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No Jeans, Denim In Newark Under Proposed School Dress Code

RC51 John

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No Jeans, Denim In Newark Under Proposed School Dress Code

NEWARK, Ohio --

Jeans, denim and sweatpants are all prohibited under a proposed dress code in the Newark City School District. The district's school board is expected to consider the dress code proposal that would take effect in the 2010-2011 school year for students in grades 6 through 12.

The policy, modeled after Johnstown-Monroe Local Schools' rules, would limit students to just two colors of pants, shorts and skirts: khaki and black.

Only golf or button-down shirts would be permitted in one of four solid colors: black, white, grey and crimson.

School administrators say they are wasting too much time dealing with inappropriate dress. A typical school day involves 25 to 30 dress code violations, said spokesperson Fran Russ. But many students say they don't want to lose their ability to express themselves.

"I know there are a lot of students that are pro-uniform just because they don't have to worry about getting dressed in the morning, taking all that time," said Chris Powless, junior at Newark High School. "But I know there are lot of students who are against it because they don't get to wear what they want. They have to wear the same thing as everything else… I'm not a very big fan of it."

Other school districts such as Whitehall and Reynoldsburg have moved to dress codes in recent years. Johnstown-Monroe administrators say they issued 975 written dress code violations last year. After implementing the new dress code this year, they expect to issue only 40 violations.

Proponents point out a dress code can save parents money, promote better behavior and help security tell who belongs at school and who doesn't.

"It would make the teachers' job a little easier. They wouldn't have to be the dress code police. Thewould have more time to do the teaching and what they're really there to do," said Mindy Nelson, whose daughter graduated from Newark High School in 2005. "Kids will find a way to be original, even with a dress code. Whether it's their socks or their earrings, or whatever. And then if they want to do their own thing they can do it on the weekends."

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It is a Brave New World :(

School should not be looked at as a factory. Hell just run them all through a meat grinder and be done with it. That way no one will think because the system has never let them.

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make em all wear the same uniform. then school stops being a fashon show, it stops being a distraction, and maybe the kids will actually learn something.

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I don't have a problem with a dress code. I had one 1st through 8th. Sure it was easy to get dressed in the morning but it also gets rid of distractions, envy, hate, levels the income playing field and makes for a more professional learning environment. You don't go to school to check out girls butts, or compare shoe brands or make a statement against something. You are in school to learn and how to learn.

As a counter argument, now they have to buy certain clothes that some don't own. Go to Goodwill or Wal-mart. Or being held down by the school and a lack of identity. This goes back to what school is for.

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I don't have a problem with a dress code. I had one 1st through 8th. Sure it was easy to get dressed in the morning but it also gets rid of distractions, envy, hate, levels the income playing field and makes for a more professional learning environment. You don't go to school to check out girls butts, or compare shoe brands or make a statement against something. You are in school to learn and how to learn.

As a counter argument, now they have to buy certain clothes that some don't own. Go to Goodwill or Wal-mart. Or being held down by the school and a lack of identity. This goes back to what school is for.

I went to school to check out girls butts, they just weren't hanging out cuz their parents wouldnt let them leave the house like that. :D

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I think I support a dress code in public schools.

It's the lesser of two evils. what damages Dick & Jane more; the imposition of a dress code, or little Johnny a-hole acting out?

if a dress code helps control Johnny (and statistically, I believe it does), that's a bigger benefit to Dick & Jane than their 'self expression through fashion.'

These kids get to choose from 3 colors of shirts and 2 colors of pants. that's reasonable. To me it's no different than saying: "biology, chemistry, physics - take 2 before you graduate," or "spanish, french, german - choose 1 and take it for two years."

or are we restricting kids' freedom too much by not letting them fill every period with gym and study-hall too?:rolleyes:

They're kids - by definition, they don't always know what's best for themselves.

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I don't have a problem with a dress code. I had one 1st through 8th. Sure it was easy to get dressed in the morning but it also gets rid of distractions, envy, hate, levels the income playing field and makes for a more professional learning environment. You don't go to school to check out girls butts, or compare shoe brands or make a statement against something. You are in school to learn and how to learn.

it just prepares them for real life, where it does matter what you wear and what brand is on your shirt or what not. High School never ends, the building just changes.

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it just prepares them for real life, where it does matter what you wear and what brand is on your shirt or what not. High School never ends, the building just changes.

that's just it, high school does end, then the real world hits. How many jobs are there that don't have a uniform or dress code? My life is nothing like high school, is yours? when was the last time it mattered what was on your shirt?

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that's just it, high school does end, then the real world hits. How many jobs are there that don't have a uniform or dress code? My life is nothing like high school, is yours? when was the last time it mattered what was on your shirt?

when was the last time it mattered? Most of my adult life including where I am at with the State now. The software company I was at before that, and the major bank I was at before that. All 3 environments was VERY HS like, right down to the clicks and who you eat lunch with.

Yes there are jobs that require uniforms, this is true. There are places I am sure where what you you are dressed in does not matter, but there is a hell of a lot of jobs where it does.

Let not confuse the subject of uniform vs dress code. I do not agree with the girls that show up looking like hookers or the jack asses with the pants 3 sizes too big, but pushing to uniforms is just plain dumb. Kids keep showing up out of BASIC dress code fine the parents

and as far as dress codes working, maybe to some extent, but look that the ugly side of that, check out Japan and what their kids look like when they are not in school.

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dress code enforcement is subjective and uniforms are not. Sapphy I don't see you point about japan if there is a point it is retarded.

The over the top crazy shit they wear as a rebellion for being forced in uniforms 6 days a week.


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when was the last time it mattered? Most of my adult life including where I am at with the State now. The software company I was at before that, and the major bank I was at before that. All 3 environments was VERY HS like, right down to the clicks and who you eat lunch with.

Let not confuse the subject of uniform vs dress code. I do not agree with the girls that show up looking like hookers or the jack asses with the pants 3 sizes too big, but pushing to uniforms is just plain dumb. Kids keep showing up out of BASIC dress code fine the parents

and as far as dress codes working, maybe to some extent, but look that the ugly side of that, check out Japan and what their kids look like when they are not in school.

Did you guys go to the corner to watch fights? Did you beat someone up for the car they drive? If you are late 2/3rds of the year do they still let you come in to work? Did you support all your own expenses in HS?

Your "clicks" you refer to are people who think the same way and enjoy the company. Do you harass and beat up the other clicks?

What you are thinking equates to HS is just life in general.

Yes there are jobs that require uniforms, this is true. There are places I am sure where what you you are dressed in does not matter, but there is a hell of a lot of jobs where it does.

Yes, that's what I said, so you have a problem with dress codes' uniforms why?

Maybe if we wouldn't let kids run rampant and teach them to become adults in HS than the real world would act like a bunch of high schoolers.

And how in the world are you gonna compare us to Japan? Or lifestyles and mentality are totally different. You might as well say look at pigs they like to roll in mud to cool off, that should work for a butterfly.

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The over the top crazy shit they wear as a rebellion for being forced in uniforms 6 days a week.


Get out of hillbilly ass ohio for a minute and the US has more than its fair share of weirdos. Actually we have a bunch here in hickville ohio too. There is a very sucessfull chain store dedicated to selling stupid shit like that does hot topic ring a bell?

How many "vampires" do we have running around cause of their gay ass obsession with twilight? We even have adults on motorcycle forums starting gay ass threads on that shit.

I think there is a coorelation between the amount of brians in their head and what they choose to wear.

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The over the top crazy shit they wear as a rebellion for being forced in uniforms 6 days a week.

6 days a week? How many hours a day? Is it close to our kids that attend 5 days a week? I wore uniforms in grade school, we didn't rebel and look like trash outside of school. But we were a whole lot better educated and mature than when I went to HS with no uniform and a very lenient dress code. How many job interviews have you gone to wearing an what those girls you posted are wearing?

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Maybe if we wouldn't let kids run rampant and teach them to become adults in HS than the real world would act like a bunch of high schoolers.

yeah, that would be nice. but unfortunately high school does absolutely zero to prepare a student for college or real life. its just to keep you off the street until you are 18.

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yeah, that would be nice. but unfortunately high school does absolutely zero to prepare a student for college or real life. its just to keep you off the street until you are 18.

Exactly John. No one is held accountable in HS anymore. If a kid gets punished, the teacher gets suspended. Instead we let 18 year olds out into the real world who still act like children.

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Did you guys go to the corner to watch fights? Did you beat someone up for the car they drive? If you are late 2/3rds of the year do they still let you come in to work? Did you support all your own expenses in HS?

Your "clicks" you refer to are people who think the same way and enjoy the company. Do you harass and beat up the other clicks?

What you are thinking equates to HS is just life in general.

Yes, that's what I said, so you have a problem with dress codes' uniforms why?

Maybe if we wouldn't let kids run rampant and teach them to become adults in HS than the real world would act like a bunch of high schoolers.

And how in the world are you gonna compare us to Japan? Or lifestyles and mentality are totally different. You might as well say look at pigs they like to roll in mud to cool off, that should work for a butterfly.

does one click pick on the other, yes they do. I tend to always end up on the neutral ones, but I see it day in and day out. The "popular" people talk shit and maneuver against the less popular people. And it is funny how more times than not you can tell the difference by what they wear and drive.

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