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Latest rumor about LeBron...


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So has anyone heard about the latest rumor?

Well, I was heading back to work and the radio was talking about this. It seems that Delante West has a little thing for LeBron's mom... They said something may have happened between them, and that was one of the reasons LeBron shut down toward the end of the series.

Not saying it's true, but who knows... This is what 107.5 said around 2:00 pm today....LOL!

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I have a friend that works with the Cavs, he said either the team is ridiculously quiet about it or that its a manufactured story. Judging by the fact its all over the internet yet I haven't heard about it on a single reputable news outlet, I'm going to have to concur with my friend

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Actually.... THE latest rumor starting over the weekend is that Calipari & LeBron, who both have the same agent & are apparently good friends, are headed as a package deal to, most likely, the Bulls, though the Nets & Clippers are also being mentioned

William Wesley, the most powerful man that nobody knows in the NBA, is supposedly brokering the deal behind the scenes. Just read an article about this same guy a couple weeks ago in ESPN Magazine IIRC. Very mysterious dude, who supposedly has absolute cred with the players

Edited by Fonzie
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From “Nance, Frederick R.”


“Mr. Owens. I am the attorney for Gloria and LeBron James. I am writing to demand that you Cease and Desist in repeating the lies you have been instrumental in spreading regarding Gloria James. They are categorically false and per se defamatory. If you do not understand the legal significance of those facts, I strongly urge you to consult your legal counsel.”

“At first blush, your irresponsible speculation about what might have contributed to the Cavaliers performance in the Boston series was so idiotic and “off the wall” that we did not think that it even warranted a denial. No thinking person could possibly believe such rubbish. But you have persisted in repeating this nonsense, attributing it to an unidentified source all for your own personal gain. We demand that you immediately stop publishing or in any way repeating these false, despicable and per se defamatory statements.”

“Frederick R. Nance”

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Broussard for ESPN is reporting tonight that it looks like 'Bron's goin' to Miami

We should find out for sure tomorrow night. Last night they were sayin' that he was in negotiations with ESPN for an hour special to announce his decision :nono:

I guess at least he was going to donate the sponsor $$ he was seeking for said special, to Boys & Girl's Club

**ESPN just had commercial for special tomorrow night, 9pm

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Yeah, I got a text last night saying LeBron was flying down to Miami but then I recieved another one that said that statement was not true. I'm not a LeBron fan but I am a Heat fan, so bring on the big 3 for Miami!!!

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who cares

this whole free agency stunt has extremely soured me on him. I have always been a big LBJ fan and supporter but its his fault the Cavs couldn't do better, couldn't attract free agents without a commitment from him. Just tell us you are going or staying and make it easy instead of this stupid drama filled attention whore act

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TMZ was reporting he's going to the Knicks.

Problem is if he leaves Cavs aren't going to be able to attract any decent player for a long time and they're going to be a crappy regular season team with no hopes of seeing the playoffs for a long long time. On the plus side all of Cavs jerseys would be cheap....

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Broussard for ESPN is reporting tonight that it looks like 'Bron's goin' to Miami

I'm heavily discounting this because in the last week Chris Broussard has only proven he is an idiot with knowledge of nothing free agency related. He has broke "news" and then later refuted it mere hours later. Knowing Lebron and his camp, they are purposely letting people say all they want to create a whirlwind of shit. Until it comes from Lebron's mouth and his signature is on the dotted line I don't believe any of these drama queens

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Let me give you the layout for the next 5-7 years.

LeBron leaves...Cavs return to being a shit team...fan attendance drops substantially...owner relocates team.

Any of this sound familiar Cleveland fans!?!?

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I don't feel that the team will suck when he leaves if you look at the numbers we still had a winning record in games last season with no lebron I don't think we will be a playoff team but I don't feel we will suck either way its all about the hype must be a hard decision where do I go 125million or 93 million . over paid baby's

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Let me give you the layout for the next 5-7 years.

LeBron leaves...Cavs return to being a shit team...fan attendance drops substantially...owner relocates team.

Any of this sound familiar Cleveland fans!?!?

Ding, ding, Ding.

We have a WINNER!

Any of you fucks that really care, or put up with this NY Yankee loving, poor sport drama queen ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

He'll go to Miami or Chicago. He WON'T be a Cavalier.


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