multiple states (and some countries).

I use MySpace mostly as a tool for sharing photos, typically motorcycle or family related. I will often blog moto trips and family vacations with photos embedded. It's pretty easy and even my not-so-computer literate family members can handle it.

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you mean "Tommy"??



Oddly enough, earlier today, it wasn't a "private" profile....LMMFAO

Actually yes.... thank you for pointing that out. Tommy is how most of my family knows me, it's what my wife calls me, and it is what many of my long-time friends know me as.

I switched it to private today as a result of this thread. Since of have photos of my kids and their names mentioned in a few places, I figured it was a wise thing to do since it has obviously been of interest to a lot of weirdo stalkers lately.

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Actually yes.... thank you for pointing that out. Tommy is how most of my family knows me, it's what my wife calls me, and it is what many of my long-time friends know me as.

well i am not your friend nor do i want to be your friend, so excuse me for calling you TOM.

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