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oooouuchh, wrong way to clean a chain


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lol I was wondering why my computer about froze whiles looking at a small thread...

took me a minute to find the reply box too, had to scroll all over the place

1. apply sig limits


2. options/ preferences/ dont show sigs


Scroll down to "Thread Display Options".

Uncheck "Show Signatures".

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hey, could you make your signature bigger? I think it's too small, I can barely see it.

It's no different than people taking up the same space with a shit load of quotes and links in their signatures. You, jporter, and many others have signature overload. I don't think you should complain about signatures. :D:p

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It's no different than people taking up the same space with a shit load of quotes and links in their signatures. You, jporter, and many others have signature overload. I don't think you should complain about signatures. :D:p

Nice sig Nick. :lol:

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I have nothing against the people with huge novels as signatures, just was stating that it's just as bad as someone with a big picture in there.

With all due (dis?)respect, a sig with a big picture that's on a slow server will make pages load slow, where plain text does not. That's why I have kept from putting pics in my sig.

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I understand, but lots of times signatures clutter things up; especially when the poster is quoting someone and then there is quotes below that in their signature each post. :lol:

I get what you mean, and was mostly just messing with you! I have learned to read to the bar that separates the sig. For some people (fonz) I recognize their posts more by their sig than their avatar, or sn!

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