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What the fuck is up with this site? :beathorse:

I was going to write a nice long bit about this site & the recent antics but I just couldn't be f*cking bothered. :nono:

So any else feel free to finish this:

This site is............

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:) ....this site is.........

...over all a good site. Intentions at startup have been achieved. But as I have seen with other "boards", we now have a "flame room" (am i flaming here :) ). Well here is the start of the end. For some odd reason, no matter how "intelligent" ppl seem, when it comes to "flaming" ppl, people loose controll, wheather its the flamer or flamie (boy, does that sound gay!!!)..

I dont think that PERSONAL attacks, wheather in jest or (in most cases) trying to belittle or demean(sp) someone. The attacker will always try to "get one up" on the person he/she wants to attack, and the defender wants to "clear" his/her name.

When I give my FRIENDS shit, its friendly shit that in no way gets mistaken for an attack (i think, let me know ANGRISH). And it is intended for laughs. When "flaming" goes on (it has in ALL the rooms here), most ppl are trying to make someone "come after them" on the "net". Which in essence(sp) this should be ok, but concidering that most ppl act like CHILDREN and cannot with all of thier soul control thier actions when it comes to actions vs. words/discussion. MARK MY WORDS, THIS ROOM WILL BE THE START OF A MOUTH PROBLEM THAT MAY MAKE IT TO THE LOTS!!!!!

Yes, I don,t like flame room. Not because I feel that people shouldn,t be able to discuss personal or public problems, its because NOONE seems to be able to do it in an adult manner. Imean look at the way ppl talk in here (entire forum), its actually a bit emabarrasing to be an "adult" like some of the ppl here.

There are a few ppl here with a brain that works, but not too many, myself included.

welll this is the flame room, my fingers are fat and tired now, so flamme away KIDS!!!!! This post should give you pleanty to "bash on. Like, im a whiner!!!!!!! Or a goody 2 shoes!!!!! or.....im SURE you will make it good.

TO SATAN: hahahahaha i told you the week you started this board that it was gonna be a BLAST for YOU!!!! ......I TOLD YOU SOOO ;)

....and yea.....you gave the kids a place to play....i still disagree..... IMHO

^^^^^ see children, i can disagree WITHOUT being a fucking prick!!!!

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Guest MotoGP Tix

Overall ok by me..

I never liked the aspect of the Internet that gives the green light to say thing on the net that you would never say in person...

You call me a dick, or fug off in person that would bring consequences.. How come the green light to do it online I guess...

Human nature I guess, fostered in the right enviro, given the proper amount of light and water....................

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Overall ok by me..

I never liked the aspect of the Internet that gives the green light to say thing on the net that you would never say in person...

You call me a dick, or fug off in person that would bring consequences.. How come the green light to do it online I guess...

Human nature I guess, fostered in the right enviro, given the proper amount of light and water....................

yup...problem is when the 2 types of ppl meet, one wants to "throw down" over a disagreement about a bike, girl, someone bashing someone on the net ect.........flamerooms "invite" bashing, and some ppl can take it, others would kick your ass for it....i just hate flame rooms, but i guess im "flaming" the idea of a flame room, WOW what a dilema :) lol

:beathorse::beathorse: :cheers:

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Overall ok by me..

I never liked the aspect of the Internet that gives the green light to say thing on the net that you would never say in person...

You call me a dick, or fug off in person that would bring consequences.. How come the green light to do it online I guess...

Human nature I guess, fostered in the right enviro, given the proper amount of light and water....................

How I am on the internet is how I am in real life. If I tell you to fuck off on here, I'll tell you to fuck off to your face. Only a pussy would sit behind a keyboard and type something, then be completely two-faced in person.

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The site is good... Its just when you add all the people that it becomes

a fucktard jizztoberfest... but its better than getting fucked by Michael Jackson but not as good as beating Michael Jackson to a pulp with nun chucks. Sooo Its just good enough to keep.:dj:

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If I ever see any of you idiots again THERE WILL BE A THROW DOWN... And that goes double for you STEVAN...

Uhm, I'm hoping "STEVAN" is someone you know and you're just joking. Otherwise this is a personal threat, which still isn't okay.

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If I ever see any of you idiots again THERE WILL BE A THROW DOWN... And that goes double for you STEVAN...

That goes double for me to :boxing::beating::lol:

Oh no, what will the mod's do now? Is it real? is it a joke?

Oh the dilema of it all :cry:

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Guest MotoGP Tix
How I am on the internet is how I am in real life. If I tell you to fuck off on here, I'll tell you to fuck off to your face. Only a pussy would sit behind a keyboard and type something, then be completely two-faced in person.

Thanks for the clarification.

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MrBret gets cranky in 3.......2........1..........crankytime... :bitchfight:

Flounder! Not to say you should be carefull but Bret may look like a lovable little teddy bear that is just another addition to 250 bunnys collection buuuut

I wouldnt go pissing on the roots of that tree if you know what I mean.:)

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