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Up to 16 yrs in jail for videotaping police officer... now that's some bullshit


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Ok, so the guy was given a ticket for 82 in a 65 or something along those lines.... I have been pulled over at 102 in a 65 and the officer didn't have his gun drawn. As far as I can tell from the video the police did not witness the wheelie or the excessive speed. The off duty officer witnessed the bike passing him at roughly 82 MPH. I don't think going 17MPH over the speed limit warrants getting out of your unmarked car with a gun drawn. Hand on said firearm, appropriate.

Next question, if the actual marked car was that close to pull up behind the rider within 10 seconds of stopping at the red light, why did the unmarked car bother taking lead on the situation? Providing back up would have been a much better decision.

Next, during the video the plain clothes officer didn't say anything about the camera on his helmet. After the case up north where the rider was shot in the back for simply looking over his shoulder, I am damn sure I wouldn't be reaching up to my camera trying to turn it off. Last time I checked it is not illegal to record yourself driving down the road on your bike.

My opinion, FWIW, the biker paid his fine for breaking traffic laws, which is what the stop was for. I don't believe the officer needs to be discharged, but he does need some counseling on using his head for more than just a hat rack. Now the raid on the bikers house and taking computers is way way way over the top. As mentioned before the prosecutor, and judge or whomever signed the warrant for seizure of computer/recording equipment, needs to be relieved of their position.

To me the recording of the stop was no different then a news crew recording the people walking by at a state fair and broadcasting it on the 6 o'clock news or their website. So does this mean that next time your at a fair and someone records you and puts it on the news you can sue them for not getting your consent?

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I didn't say rape. And your the one that said it's the riders fault for why the cop did what he did.

Then what did you say?

You said the "chick was dressed slutty". What did you mean by that?

Lets see if I have the series of events correct:

  1. Sportbike rider is riding like a complete ass. (127 MPH by his own admission, weaving in and out of traffic, wheelies as seen on the video)
  2. Sportbike rider passes cop in median
  3. Sportbike rider gets pulled over by unmarked car (most likely notified by cop in median) who exits the vehicle with weapon drawn.

Is there any doubt to the events? How could the whole thing been avoided? If the rider went the speed limit (or close to it) kept his front wheel down and not cut in and out of traffic #3 would not have happened.

Certainly the rider is not responsible for the cop's actions, but he did set the events into motion that led to the cop getting out of the car, didn't he?

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Then what did you say?

You said the "chick was dressed slutty". What did you mean by that?

Lets see if I have the series of events correct:

  1. Sportbike rider is riding like a complete ass. (127 MPH by his own admission, weaving in and out of traffic, wheelies as seen on the video)
  2. Sportbike rider passes cop in median
  3. Sportbike rider gets pulled over by unmarked car (most likely notified by cop in median) who exits the vehicle with weapon drawn.

Is there any doubt to the events? How could the whole thing been avoided? If the rider went the speed limit (or close to it) kept his front wheel down and not cut in and out of traffic #3 would not have happened.

Certainly the rider is not responsible for the cop's actions, but he did set the events into motion that led to the cop getting out of the car, didn't he?

Wow you are dense aren't you. Maybe I meant the girl got verbally harassed. You assumed I meant rape.

Secondly no one is disputing the fact the rider was an idiot. You are arguing with yourself. Everyone's point is the cop was wrong for how he handled the situation and now the PD is trying to get out it by throwing the kid in jail.

Yes, he was wrong for riding the way he did, but that does not constitute the cop or PD acting the way they did. You keep saying it's the kids fault the cop did what he did. You might as well say its Casper's fault for you getting a couple infractions. He did let you on to the board after all.

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Wow you are dense aren't you. Maybe I meant the girl got verbally harassed. You assumed I meant rape.

Secondly no one is disputing the fact the rider was an idiot. You are arguing with yourself. Everyone's point is the cop was wrong for how he handled the situation and now the PD is trying to get out it by throwing the kid in jail.

Yes, he was wrong for riding the way he did, but that does not constitute the cop or PD acting the way they did. You keep saying it's the kids fault the cop did what he did. You might as well say its Casper's fault for you getting a couple infractions. He did let you on to the board after all.

Talk about dense. You seem to be the epitome of stupid lately.

I'm going to type real fucking slow so you can pick up what I am saying here...

I never said that the squid caused the cop to act the way he did. Cop did that all on his own. You might reread my first post in this thread.

All I said was that the entire event would not have happened if the squid wasn't riding like an idiot.

Lets not wake Casper up - he's busy searching for llama, goat and sheep photos to post in another thread. Well that and being a total douche bag.

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It's his parents fault!! Had he not been born this wouldn't have happened!

No, it doesnt need to go back that far. Although obviously his parents didnt beat him when he needed it.

He made the choice to ride like an asshole that day. When he made that choice he should have known there were consequences. Fortunately for him his consequence was a load of shit in his pants, and not a chain reaction pileup on the freeway.

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He made the choice to ride like an asshole that day. When he made that choice he should have known there were consequences. Fortunately for him his consequence was a load of shit in his pants, and not a chain reaction pileup on the freeway.

If I ride like an asshole there are a lot of consequences going through my head, but getting a gun drawn on me or possibly getting shot is not one of them...

You are arguing about nothing.

Shut up.

Refer to my sig.

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If I ride like an asshole there are a lot of consequences going through my head, but getting a gun drawn on me or possibly getting shot is not one of them...

You are arguing about nothing.

Shut up.

Refer to my sig.

Didn't realize I needed your permission to express my opinion.

Why don't you "get the fuck out" or click the ignore button.

Todd #43,

You wouldn't happen to ride a cruiser, by any chance, would you?

I have in the past, but don't right now. Why does that make a difference?

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tell me its not a cruiser when youre trying to go around twisties :(

Big difference in horsepower. It's a fast straight-line bike.

What I'm talking about is the typical cruiser type that has no real intention of RIDING a motorcycle... rather likes to crrrrrruuuuuuuuuise. Half the time, they are riding in a large group at 5 under the speed limit, looking like a gay pirate parade. I pass them all th time, and they usually tell me I'm number one. The metric variety typically love to preach to you about ATGATT, and riding safe, and the public's view of riders, and on and on and on.

I started out on those type bikes, but quickly found them limiting. They don't move out. They don't stop fast. They don't turn. They're good for a nice relaxing pace. Nothing wrong with that. However, if you buy a sport bike, you quickly find that there is performance on tap. While I don't ride wheelies or weave in and out of cars in traffic, the bike is able to do amazing things, and I take it up on that once in a while. If you're not getting a little bit wild, you're missing out, you know? Of course you know, you have a V-max. I'll bet there are rubber stripes in front of your driveway somewhere.

The point is, the guy didn't actually hurt anyone. If you're judging him for having a little fun, maybe your a stiff and need to live a little. He certainly didn't deserve to be treated like some kind of felon the way he was. Big friggin' deal... so he was speeding a little.

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i dont agree that he was treated fairly, and i DEFINITELY do not agree with the camera charge bullshit

but at the same time, i see where the cop making the stop was coming from, and since we do not know what was going through his head, i feel its not our job to judge him...he did nothing to harm the rider or put him in any danger, therefore i see no reason for people to be crucifying him over the actual stop

now, i would be embarassed to be a part of that dept. after all the BS theyre pulling with the seizure of computers etc...and sure, maybe the cop was too extreme in his stop, but were all human, we all make mistakes, nobody was ever placed in any danger, and no harm was done from the actual stop

the riders body language suggested that he knew he was being followed, the cop most likely saw the rider turning around to look at him and checking his mirrors repeatedly...for all we know, the cop could have thought the rider knew he was there, whether he actually did or not we will never know....so if the cop gets out of the car and sees the rider backing up away from him, possibly to reposition himself to take off on the bike or make a move towards to officer or any number of things, then i see no problem with him pulling his gun and having it ready at his side to protect himself

^ that is all speculation, maybe he is just a prick and wanted to show that he has all the power by pulling out his gun, who know?

nobody knows the whole story, so all ive been getting at in this thread is that people should not all be going after the officer when he did nothing that harmed anyone....he never once aimed his weapon at the biker, he never got physical with him at all, once he felt the situation was under control he put his weapon back in the holster....i guess i dont see the big deal

and PS....i dont have burnout marks in front of my driveway...tires are too expensive, and vmaxes dont have the best transmissions to be doing burnouts on lol...but i know what youre saying, and trust me, i use every ounce of power that thing has on tap when i feel like it

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Kinda like all those wanna be sportbike riders that have never been to a track but thinks he can "ride"?

So you think a sportbike rider that's never been to the track can't ride? The rider that has been to the track can probably ride better, but that's not a given.

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The metric variety typically love to preach to you about ATGATT, and riding safe, and the public's view of riders, and on and on and on.

Dude seriously you need to wear your gear all the time...even when you're sleeping...you never know when your roof might collapse. Also make sure to check tire pressure, tire wear (from all those badass burnouts you do), lights work properly (they are needed for the ghetto birds to find you when they are pointed to the sky), also remember to make sure your flip flops are tightly secured to your feet. Make sure all bolts are properly torqued to spec. One more time just cause this is a big one, MAKE SURE TO ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GEAR!!

BTW everyone on cruisers belong to bike gangs and everyone on a sportbike is a stunter and has mad skillz! :bow:


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I'm of the belief that the cop was more in the wrong than anyone for pulling his gun and not identifying himself as an officer IMMEDIATELY. I'll be honest, if some random mother fucker pulls a gun on me after cutting me off, I'm going to try to jump off the bike while in first gear and slam the throttle so the bike will hit the dude or at least scare the shit out of him so I can make a move. That's just me.

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