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confederate flag: honorable symbol, or blatant slap in the face to veterans?


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Now, as many of you know, I'm really not big into the military or anything.

However, as I was driving home today, I seen a confederate flag flying on someone's porch. I thought to myself "what an ass".

Now maybe I'm reading this all wrong, but isn't the confederate army (that which was symbolised by that flag) an enemy of the united states of america? (that which was symbolized by the stars and stripes we all know)

This just struck me as extremely inconsiderate, and inappropriate for memorial day. Kinda like putting up a nazi flag on jewish heritage day, or something.

Just thought I'd get your opinions on the subject, and vent a little.

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Memorial day isn't about the civil war.

But the Confederate flag has morphed in most peoples minds from being the flag of the States that seceded from the union.

Today most people view the confederate flag as redneck, hillbilly and country. Mangl.....Like you, I question if they understand if it they actually understand what it stands for.

With that said, Most people with education don't fly the stars and bars. My didn't gradiate high school neighbors fly it. Have stickers on everything they own. Ignorant.

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Memorial day isn't about the civil war.

But the Confederate flag has morphed in most peoples minds from being the flag of the States that seceded from the union.

Today most people view the confederate flag as redneck, hillbilly and country. Mangl.....Like you, I question if they understand if it they actually understand what it stands for.

With that said, Most people with education don't fly the stars and bars. My didn't gradiate high school neighbors fly it. Have stickers on everything they own. Ignorant.

Funny since Memorial day started during the Civil War. Know your history a little bit better :nono:

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unless I was told an incorrect story, the stars and bars stands for a lot more than just "yay slavery"

I could care less if someone flies a Confederate Flag as it has zero meaning to me other than, oh hey I learned about the civil war in middle school

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unless I was told an incorrect story, the stars and bars stands for a lot more than just "yay slavery"

I could care less if someone flies a Confederate Flag as it has zero meaning to me other than, oh hey I learned about the civil war in middle school

it represents a government that was at war with the united states, lost, and was dismantled as a government. That was why I thought it was inappropriate on memorial day.

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Americans died on both sides of that fight' date=' Magz. Nothing disrespectful about flying the Confederate flag on Memorial Day, as long as the Nation's flag was flying above it... but, that probably didn't happen.[/quote']

nope, all the other flag poles on the porches on that street were flying the stars and stripes... one idjut had the stars and bars

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it represents a government that was at war with the united states, lost, and was dismantled as a government. That was why I thought it was inappropriate on memorial day.

I must be spending too much time in the south lately as I see it as much more than that. From my experience it's mainly used as a symbol of freedom from a government that was becoming too controlling and pushy. This point of view comes from historical people that worked at museums and such though

Now don't get me wrong, I completely understand your point and for the most part agree with it not being appropriate but at the same time I don't really feel like it is a slap in the face since afterall they were still American's that lost their lives in a war to protect the freedoms and ideals that they valued. It just so happened that not everyone agrees with those but lets face it, who agrees with everything the government does anyway?

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I think the most common view of the Confederate flag is as a symbol of redneck racists.

More accurately, the Confederate flag is a symbol of states' rights.

Remember, the US was born out of the Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was written basically as an act of treason. The framers were tasked with amending the existing Articles of Confederation, scrapped them, and started over. I'm not saying they didn't have good reason to do so, but the fact is, the US constitution was essentially a non-violent coup.

When the Confederacy attempted to secede from the Union, there really was a lot more to it than just slavery - that happened to be the most visible example of the Fed trying to tell the states what to do, but it was more the principal of the thing.

You know how we tell American whiners, "if you hate the USA so much, go live in Canada!"? The Confederacy wanted to be able to say, "if you hate Texas law so much, move up North (you liberal pussy)."

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I agree with the confederate idea of less federal control and wished they would have won their right to secede but they didn't and all I see when I see that flag is LOSER. I can find no honor in flying a flag that symbolizes the losing side of a conflict.

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I agree with the confederate idea of less federal control and wished they would have won their right to secede but they didn't and all I see when I see that flag is LOSER. I can find no honor in flying a flag that symbolizes the losing side of a conflict.

You hate it cuz your black. Nice try at being politically correct though:D

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It appears that no matter what my opinion is it becomes invalid because I'm black. You bunch of racists redneck fuckers.

you're black? Ok, I have a question for you:

say I'm watching a side-car race at the vintage days at Mid-Ohio, and the guy providing ballast in the side-car is black. How do I refer to him without getting my ass beat? :dunno:

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I think in this area, most people think redneck when they see it but further south the meaning is more along the lines of the rebellious spirit that "We the people" wont be held down by a tyranical government. It is the spirit that has made this country great. The slave issue didnt come to the forefront until Lincoln used the Emancipation Proclamation to turn a large portion of the population against the south from within (the slaves) it was a brilliant strategic move on his part.

I dont fly it..... but I understand why many do.....

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