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Latest rumor about LeBron...


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Ok. I don't like the hype this has created either. It is actually safe to say I fucking despise it considering the other important worldly affairs that need to be known. But to blame the hype on Lebron? Come on. That is completely unreasonable and ignorant at best. Do you think it is coincidence that all other free agents announced their decision before him? Have you thought about the different associated parties that can make tremendous amounts of money from him holding out on a decision?

And even if it WAS coming down to just his decision- that is a fucking hard decision to make. Give the guy a break. No all star as big as him has had to grow up in this disgusting age of drama filled media that we call journalism.

I can't wait to see him play, although I wish he woulda gone to Chicago if anywhere other than Cleveland. I won't be watching every one of the Heat's games like I did the Cavs for 7 consecutive seasons though. :(

R.I.P. Cavs

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please post pics in riot thread :lol:

i tried to get pics of our celebratory firework display wishing him good riddance that nearly caused a fight between 2 of my neighbors but it didnt quite turn out

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No all star as big as him has had to grow up in this disgusting age of drama filled media that we call journalism.

Ummmm..... Kobe ;)

I do agree with a lot of the rest of your comments

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But to blame the hype on Lebron? Come on. That is completely unreasonable and ignorant at best.

Yeah...it was ALL those other people that called ESPN to arrange his hour long infomercial.

This was HIS doing. No one else's. To suggest that the hype was created by someone else for his benefit is ignorant. Period.

Seven years and he didn't win a sausage in Cleveland. If this guy was a quarterback for the Browns you'd have rode him out of town on a rail after two years.

Glad he's gone, now we can start talking about shit that really matters - like how fucking hot it is.

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the one was pissy we were shooting fireworks and took exception to the other saying maybe you should follow your boyfriend to miami. Several others joined in to restrain them and I had just busted out the camera for maximum comedy

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Apparently.... The Knicks sent in Isaiah Thomas last night, as a last ditch effort to win LeBron over. Funny thing is... Zeke got fired by the Knicks a couple years ago, & is coaching for FIU now :dunno:

Also.... 'Bron didn't even meet with him in person. 'Ol Isaiah had to meet with some of his "peoples" :lol:


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LBJ proved he can't lead a team to a championship. The Heat is D Wade's team, he'll be the one taking that last second shot. 3 stars is great, but there going to have to biuld a contender with 7 guys playing for minimum salaries.

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From the front page of the Cavs, copypasta'd for you lazy people out there:

Dear Cleveland, All Of Northeast Ohio and Cleveland Cavaliers Supporters Wherever You May Be Tonight;

As you now know, our former hero, who grew up in the very region that he deserted this evening, is no longer a Cleveland Cavalier.

This was announced with a several day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his "decision" unlike anything ever "witnessed" in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.

Clearly, this is bitterly disappointing to all of us.

The good news is that the ownership team and the rest of the hard-working, loyal, and driven staff over here at your hometown Cavaliers have not betrayed you nor NEVER will betray you.

There is so much more to tell you about the events of the recent past and our more than exciting future. Over the next several days and weeks, we will be communicating much of that to you.

You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal.

You have given so much and deserve so much more.

In the meantime, I want to make one statement to you tonight:


You can take it to the bank.

If you thought we were motivated before tonight to bring the hardware to Cleveland, I can tell you that this shameful display of selfishness and betrayal by one of our very own has shifted our "motivation" to previously unknown and previously never experienced levels.

Some people think they should go to heaven but NOT have to die to get there.

Sorry, but that's simply not how it works.

This shocking act of disloyalty from our home grown "chosen one" sends the exact opposite lesson of what we would want our children to learn. And "who" we would want them to grow-up to become.

But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.

The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south. And until he does "right" by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma.

Just watch.

Sleep well, Cleveland.

Tomorrow is a new and much brighter day....

I PROMISE you that our energy, focus, capital, knowledge and experience will be directed at one thing and one thing only:

DELIVERING YOU the championship you have long deserved and is long overdue....


Dan Gilbert

Majority Owner

Cleveland Cavaliers

Ah Dan, the perennial cheerleader. Even when your "championship" teams were crumbling around you, even with the gaping deficiencies in players ("but Shaq's a big name! He'll perform just like he did 10 years ago!"), even with throwing gobs of money at the problem but only treating the symptoms, you remain blissfully ignorant.

You built this team squarely on the shoulders of one man. While it's true that this man possessed talent arguably not seen since the reign of Jordan, Jordan at least had a competent supporting cast. You kept throwing draft rejects and has-beens at him and expected them to start playing better by osmosis just because they were close to James.

So that's where this vast experience is based on. Even with this overwhelming trend of failure and mismanagement, you seem to think that you can build a championship quality team by next season. Miami's arguably got one now, so time's a wastin'.

By the way, I already called the bank about that deposit you want me to make, and they don't take any more checks from Cleveland. I can accept other forms of guarantee, like cash. I'm sure you have lots of that lying around, especially after tonight.

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This is why I only watch hockey. You just don't see the level of drama and elitism that you do with other sports.

The last true sport out there. The 2004 Ottawa Senators couldn't make payroll for a month (as ownership was being transferred to someone else), not only did the players play, but they STOMPED on the opposition. Not a single person complained.

You show me these drama queens do that.

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The last true sport out there. The 2004 Ottawa Senators couldn't make payroll for a month (as ownership was being transferred to someone else), not only did the players play, but they STOMPED on the opposition. Not a single person complained.

You show me these drama queens do that.

I didn't know that but it doesn't surprise me. I've been a Jackets fan since the first season. Sure we hate to see players leave but we didn't burn Columbus down over Tugnutt, Shelly, Leclaire, Federov etc. But at the end of the day they do need to do what's best for them I really think most NHL players play for the game and for the fans. I know it isn't true for all players, but the majority.

Edit: Yeah we aren't that good but I still support them. :D

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I didn't know that but it doesn't surprise me. I've been a Jackets fan since the first season. Sure we hate to see players leave but we didn't burn Columbus down over Tugnutt, Shelly, Leclaire, Federov etc. But at the end of the day they do need to do what's best for them I really think most NHL players play for the game and for the fans. I know it isn't true for all players, but the majority.

Edit: Yeah we aren't that good but I still support them. :D


That being said, we all have to get together on Dec 11th. My Rangers are coming to town for interleague play, this happens about as often as the World Cup. :)

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Wow Dan, you should have been out there burning his jersey with those clowns! You are a big turd for even posting that up. Thinking and writing it for yourself, not so bad, but publicly putting that up? Real professional. I'm sure athletes are just ringing your phone off the hook to play for the Cavs. Oh wait, you might just blame them for your stupidity and call them a curse. Good luck with that championship before the Heat. You're a joke!

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Michael Rosenberg> INSIDE THE NBA

LeBron hardly a king for taking the easy way out with star-laden Heat

GREENWICH, Conn., July 8, 1990 -- Michael Jordan announced on national television leaving Chicago to join the Detroit Pistons. Jordan said it was tough to bolt Chicago, where he was the most popular athlete in many years, because he thinks he has a better chance to win a championship if he plays with Pistons star Isiah Thomas. Jordan said by playing together, he and Thomas "won't have the pressure of going out and scoring 30 every night."

That would have sounded absurd, right? Well, it is no more absurd than what LeBron James is doing. Jordan was 27 years old in 1990, slightly older than James is now. He had never been to the NBA Finals. He had been beaten up by the Celtics and Pistons for years. He doubted his supporting cast was good enough.

But he never doubted himself.

And it became very clear Thursday night that LeBron James does doubt himself. James will be a champion in Miami -- if not next year, then sometime after that. If you put James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh together and give Pat Riley five years to find the complementary pieces, that team will win a championship.

But James does not have the heart of a champion. He does not have the competitive fire of Jordan, the bull-headed determination of Kobe Bryant, the quiet self-confidence of Tim Duncan, the willful defiance of Isiah or the winning-is-everything hunger of Magic Johnson.

He is an extremely gifted player who wants the easy way out.

And how do we know this?

James said so himself.

Oh, not in so many words. But once ESPN was done ESPN-izing its LeBron coverage -- filling it with babbling experts, needless hype and Jim Gray submitting his top six entries in the Stupidest Question Ever contest -- the self-proclaimed King said everything you need to know about him.

1. "You have to do what's best for you, and what's going to make you happy."

This is what's going to make him happy? Sharing a stage with two other stars? Really?

I guess that's all LeBron is: A complementary player with superstar talent. We should have figured this out before: He got that giant CHOSEN 1 tattoo on his back and calls himself King James because he is desperate for reassurance.

There is no greater challenge in sports getting drafted by a godawful team, planting your flag in a city and working like crazy until you have turned that team into a champion.

LeBron James didn't want the challenge. He wanted to play with his buddies.

2. "We don't have the pressure of going out and scoring 30 every night or shooting a high percentage."

Whoa. Hold on there. Scoring 30 a night is too much pressure for one of the five most talented players ever?

Find me another all-time NBA great who would utter those words. Jordan would rather do an adidas commercial than say that. Bryant must have laughed as he heard the so-called "King" say that. Larry Bird? The next time he complains about pressure will be the first. Magic was the greatest team player of the last 40 years, but he was also so competitive that he wanted to play Jordan one-on-one in a promotional event -- and this was when Magic had won titles and Jordan had not, so Magic had more to lose.

3. "I know how loyal I am."

The man just dumped his hometown(s) on national television. Cleveland (and, by extension, Akron) happens to be the most tortured sports city in America. To do that, then say "I know how loyal I am" ... wow, wow, wow.

I wish I could sit in on one of LeBron's meetings with his advisers. Does he make them all wear mirrored sunglasses, so that when he looks at them he sees himself?

We really don't ask that much of our sports stars. Try not to get arrested for anything big. Don't curse at the fans. You know, small stuff. We even understand that 95 percent of the time, they will make career decisions based on money -- we might not love it, but we understand it.

But see, the biggest thing that we ask of our sports stars is this: Take the competition as seriously as we do.

When LeBron James loses to Boston in the playoffs, we want him to take the heat, not take the Heat's offer. We want him to spend the summer adding to his game, calling and texting his teammates, plotting to do better next season.

Instead, well ...

4. "It's about joining forces with the other two guys."

He sounds like a nine-year-old playing Star Wars games with his buddies at a sleepover. And again: I do believe this Miami team will win a title. But it won't be as easy as he wants it to be. Miami will have the weakest bench of any contender next season After that, the NBA will have a lockout, and the league could eliminate the mid-level exception, which would be Miami's best tool for adding talent.

So this is a cop-out, but it's not as easy of a cop-out as it appears. And that brings us to ...

5. "This is the greatest challenge for me."

LeBron James just jumped into an elevator and wants us to think he can fly. Sorry, but we know better. We know that he did something Michael, Magic, Bird and Bill Russell never would have done. We know he ditched Cleveland for an All-Star team.

But you know what? In Miami, anything short of a title will be a failure. Nobody outside of Miami will root for this team, and nobody in Miami roots for anybody. They're too busy enjoying the weather.

I thought he would stay in Cleveland, because I thought all he cared about was adoration. I was wrong about Cleveland, but he is wrong about adoration. He thinks he'll get it by winning a title. He has insulated himself from the world, surrounded himself with yes men. He has no idea how much backlash he is about to get.

That's one of the great ironies of this -- James is trying to flee pressure, but he will just face more of it. He is trying to maximize his "brand," but he just damaged it.

The first time I watched LeBron James live, I thought he could be the greatest player ever. The sad truth for us, for him, and for the NBA is that he never really believed it himself.


Rosenburg pretty much nailed it. LBJ is an extremely gifted athlete, but doesn't have the heart of a champion. Many suspected it, LBJ proved it in the Boston series and again during 'The Decision.'

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A more recent example is Kobe. After Shaq left, nobody thought Kobe could win any more titles.... Especially after Shaq went to Miami & won another one first. But Kobe always believed in himself, & I think to a lesser degree, Phil & the Laker organization, & as close as he came to leaving a couple years ago.... He ultimately stayed & stuck it out, & is now 2 deep into another threepeat

I haven't always condoned his personal behavior when he was younger, but I do admire his tenacity & fierce competitiveness

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Lebron James, you've entered the realm of Art Modell, welcome to being hated by cleveland.

your best years are behind you, you're a tired old shell of a former player. You're nothing. I hope Wade and Bosh can carry you.

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Lebron James, you've entered the realm of Art Modell, welcome to being hated by cleveland.

Like Modell.... I don't think 'Bron will ever be able to step foot in Ohio again, except for away games. He doesn't have the choice of staying home for those like Art did

your best years are behind you, you're a tired old shell of a former player. You're nothing. I hope Wade and Bosh can carry you.
Disagree with you here Duane. He's only 25.... Entering his prime. This next 5-6 years with the Heat should coincide with his skills & physical prowess peaking
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