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So since honda went and f'ed up the vfr line:( I guess this will have to be my next new bike when they come out? Still looks good and is not as big as the rest of the sport tour bikes out there. WHy did honda have to ruin the vfr? All I want is a bike that is under 550 pounds with hard bags and good handling and power. Beside I like the triple motor anyways, who needs a v4.


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Yeah it is the 2011 sprint gt. Do the new bags look smaller then the old models ones?

And they dumped the undertail pipe as well. Which would be better for heat riding two up I bet? Here is a pic of the other side. And the top, and front also.




Edited by speedytriple
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The bags are actually bigger than the current ST bags due to the relocation of the exhaust. I've never had issues with heat from under the seat and throught my seat. My heat issue comes from the midpipe to the under seat can. My calf can get pretty toasty if I get caught in stop and go traffic on a hot day. I would compare the new GT to FJR, build and set up to be more towards the touring end of sport touring where the ST is more towards the sport end. There was a lot of talk about a new engine to replace to 1050, but I guess that is a year or two away. Both the GT and the ST accept a top rack and case for more storage as well.

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I'll bet it costs a hell of a lot less than the new VFR, too. I guess there are "new noncurrent" VFRs to be had for around $7-8k.

For me, and it's probably cuz I'm old, if I was going to actually tour, especially two up, I'd look elsewhere. Even the viffer is hard on the wrists and back after a couple hours.


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Well the 1050 st comes with the hard bags on it and costs about the same as the vfr 800 list for. I am saying the msrp of both bikes is real close and I think the sprint st comes a lot better equiped. I have gone to two demo rides at cleveland akron honda and still have not been able to snag a demo on the sprint. I am looking for something to sport ride on 80% and tour or two up ride the other 20%. I would also like to have the hard bags when I ride in to work. Which is where I have gotten most of my miles from this year.

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hardbags would be wonderful to have. I have the triumph soft luggage for my sprint, but I woud love to get a set of hardbags that would hold a helmet.

That is my only complaint about my bike. The '05. - '10 ST hardbags won't hold a helmet. The new one will from what I've read. The accessory top box is 54 litres and will hold 2 XXL helmets per Triumph literature.

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Hey you want one real cheap my buddy is try to off load his p.o.s. futura. They are junk I would not own one. I have know three people that have owned one and they all were piles. To bad cause they look baller, but dont hold up. I think all his bike needs is a new stator, and battery. Oh and it needs a clutch it will not shift at all it is locked up. But it is a pretty pile to look at?

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Simple really.


$2 wiring mod

New battery

New rectifier


Release bearing on slave is seized. New slave or just disassemble and clean.

The Futuras may not be Japanese reliable, but just like any other Ape they will be just fine as long as you put in the small amount of time and effort to sort out the small gremlins.

I plan on disassembling and lubing my slave cylinder myself soon.

Now, define "off-load", what kinda price are we talking about, year, mileage, color? :)

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If you are looking for a new ST I'd start looking now. Per the attached article the 2011 ST's will not be coming to the States and have been removed from the triumph line-up after the 2011 model. They have been replaced by the GT. Another manufacturer that has left the sport side of sport-touring in the dust. :villagers:


Edited by cmh_sprint
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Sad that all the bike builder seem to think they need 700 pound huge sport tour bikes?! I know it sounds crazy but my other option is to find a 1250 bandit put the factory lowers and hard bags on it. They are rock solid bikes and with the right add ons make very good sporty sport tour bikes.

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