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Gresham man arrested after allegedly shooting at phone thieves


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I didn't ask you :p

I've got all the confidence in the world you could. I believe I'm capable also because I don't have emotions when it comes to other humans, I am Fonz's "Spockboy" afterall. I'd have more trouble shooting a deer than I would a person of free will that chose to put themselves in a situation (and my subsequent pistol sights) that warranted lethal force.

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Most civilians aren't going to draw their weapon unless they plan on firing it, but yea it's a grey area. I don't have the research that shows that drawing a weapon will more often than not, escalate the situation rather than diffuse it. If you have legal grounds to draw on someone, then you better be sure you have legal grounds to fire on them.

Of course, this is different if you're a trained Officer of the law.

I can only use terms like 'may' be an issue because you never know whether the prosecutor has an axe to grind with gun owners (politically), or maybe he just doesn't like you and decides to throw the book at 'them types of people that think they can just deal out vigilante justice'.

Agreed. If I draw my weapon I plan on being ready to use it. It won't be drawn as a deterrent but if I am staring down a barrel then I draw and point mine at him and he retreats all the better. Again a gun should not even come out unless deadly force is authorized. I would imagine a lawyer would have an easy time finding you guilty if you drew a weapon when it was not authorized and either escalation a situation or get you for inducing panic or something to that effect. And so others know a gun in a holster on your hip is not grounds for inducing panic.

That's why I don't have one. I don't know all of this. I need to read up on the regs and stuff so that I CAN get one though.

Just take the classes, research the laws and stay up on all the information. I always consider different scenarios I might be faced with and consult people with more experience than myself.

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well Ive never been informed of the whole CCW CHL thing anyway... but i see the difference in when and when not to shoot someone..

but i could totally shoot someone, if my family or my child is in danger i would not think twice about pulling a trigger..

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I didn't ask you :p

I've got all the confidence in the world you could. I believe I'm capable also because I don't have emotions when it comes to other humans, I am Fonz's "Spockboy" afterall. I'd have more trouble shooting a deer than I would a person of free will that chose to put themselves in a situation (and my subsequent pistol sights) that warranted lethal force.

And thats why I like you. Emotions are overated, they belong in the bedroom and hospital room thats about it.

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iv changed my mind, i dont want a gun now... I'll stick with my tire thumper...

That guy that want to break into your house and kill you, his gun has a longer range than your tire thumper. And if you throw it at him you only have one chance. He has probably at least 6.

He spun around during the double tap, thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

But then again I live in the woods so I'd prolly just dispose of the body myself.

Stuff posted in the net, stay on the net. :p

Not to mention the psychological effects of taking another life -- are you prepared to do that? Really?

Yes I realize you weren't asking me either but absolutely. His life or mine, I'm not going down with out a fight.

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well Ive never been informed of the whole CCW CHL thing anyway... but i see the difference in when and when not to shoot someone..

but i could totally shoot someone, if my family or my child is in danger i would not think twice about pulling a trigger..

Not saying you wouldn't be able to, but most people say the exact same thing. Of those "most" people, most of them will freeze up and realize that they are about to take a life. That scares people and the cannot comprehend what they are even considering doing.

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That guy that want to break into your house and kill you, his gun has a longer range than your tire thumper. And if you throw it at him you only have one chance. He has probably at least 6.

She could always get a HiPoint, scary like a gun, but with all the lethal force of a tire thumper if you throw it at the dudes head.

I keeeeeed

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Not saying you wouldn't be able to, but most people say the exact same thing. Of those "most" people, most of them will freeze up and realize that they are about to take a life. That scares people and the cannot comprehend what they are even considering doing.

well i will never know until I'm in that kind of situation but i do believe i could take a life that was trying to hurt, take, or kill my daughter...

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Dead perps don't give statements nor do they file suit. I would consider a burglar in my house at a time when it is obvious that someone is home a threat. A guy stealing tools from my garage won't be shot on sight.

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Dead perps don't give statements nor do they file suit. I would consider a burglar in my house at a time when it is obvious that someone is home a threat. A guy stealing tools from my garage won't be shot on sight.

No, but their relative do.

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In my CCW class they told us that if ever put in a situation were you have to use your gun, make sure that when you call 911, you say that you feared for your life, before you killed the guy!

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In my CCW class they told us that if ever put in a situation were you have to use your gun, make sure that when you call 911, you say that you feared for your life, before you killed the guy!

That's one thing I have heard a lot. Call 911 and have them on the phone with you during the ordeal. Repeat "I have a gun. Leave or I will be forced to shoot because I am in fear for my life." It gets it all on tape and backs your story.

If you can't call them until after, keep repeating you were in fear for your life over and over.

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Yes, even if it's your dog.

The only time you are allowed to fire your weapon in self-defense is if the situation meets the three qualifications.

1) You didn't cause the situation

2) You've met your duty to retreat from the situation (exception: You're already in your home, or vehicle -- see Castle Doctrine (varies from state to state))

3) You perceived that your life was in danger of mortal harm ("You" in this case is yourself or your immediate family)

So, if your house is burglarized and the burglar is unarmed and doesn't come near you or your kids or your SO, but stays in the front room and steals your laptop... legally, you don't have any grounds to shoot and kill the burglar.

If someone were to shoot my dog, especially in my house, I do believe I am in fear of my life. It may just be a dog they shot, but they used lethal force once. The first thought going through my head is if they pulled the trigger once they'll pull it again.

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In my CCW class they told us that if ever put in a situation were you have to use your gun, make sure that when you call 911, you say that you feared for your life, before you killed the guy!

They played a tape of a guy that did that in our class to demonstrate that point. Except the "robber" was a drunk guy who thought he was breaking into his own house -- as soon as he busted through the door (old man yelling the entire time that he had a gun and would use it to protect his family) -- got a close range 12 gauge to center mass and killed the guy.

But I digress...for me, I think that'd 911 call would probably be used against me because I wouldn't be screaming or yelling, I'd be saying it calmly -- like a robot programmed to say what I have to in order to justify the shooting, legally.

People are really harsh to judge others in a situation like that (or how you react at a funeral) -- different people cope in different ways, and I'm sure I'd be judged a cold hearted bastard.

Not to mention I wouldn't want to giveaway my position.

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Honestly, I have no idea what would happen in any of the situations described above. I do know that I would not shoot at a fleeing suspect after taking cell phones. I also know that I would confront a burglar with my gun in hand. What happens next will be dictated by my best, my quickest judgment of the threat level. My hope is that I would recognize the situation as a stumbling drunk and hold him at gunpoint or simply ask him to leave with my foot up his ass.

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They played a tape of a guy that did that in our class to demonstrate that point. Except the "robber" was a drunk guy who thought he was breaking into his own house -- as soon as he busted through the door (old man yelling the entire time that he had a gun and would use it to protect his family) -- got a close range 12 gauge to center mass and killed the guy.


I take it he wasn't charged with murder?

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