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Need exterminator's opinion


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I have carpenter bees (according to the internets).... what do you recommend?

I'm finding a lot of stuff on Drione dust and Delta dust. Anyone know of some good products?

Yes the spray wasp/hornet killer kills the bees, but there's a LOT so I need something with longer residual effects.

Thanks in advance.

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The hornets that bore into wood? Wear protective clothing. Power spray them at night. Get one of the cans that shoot far enough that you can run if you have to, and shoot the spray into the nest, twice. Patch the hole.

Edit: the cans that shoot a distance are for all the other wasp nests, what you need for carpenter bees is one of the cans with a "straw" or tube thingy that lets you shoot it deep, right into the hole.

I just looked on internetz, and it says you can vacuum them out alive, ha, that would be fun... (not)

Careful, some of those suckers are mean. But I guess these aren't that mean. I found a nest of them under one of the tables at Jimbo's. All packed into a single 2x8. One little hole.

What you really want is some one to come over and do it for you, heh...

Any bee killer such as those offered by Raid can be used to get rid of carpenter bees. This is obviously the traditional method of carpenter bee control, and like any other bee infestation you should take steps to ensure that you are properly dressed and make certain that it’s late enough in the evening to get all of the bees. Once you are sure all or most of the bees are in the nest, simply pull out your bee killer, spray a good bit into the nest, and wait to see if any bees come out. Go ahead and do this twice,

just to make sure.


Edited by ReconRat
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Flame thrower

can of wd-40 with the straw, bic lighter...

Matt - once you get the bees killed, however you accomplish that, the holes they've bored can be filled with a dowel rod and some wood glue. The holes will probably be pretty to close to a perfectly round 1/4" - 3/8" hole.

Then wait for a humid day and repaint/stain. The bees hate the painted surface, and the humidity opens up the wood's pores and and allows the paint/stain to penetrate better.

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