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New addition to the family...


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Well, everything seems to be good. Dr. came in this morning and said we can leave today, which is nice. I am totally exhausted. I have had maybe 7 hrs of sleep since Sunday morning when I woke up for that day. It is exhausting but you guys are right, it's worth every minute. She is pretty good for the most part. Thank you guys for all the love.

Here are a few I took shortly after she was born...



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A headfull of hair! She's gorgeous. Best of luck and hope mama is doing well. And if anyone asks when the next one is coming and she wants to punch them in the gonads, you let her punch them.

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A headfull of hair! She's gorgeous. Best of luck and hope mama is doing well. And if anyone asks when the next one is coming and she wants to punch them in the gonads, you let her punch them.

Mama is doing pretty good. She is very tired. She probably has had less sleep than me. It seems like when the baby and my wife are sleeping though the nurses and Dr. always have to do something to bother you. My wife told me to be nice one time cause I just got the baby to sleep and the cheerleader nurse came in at 4am to do something and I was like, "Seriously, you have to do this right now?" It was quite funny my wife said. Anyway, I asked her right before she had her and right after. Good thing she was confined to the bed cause I would have got junk punched...LOL!

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She is beautiful, glad mom and daughter are doing good :)

Lol at one point during my son's birth I swear my wife's head turned a full 360 and she was going to spit green pea soup at me, I wisely occupied myself elsewhere...

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Well, everything seems to be good. Dr. came in this morning and said we can leave today, which is nice. I am totally exhausted. I have had maybe 7 hrs of sleep since Sunday morning when I woke up for that day. It is exhausting but you guys are right, it's worth every minute. She is pretty good for the most part. Thank you guys for all the love.

Here are a few I took shortly after she was born...



shes soooo cute!! makes me miss those days :D enjoy it now it goes FAST.. faster then you could ever imagine..

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shes soooo cute!! makes me miss those days :D enjoy it now it goes FAST.. faster then you could ever imagine..

Yeah, I'm trying to soak it in. My wife made fun of me this morning. The baby was sleeping and she got a little fussy so I was like, she needs to lay with daddy. So I picked her up and let her lay on my chest while I sat up in bed. She is awesome...

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Congrats on the little cutie!

Being a Dad is greatest thing ever. We have 4 kids now, and the last one,,,,,,,,,,,and the wife was sure this was the LAST ONE,,,,,,,,,,had a full head of hair too.

Did your wife eat a lot oriental food?

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Did your wife eat a lot oriental food?

No, not that I know of. My wife is a pretty healthy eater, so who knows. Not a vegan, just a healthy eater. Not saying that oriental food is not healthy, just sayin in gerenal. I was in shock when I saw how much hair was on her when she was born. The nurse that helped her push to get her through the pelvis area looked while she was still in birthing stage and was like, "She's got lots of hair let me tell ya". Guess she saw the top of her head. The baby is also pretty calm, but it's only been a few days so I'm thinking her staying healthy and fit help with the baby.

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No, not that I know of. My wife is a pretty healthy eater, so who knows. Not a vegan, just a healthy eater. Not saying that oriental food is not healthy, just sayin in gerenal. I was in shock when I saw how much hair was on her when she was born. The nurse that helped her push to get her through the pelvis area looked while she was still in birthing stage and was like, "She's got lots of hair let me tell ya". Guess she saw the top of her head. The baby is also pretty calm, but it's only been a few days so I'm thinking her staying healthy and fit help with the baby.

what you didnt look??? i had a mirror pulled up so i could see. its amazing... but i dont blame you if you didnt matt couldnt.. he almost passed out when they told me i was ready to push!

LOL wuss! :D

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Pass out?? I wanted to watch everytime.

I just asked about the oriental food, because my wife ate that all the time while pregnant with Kailey and she had a ton of hear when she was born too.

With my son, who is now 3, had a some hair, and the wife was on a Mexican crave while pregnant with him.

My first 2 girls, who are now almost 10 & 6, did not have any hair when they were born.

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awww, yeah my daughter riley was born covered in hair.. i had heartburn SO bad with her and i knew she was going to come out that way..

the reason i said that was cause he said the nurse told him she had alot of hair.. Its pretty cool to watch something like that. :)

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what you didnt look??? i had a mirror pulled up so i could see. its amazing... but i dont blame you if you didnt matt couldnt.. he almost passed out when they told me i was ready to push!

LOL wuss! :D

LOL! No, I would have passed out too. The nurse was like, "Can you come hold her leg back?", and I was like, "Nope, I can hold it just fine back here. You don't want to be picking me up afterwards now do ya?":eek: She just looked at me and shook her head. I saw plenty from where I was actually. I had that curious mind going to where I really wanted to watch but then I said NO! Everytime the Dr. said push, I turn my head toward the wall and held my wifes arm. After the Dr. said here she is I looked and I was fine. I saw them pull out the placenta though from the back..lol! I was actually better then I thought I would be. When we did a tour of the hospital before we picked where we were going, I got lightheaded in the birthing suite, and there was no one in there...LOL!

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You guys are bringing back some fond and funny memories from the birth of my two. I watch both of mine enter the world through my favorite plaything, blood, guts and all. The only thing that I could have gone without seeing was the delivery of the placenta. And the epeziotomy (sp.) for my son (kid #1) sounded like he was cutting construction paper. Then I got smacked for telling the doctor "hey, don't stitch that up too snug, I just got it broke in!" Not one of my better moves. Then when my daughter was born with a head full of long black hair, she looked like one of those 70's troll dolls that had been jello wrestling. But a few moments with a washrag revealed a beautiful baby girl, and right then I knew my life was f'ed beyond my capacity for control.

Lots of luck, Sno!!!!

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