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Iron fist hands down 130mph speeding ticket


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The difference here is that most of us to our speeding at the correct time/place, whereas this guy is claiming to have done it at 2am, on a road he is not familiar with. This makes him a dumbass, not the actual act of speeding.

There's a "correct time and place" for speeding? Where, exactly, is it and what time is best?

Your statements make you look like a dumb ass - although not quite as much of a dumb ass as the OP.

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There's a "correct time and place" for speeding? Where, exactly, is it and what time is best?

Your statements make you look like a dumb ass - although not quite as much of a dumb ass as the OP.

Maybe try going back to read the post I was replying to, where the "correct time and place" were mentioned that I was replying to.

I don't think anyone here would disagree that if you're going to speed, that daylight hours on roads you're familiar with would be more "correct" than 2am on a road you've got no clue about, and a track would be even MORE correct. Now who's the dumbass?

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Maybe try going back to read the post I was replying to, where the "correct time and place" were mentioned, that I was replying to.

I don't think anyone here would disagree that if you're going to speed, that daylight hours on roads you're familiar with would be more "correct" than 2am on a road you've got no clue about. Now who's the dumbass?

i would say its better to speed at the dead of night when nobody is out on the road, instead of the middle of the day when momma is taking her kiddies to chucky cheese

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i would say its better to speed at the dead of night when nobody is out on the road, instead of the middle of the day when momma is taking her kiddies to chucky cheese

Disagree. I can SEE momma taking her kiddies to Chuckie Cheese - and she's relatively predictable behind the wheel of a minivan.

Bambi - is not. Including during daylight hours, but especially at night.

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Hypocrites mostly; mainly on the speed. Like nobody has been in triples before. Especially how fast sportbikes get up there. I've seen sooo many people on this forum hit triples before. Mob mentality up in this thread. I'm not endorsing the running, to each his own when he's the only one on the road at 2am. To bash him for going a triple digit speed is bullshit, especially when most have a bike that'll do it easily. If you don't ever plan to speed now and then (correct time/place) why did you buy a sportbike? Comfort? I think not. This thread saddens me........mob mentality for sure.:nono::(

1. he was clocked for doing 12mph over (probably wouldn't even have gotten a ticket)

2. ran and went over 170mph on a dark public road (like a boss)

3. got a reckless OP ticket for doing 130 (according to cop)

4. hired a lawyer, didn't get anything taken off or lowered, but inevitably still paid the guy a few hundred bucks in addition to court costs and his fines/fees for the ticket.

5. bragged about it online, fully expecting to be showered with praise for massive failure

and THAT is why I'm here for the gang bang

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Maybe try going back to read the post I was replying to, where the "correct time and place" were mentioned that I was replying to.

I don't think anyone here would disagree that if you're going to speed, that daylight hours on roads you're familiar with would be more "correct" than 2am on a road you've got no clue about, and a track would be even MORE correct. Now who's the dumbass?

First, there aren't varying degrees of "correctness". Its either correct, or incorrect. Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day.

On a track you aren't exceeding the speed limit because there isn't one.

Dumb ass.

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Ok, but at 170 mph, you're outrunning your headlights. I'm not talking about 270 at 4:00pm here.
Disagree. I can SEE momma taking her kiddies to Chuckie Cheese - and she's relatively predictable behind the wheel of a minivan.

Bambi - is not. Including during daylight hours, but especially at night.

do you realize how fast 170 mph is??

at 170 mph youre outrunning your reaction time...headlights dont mean shit, if you come up on a tire laying in the road at that speed, good fuckin luck...

and jrm, lets take the best situation possible, say youre doing 170 down 71 where its 4-5 lanes wide (polaris area).... if theres people out on the roads with you, they could check their mirrors quickly and see you way off in the distance, and then switch lanes, merge, swerve for an exit they almost missed, etc etc etc....people in cars do unpredictable shit all the time...thats why bikers are always getting mowed over by cars, because people in cars pay no fucking attention....if everything was as easy to predict as you make it out to be, nobody would ever be in a wreck

i would rather take my chance that a deer would run out in front of me going down 270, and an suv pulling into my lane as im going by....atleast if you hit a deer at that speed, you have a chance to survive it, you hit a car/truck at that speed and you end up like that internet famous dude whose head is crushed into the back of the semi while his body is dangling there

ill take my chances at night on clear roads, instead of day time when everybody is out there with me!

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First, there aren't varying degrees of "correctness". Its either correct, or incorrect. Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day.

On a track you aren't exceeding the speed limit because there isn't one.

Dumb ass.

You work for the IIHS, don't you? Speed kills, motorcycles should be outlawed, and bubble suits for everyone... There again, many of your posts are incoherent, nonsensical babble, so... Grain of salt, that's all I'm saying. :rolleyes:

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That dude that face planted into the back of a semi... that was at NIGHT. ;)

And it's reasonable to expect a car to change lanes in front of you, but it's also reasonable to assume they won't use the shoulder to drive on, so you have an 'out' there, if necessary. Of course that's a gamble too, because the shoulder might be littered with carcasses of semi tires or deer - so deer would end up getting you afterall, eh?

All that being said, I've never been in that situation and don't expect to put myself in that situation anytime soon. That's what the dragstrip is for if you're just looking to go fast in a straight line.

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Someone please change this dudes screen name.... I read the first 3 pages thinking it was NinjaNick!!! So confused :p


:D Remember that old timer at the gas station in KY on the Jim Beam ride, after all those other bikes pulled out??

:lol: OMG that old man was a NUTJOB! :lol: But he had a zx10 and was shocked that we told him the 14 wouldn't do over 100mph. :lol: You guys cracked me up.

its funny to look at this thread and compare it to the driving record thread where everybody posts up all their tickets..... its like watching a group of retards throwing rocks at a retarded kid calling him stupid

:lol: True...true.

I disagree with your assessment, with all due respect. Yes, anyone here would be lying if they said they've never sped on their bike, and probably 90% would be lying if they said they'd never broken into triple digits. The difference here is that most of us to our speeding at the correct time/place, whereas this guy is claiming to have done it at 2am, on a road he is not familiar with. This makes him a dumbass, not the actual act of speeding.

Yeah, I've never sped at night honestly...the dark freaks me out and you can't see much of a distance even at the speed limit.

I'm confused by your surprise at this kind of thing....

EAT IT JARVIS! :mad::p

1. he was clocked for doing 12mph over (probably wouldn't even have gotten a ticket)

2. ran and went over 170mph on a dark public road (like a boss)

3. got a reckless OP ticket for doing 130 (according to cop)

4. hired a lawyer, didn't get anything taken off or lowered, but inevitably still paid the guy a few hundred bucks in addition to court costs and his fines/fees for the ticket.

5. bragged about it online, fully expecting to be showered with praise for massive failure

I see your point. :) He's still getting ripped WAY too hard. He fucked up...we all do. Hopefully he learns from it.

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First, there aren't varying degrees of "correctness". Its either correct, or incorrect. Exceeding the speed limit is incorrect, not to mention illegal regardless of the time of day.

On a track you aren't exceeding the speed limit because there isn't one.

Dumb ass.

Ah crap.... I have to agree with Todd here, and I just hate doing that, he argues really well, and without emoticons. :nono:

Do I break the speed limit? More often than I should. Triple digits? Not on my slow bikes!

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That dude that face planted into the back of a semi... that was at NIGHT. ;)

And it's reasonable to expect a car to change lanes in front of you, but it's also reasonable to assume they won't use the shoulder to drive on, so you have an 'out' there, if necessary. Of course that's a gamble too, because the shoulder might be littered with carcasses of semi tires or deer - so deer would end up getting you afterall, eh?

All that being said, I've never been in that situation and don't expect to put myself in that situation anytime soon. That's what the dragstrip is for if you're just looking to go fast in a straight line.

not saying either situation is a good one to be in, but myself personally, would rather risk it at night because i fear cars more than i fear deer

any instant maneuvers at that speed and your fucked

agree to disagree? im sure we can atleast come to the mutual agreement that 170mph on public roads is not safe period, no matter what time of day it is

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You work for the IIHS, don't you? Speed kills, motorcycles should be outlawed, and bubble suits for everyone... There again, many of your posts are incoherent, nonsensical babble, so... Grain of salt, that's all I'm saying. :rolleyes:

Nope, I don't work for IIHS. I don't believe motorcycles should be outlawed - I've probably owned, ridden and raced more bikes than you've sat your ass on. Certainly speed will kill you more quickly than going slow - unless you get run over by a bus.

When discussing nonsensical babble, I'm confident that your "correct time and place for speeding" will be part of the discussion. Its really not my problem if you can't understand a simple concept of right and wrong, legal and illegal, correct and incorrect.

Ah crap.... I have to agree with Todd here, and I just hate doing that, he argues really well, and without emoticons.

Just don't tell anyone. You'll be ok.

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Nope, I don't work for IIHS. I don't believe motorcycles should be outlawed - I've probably owned, ridden and raced more bikes than you've sat your ass on. Certainly speed will kill you more quickly than going slow - unless you get run over by a bus.

When discussing nonsensical babble, I'm confident that your "correct time and place for speeding" will be part of the discussion. Its really not my problem if you can't understand a simple concept of right and wrong, legal and illegal, correct and incorrect.

Just don't tell anyone. You'll be ok.

:rulez: Clearly, you didn't go back and read the post discussing "correct time and place for speeding", but that's okay. You probably HAVE owned more motorcycles than my ass has sat on.

I've got a pretty good handle on the right/wrong, legal/illegal thing.

This is getting dumb. Can't we just be friends?

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