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WTF-- Are all kids retarded?


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An msnbc.com poll of 100 urologists, conducted by Truth On Call, showed that 30 percent of the doctors had seen or treated pre-teen and teen boys for testicular trauma in the past year, including severe injuries caused by so-called “sack-tapping,” in which boys ambush others at school and elsewhere.


That's a game now? Seriously, if someone kicks me in the McNuggets, they'll be picking up their teeth with broken fingers.

I've always kind of thought of children as vicious little pack animals, but damn-- that's kind of an insult to vicious pack animals. Wolves may spar and scrap, but they don't kick each other in the boys.

I guess the upside is that hopefully some of these morons will prevent themselves from breeding. /pragmatism.

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:nono: I'd hate to see what this world will be like in another 100 years...

I had three sack taps in my lifetime, and I remember them vividly. One was entirely an accident, one was a handlebar mash, and the other, well, I probably deserved that. :D It hurt, but it felt good to say what needed to be said.

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:nono: I'd hate to see what this world will be like in another 100 years...

I had three sack taps in my lifetime, and I remember them vividly. One was entirely an accident, one was a handlebar mash, and the other, well, I probably deserved that. :D It hurt, but it felt good to say what needed to be said.

Yeah, it happens to most guys at least a few times, either by accident or in fights. However, only a moron would voluntarily play a game in which getting kicked in the nuts is actually the whole point.

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That's a game now? Seriously, if someone kicks me in the McNuggets, they'll be picking up their teeth with broken fingers.

I've always kind of thought of children as vicious little pack animals, but damn-- that's kind of an insult to vicious pack animals. Wolves may spar and scrap, but they don't kick each other in the boys.

I guess the upside is that hopefully some of these morons will prevent themselves from breeding. /pragmatism.

Well said, sir! That is a funny ass post right there!

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When I was in high school, there were a few guys whom thought it was funny to sneak up and "bag tag" you when you wern't paying attention. Shit got old quick. One fellow tried to get me with a ballpeen hammer. I promplty returned the favor with a fist to the face.

I think if someone attacks you with a hammer, you get to take it and use it on him.

A good old-fashioned fist-based smiting is still a good start. :p

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My youngest brother did it to my dad one time. He says, "I got a new job today." Dad goes, "Oh yeah? Where?" Brother: "At the airport TAGGING BAGS!" and sack taps Old Man River.......who promptly caught him in the jaw with a right hook.

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My youngest brother did it to my dad one time. He says, "I got a new job today." Dad goes, "Oh yeah? Where?" Brother: "At the airport TAGGING BAGS!" and sack taps Old Man River.......who promptly caught him in the jaw with a right hook.

If you're gonna get knocked out, that's a pretty funny thing to say right before it happens.

Damn, I just realized I'm like every other post on here. I really need to finish my damned coffee and go to class.

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I have sack tagged one person in my life, that was only because they sack tagged me first... I was pissed and I am surprised that he didn't have to go to the hospital. That's all I will say.

And I grew up in a pretty roughnecked school system and if someone attempted to sack tag someone else they would get the crap beat out of them by whoever saw it. So needless to say there wasn't much sack tag going on.

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If you're gonna get knocked out, that's a pretty funny thing to say right before it happens.

Damn, I just realized I'm like every other post on here. I really need to finish my damned coffee and go to class.

True true. It was hilarious!

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No guys touched eachothers nuts in my school in the 90's. We called them queers in my day. :dunno:

It depends in the 90's. I graduated in '99 and it started then, but it was more of "if you flinch (when someone walks up to you and pretends to hit the nutter butters), you get hit" not the actual bag tag so to speak.

I work for a university and some of the kids will mess around with me and try to bag tag me. I threaten their lives so they just mess around, never actually do it.

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:nono: I'd hate to see what this world will be like in another 100 years...

The funny part about that is I'm sure your grandfather and his father both said that a number of times in their life.... however, although us young'uns of the new generation haven't completely destroyed the world yet, were working very hard on it! :D

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