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How to piss off liberals on the internet


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Roughly ten years, the economy had started to falter under Clinton towards the end. Of course, I lean towards the republican side, so this is my bias coming out.

I'll leave your opinion alone on that, since you at least acknowledged your bias.

G. W inherited some seriously messed up policies, for example:

One of the big factors in our current recession was subprime mortgages. Who pushed subprime mortgages onto banks? Democrats; to make the American dream more "affordable" for the poor (one of their consituencies).

They did?

Did Liberals Cause the Sub-Prime Crisis?

In the current mortgage meltdown, did lenders approve bad loans to comply with CRA, or to make money? The evidence strongly suggests the latter. First, consider timing. CRA was enacted in 1977. The sub-prime lending at the heart of the current crisis exploded a full quarter century later. In the mid-1990s, new CRA regulations and a wave of mergers led to a flurry of CRA activity, but, as noted by the New America Foundation's Ellen Seidman (and by Harvard's Joint Center), that activity "largely came to an end by 2001." In late 2004, the Bush administration announced plans to sharply weaken CRA regulations, pulling small and mid-sized banks out from under the law's toughest standards. Yet sub-prime lending continued, and even intensified -- at the very time when activity under CRA had slowed and the law had weakened.

This is also a good link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_policies_and_the_subprime_mortgage_crisis

Granted it's Wiki so you have to do some further digging on your own to verify and validate, but the information is there. Nowhere do I find that Democrats were responsible...

Secondly, look at every bill and earmark that dipped into Social Security. 9 times out of 10 it was authored by a Democrat.
Cite sources please. 9 out of 10 statistics are made up on the spot.
Lastly, any president can affect the economy in the short term (stimulus packages, tax returns, draining federal reserves) more often than not though; the short term gain is at the expense of long term prosperity and stability.

I can agree that this is typically the case, and especially with the short-sighted drive of investment on Wall Street (The private sector is WAY more guilty of this than the public sector). But, I hardly consider the stimulus package a "short term gain" -- more like a stabilization measure. Besides, Bush signed the stimulus in 2008, not the current President.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I'll leave your opinion alone on that, since you at least acknowledged your bias.

They did?

Did Liberals Cause the Sub-Prime Crisis?

So I read the article. In all honesty, I'm not sure where it was going. It starts with subprime mortgages, and then launches into a defense of the CRA; even though subprime mortgages are the issue.

It then goes on to discuss independent mortgage companies, granted independent mortgage companies issued bad mortgages, but they were getting the money from somewhere. Secondly, many sub-prime mortgages came from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, or were bought by these companies and bundled to be sold.

Had bad sub-prime mortgages not been issued period, they would not have been securitized.

Securitizing the loans proved valuable. So valuable in fact, that banks started issuing more and more, under the relatively lax CRA and federal oversight, sub prime mortgages. Creating a cycle which eventually led to where we are now.

And in regards to Social Security:


Notice that LBJ authorized the movement of social security from it's own trust fund, to the general fund for congress. Wilbur Mills (a democrat) authored the bill that included medicare, medicaid, and the movement of funds.

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I think this thread is really about how to piss off conservatives by pointing out how badly they are at the memory and being a hypocrite.

finger pointing isn't getting our economy back. working together for a fix and coming up with ways to prevent it from happening again is what everyone should be doing instead.

Edited by serpentracer
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So I read the article. In all honesty, I'm not sure where it was going. It starts with subprime mortgages, and then launches into a defense of the CRA; even though subprime mortgages are the issue.

Yea, that first article was shitty, I probably should've just included the last two.

Either way, hardly puts the onus fully under either political camp. Though it's the greedy banks (typically Republicanesque in political leanings) that got overzealous which caused the collapse. We wouldn't need to have rules/regulations if people didn't get greedy.

And in regards to Social Security:


Notice that LBJ authorized the movement of social security from it's own trust fund, to the general fund for congress. Wilbur Mills (a democrat) authored the bill that included medicare, medicaid, and the movement of funds.

I don't find a Mr. Wilbur Mills anywhere in that link. Your original quote was...

Secondly, look at every bill and earmark that dipped into Social Security. 9 times out of 10 it was authored by a Democrat.

And you cited a single bill that created Medicare and Medicaid -- some of the most coveted programs the gov't offers today. So much so it epitomizes the ignorance of the Teabaggers - who are completely against public healthcare, but don't want the gov't to mess with their Medicare. :rolleyes:

I'll need more bills authored and passed through Congress showing where Democrats dipped into Social Security. I'll match you tit-for-tat with Republican bills doing the same.

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Though it's the greedy banks (typically Republicanesque in political leanings) that got overzealous which caused the collapse. We wouldn't need to have rules/regulations if people didn't get greedy.

I know you know better about this situation or at least you should, especially since it's an argument you are making. I leave out information too if it doesn't support my argument but I'm not ignorant of the facts and I'm sure you aren't either.

Don't you suck me into this shit; I'm barely recovered from Chevysoldiers open carry thread.

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I think this thread is really about how to piss off conservatives by pointing out how badly they are at the memory and being a hypocrite.

finger pointing isn't getting our economy back. working together for a fix and coming up with ways to prevent it from happening again is what everyone should be doing instead.

That's just silly! Fingerpointing is so much easier!

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Still waiting on evidence of the racism which liberals keep accusing the Tea Partiers of.



i dunno, but one thing i DO know is that anyone who willingly calls themselves a "teabagger" is clearly out of touch with society. but they might like to join my dirty sanchez party. its focus is immigration.

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i will form a spin off of the democratic party and call it the donkey punch fest.

why can't there be a version of ron paul that is younger and less psychotic about certain things?

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Don't you suck me into this shit; I'm barely recovered from Chevysoldiers open carry thread.

:lol: My bad man. I never, ever expected that thread to take off the way it did.



i dunno, but one thing i DO know is that anyone who willingly calls themselves a "teabagger" is clearly out of touch with society. but they might like to join my dirty sanchez party. its focus is immigration.

Yeah, all "teabaggers" must be racist. That sign proves it.

On April 8, 2010, it was announced that the National Tea Party Federation had been set up to publicize the movement, and in particular to respond to criticism, such as allegations of racist behavior by protesters. On April 26, 2010, the organization sent a letter to the Congressional Black Caucus denouncing racism and requesting that the CBC supply any evidence of the alleged events at the protest on March 20, 2010.

Representative André Carson said that as he walked from the Cannon House Office Building with Representative John Lewis, amid chants of "Kill the bill" he heard the "n-word" coming from several places in the crowd,. One man "just rattled it off several times." Carson quoted Lewis as saying, "You know, this reminds me of a different time." Conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart, who was not present at the protest, has claimed that the racial slurs and other allegations by Cleaver, Lewis and Carson were fabricated as part of a plan to annihilate the Tea Party movement by all means necessary, and they never actually happened. He has offered a $100,000 charitable donation to the United Negro College Fund if Lewis can provide audio or video footage of the slurs, or pass a lie detector test
On Saturday, during the peaceful and patriotic tea party protest at the Capitol, the Democrats staged a series of symbolic acts meant to manipulate the media to do its bidding. The Congressional Black Caucus pulled the Selma card and chose to walk through the crowd in the hopes of creating a YouTube incident.

There is no reason in 21st century America on an issue that is not a black or white or a civil rights issue to have a bloc of black people walk slowly through a mostly white crowd to make a racial point. The walk in and of itself — with two of the participants holding their handheld cameras above their heads hoping to document “proof” — was an act of racism meant to create a contrast between the tea party crowd and themselves.

This is the same failed symbolism that Janeane Garofalo and MSNBC have been trying to implant for the last year. The only supposed evidence of white-on-black racism at a tea party that MSNBC was able to find was a man carrying a gun at an Arizona Obama rally. But, wait, MSNBC cut off the man’s head with a photo editing software. That Second Amendment fan was actually black. Never mind.

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Yeah, all "teabaggers" must be racist. That sign proves it.

hurr durr :rolleyes:

he said looking for evidence of racism at tea parties.

i posted that picture. is it evidence? it looks fairly racist to me.

i never said ALL the tea party is racist. obvs its not a klan rally.

or pass a lie detector test

LOL awesome. anyone can pass a lie detector test. they are a total pseudoscience.

i am really amazed at how many people out there think that its some mystical machine that answers all... there is a reason they are not admissable in court.

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hurr durr :rolleyes:

he said looking for evidence of racism at tea parties.

i posted that picture. is it evidence? it looks fairly racist to me.

i never said ALL the tea party is racist. obvs its not a klan rally.

looks more like just an ignorant, ill-educated redneck to me :confused:

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hurr durr :rolleyes:

he said looking for evidence of racism at tea parties.

i posted that picture. is it evidence? it looks fairly racist to me.

i never said ALL the tea party is racist. obvs its not a klan rally.

LOL awesome. anyone can pass a lie detector test. they are a total pseudoscience.

there is a reason they are not admissable in court.

lol, I wasn't really directing that at you. It's just that people say the tea party people are racist but yet won't admit that the other side is just as racist and pull the same stunts at the tea parties.

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Democrats attending Tea Party rallies are required to carry racist signs, duh!

According to some, that's exactly what some of the more radical members of the left did. In an attempt to defame the Tea Party

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