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Big Pine


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Big Pine Rd between 664 and 374 is excellent if either of the main roads are packed with cages. :mad: Its a little narrow in places but, the pavement is nearly flawless. Last Saturday there was only one spot of gravel at the base of a driveway. Also Big Pine is a really good short cut to 56. Can't imagine why anyone would want to but, there it is.

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fyi... my aunt and uncle live and work off big pine.. Happy trails Horse back rides... and everytime you BLAZE through big pine you cause the horses to freak out and it stresses them and puts the customers at a huge risk... please please keep it it reasonable through big pine rd... hocking is a great area to ride but there are much better more clear roads... my aunt and uncle have picked up many of riders out of their electric fences that line that area from guys ballin through there and hitting the gravel... and this yr they actually starting calling the cops and having more patrols through there... fyi they both ride too...

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i honestly dont ask for much and i know that i cant control what people do.. but again hocking is really great to ride at all paces.. (i myself run quite quickly in hocking) and it is relatively little patrolled.. but if people keep blazing thru that area (big pine) and the cops really start paying attention then it will start to ruin it for all.. and we dont want that

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i honestly dont ask for much and i know that i cant control what people do.. but again hocking is really great to ride at all paces.. (i myself run quite quickly in hocking) and it is relatively little patrolled.. but if people keep blazing thru that area (big pine) and the cops really start paying attention then it will start to ruin it for all.. and we dont want that

i don't typically speed through roads like that unless some goon is in front of me and i don't want them to wait for my law abiding ass... can you ask them what's a reasonable speed through there? also, this is more for other people since i hardly ever go down that way. i do recall seeing horses there, though.

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I don't think that there was any mention of Big Pine being a race track in my note. Yes, the horses were there and no they didn't even even look up as I passed by. However this would explain the dirty looks from all the people in the parking lot. As far as BLAZING by the place, this was my the first time on this section of the road. I enjoyed the road and wanted to share the info.

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I don't think that there was any mention of Big Pine being a race track in my note. Yes, the horses were there and no they didn't even even look up as I passed by. However this would explain the dirty looks from all the people in the parking lot. As far as BLAZING by the place, this was my the first time on this section of the road. I enjoyed the road and wanted to share the info.

It is a great road and the road was there before the horse riding "attraction".

I've ridden that road several times and it would be a bad idea to go very fast. Lots of interesting turns, shadows and not knowing the road well keeps me at a humble pace. I dont think we ever spooked any horses either. :dunno:

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