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Help from people at osu!!


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wow....you filed a police report? really? how fuckin petty... get over it.

I don't find it petty at all. There as been a rise in issues around campus and I want to cut this off at the knees before it turns into something more. My good friend and fellow coworker is having issues because a rider got a hold of her phone number and wont stop calling her. She is probably going to have to change her number. Another driver has gotten love letters from riders before. There is a fine line between a compliment/flirting and harassment/stalking. There was a guy a few months back that brought a gun onto a bus. We allow any one and every one to get on and since you don't have to pay non students take advantage of it all the time. There are no cameras and since it is OSU property I can't carry. I find nothing wrong with trying to protect myself and take measures so that I feel safe at work.

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It helped Nate out very recently! /cough
He about got the spocker! But I came to the rescue. :D

yea man that was very much appreciated, figured i'd be ok on a quiet sunday afternoon...

and i felt the beginning of a spock but it didn't make its way in thankfully.

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Well, Its your word against his so Im sure nothing will come of it. I suggest you just let it go.

To pursue it, you would have to:

Find the license plate of the car.

Get the police involved to find the owner. (if they will even help)

Verify that the owner was the driver during the "encounter"

And then you still have an argument of your word against his before you can press any charges.

Let it go and chalk it up to you being more mature then they are.

You are correct, it is her word against his and as a criminal matter, and probably nothing will happen. However, she is also correct about the student code of conduct. Having previously worked the OSU/CPD joint patrol for a couple of years, I know that the university takes this type of offense seriously.

Even if no criminal charges are filed, the university can take any type of action that it sees fit. It could range anywhere from a "stern" letter from the university to expulsion. One thing that most students don't understand is that even if they are not "on campus", they are still required to live by the code of conduct (which they all were given a hard copy of at their Freshman orientation) if they are a current student . The other thing that students don't understand is that if they are expelled from a state school, they can not attend ANY state funded school for 3 years. If you are an enrolled student, OSU's code of conduct applies any day, any time, and anywhere in the world. I say report it and follow through.

If you want some contact information for the Student Judicial Review Board, PM me and I will give it to you.

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Coming from a girl.. Doesnt make much sense now does it. Much be nice to win situations just because youre female.

Or maybe it is because the legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence so if a woman said a man was sexually inappropriate then chances are he was.

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Apparently some people can't take a compliment. :p
wow....you filed a police report? really? how fuckin petty... get over it.

I am sure if this had happened to your mother/sister/wife/daughter you would be rolling around OSU looking for the car so that you could administer a little vigilante justice. But in your tiny little world with the exception of your mother/sister/wife/daughter all women just need to put up with shit from men and shut up and take it?

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Coming from a girl.. Doesnt make much sense now does it. Much be nice to win situations just because youre female.
Or maybe it is because the legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence so if a woman said a man was sexually inappropriate then chances are he was.

You're missing the bigger point Flat Fish....

At least one of them finally admits there's a gender bias, & it's not them being discriminated against anymore ;)

Edited by Fonzie
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You're missing the bigger point Flat Fish....

At least one of them finally admits there's a gender bias, & it's not them being discriminated against anymore ;)

:p gender bias goes both ways... just depends on the situation.

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One time I was riding on campus and a girl made a weird noise at me, then swallowed a banana whole. I took her home with me. Did I do it wrong?

Edit: If my girlfriend reads this, this did not actually happen. Except for the one time I was riding on campus part. That did happen. Thank you.

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So what if he had a gun. Did he wave it around or make threats with it? Are there signs against it?

For the time being he was inciting panic (especially after WV). There are signs posted everywhere saying no firearms on OSU's campus. Honestly if you were on a bus and saw some random guy holding a gun what would you think?

Some what related note...



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legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence

I sincerely don't think this statement only pertains to men. Seriously. Mankind maybe.

As for the incident, if you couldn't get the guys plate you're not going to find him (unless you see him again) so you may want to consider it just as it was - some complete idiot acting like a complete idiot. Besides, from some of the things I've read in some of your posts and threads, I'd think you could take that. Morons have been making this gesture to pretty girls a lot lately. I think it's the new 'whistle'.

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I sincerely don't think this statement only pertains to men. Seriously. Mankind maybe.

As for the incident, if you couldn't get the guys plate you're not going to find him (unless you see him again) so you may want to consider it just as it was - some complete idiot acting like a complete idiot. Besides, from some of the things I've read in some of your posts and threads, I'd think you could take that. Morons have been making this gesture to pretty girls a lot lately. I think it's the new 'whistle'.

Me personally, if a man did that to me, I would flip him off and drive on, but that is me, I am over all that and just put up with it. But others are not as numb to it as me, and they should have a right to not have to deal with that shit. My bitch in all this is a the FEW that are being shitty because she did not want to just blow it off and let this shit head get away with that shit.

and yes I will agree that there are many women that are barely above monkeys as well, but they don't have to go around being rudely sexual to too many men to get a man that will appease her.

Edited by Sapphy
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Yeah hun I'm gonna agree with the majority here i don't think you are going to find him. Trust me Id be pissed off too, but next time (your a pretty girl I'm sure some douche will do it again) be quicker and get the whole plate... But i do see what your saying, you want to make an example.. Shit if i called the cops on every dirt bag that made vulgar gestures at me, there would be a lot pissed off guys looking to kill me... Thats just the ignorance of our society now-a-days. You win some you lose some.

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Or maybe it is because the legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence so if a woman said a man was sexually inappropriate then chances are he was.

BTW.... Should I ever decide I want to flame a woman on here for whatever reason I deem fit, by calling many of womankind ignorant, or comparing them to some animal, or saying many women are manipulative witches.....

This is my free pass/"Get Out of Jail Free" card

With all due respect

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BTW.... Should I ever decide I want to flame a woman on here for whatever reason I deem fit, by calling many of womankind ignorant, or comparing them to some animal, or saying many women are manipulative witches.....

This is my free pass/"Get Out of Jail Free" card

With all due respect

I did not say all, or most or named anyone on here. There are many good men in the world that don't act like that, but there are many that do.

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For the time being he was inciting panic (especially after WV). There are signs posted everywhere saying no firearms on OSU's campus. Honestly if you were on a bus and saw some random guy holding a gun what would you think?

Some what related note...



So he was using the gun to induce panic. Actually holding it? Waving it around right? And these buses only run on campus? I haven't been to OSU so I have no idea where they run.

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I don't find it petty at all. There as been a rise in issues around campus and I want to cut this off at the knees before it turns into something more. My good friend and fellow coworker is having issues because a rider got a hold of her phone number and wont stop calling her. She is probably going to have to change her number. Another driver has gotten love letters from riders before. There is a fine line between a compliment/flirting and harassment/stalking. There was a guy a few months back that brought a gun onto a bus. We allow any one and every one to get on and since you don't have to pay non students take advantage of it all the time. There are no cameras and since it is OSU property I can't carry. I find nothing wrong with trying to protect myself and take measures so that I feel safe at work.

its not like the dude was sitting on the bus staring at you like some obsessed dude...it was just some jackass in a car making an obscene gesture, if people filed police reports every time somebody made an obscene gesture at them, we would need a much larger police force!.... hell, if someone in traffic cuts me off, i flip them the bird, whats the difference? it was nothing but some jackass making a gesture, so put your skirt back down and outta kill mode, and move on with your life instead of wasting the police's time and the tax payers money to pursure something that makes no difference at all....im not saying the people you know should let it go, but theres a difference in being harassed and stalked, and having somebody in traffic make a gesture at you that you didnt like

I am sure if this had happened to your mother/sister/wife/daughter you would be rolling around OSU looking for the car so that you could administer a little vigilante justice. But in your tiny little world with the exception of your mother/sister/wife/daughter all women just need to put up with shit from men and shut up and take it?

it would not be worth my time to drive around campus looking for that idiot....maybe some dudes would do it, but not me....if i was there when it happened, ide threaten the dude to quit, but im not gonna go fucking search for his ass over something so small and insignificant...its not like this dude jumped outta his car, ran on the bus, copped a feel, licked her on the nose, did a ritualistic pervscream, and jumped back into his car to make a getaway

why the hell are women so dramatic

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One time I was riding on campus and a girl made a weird noise at me, then swallowed a banana whole. I took her home with me. Did I do it wrong?

Isn't that how you have your current girl anyways? Jus sayin...

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I did not say all, or most or named anyone on here.

Neither did I. I used your same word.... "many"

There are many good men in the world that don't act like that, but there are many that do.

And there are "many" good women in the world that don't act like witches.... But there are "many" that do

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Or maybe it is because the legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence so if a woman said a man was sexually inappropriate then chances are he was.
I am sure if this had happened to your mother/sister/wife/daughter you would be rolling around OSU looking for the car so that you could administer a little vigilante justice. But in your tiny little world with the exception of your mother/sister/wife/daughter all women just need to put up with shit from men and shut up and take it?

Don't take yourself so fucking seriously. I certainly don't. :rolleyes:

And no, if some immature douchebag makes annoying gestures at my wife, I don't go looking to beat some ass-- I generally only react with violence to people actually doing harm or posing a credible threat. Normally, when she tells me about something like this, we laugh about it and move on.

Of course, maybe I don't believe in prosecuting people for being offensive or annoying because I find the vast majority of people to be offensive and annoying, and I just don't have that much free time.

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