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Will i be ok in Open Class?


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gonna try like hell to make it to beaverun on aug28th, just wondering if i would be ok to run in the open group. I never been there before so i am kinda hesitant to move up. last time at nelson ledges we were doing pretty good in the instructional group. some instructors were getting mad at me and my instructor for passing. just dont wanna move myself up and slow down some folks. Here is a video of me at MSR Cresson in texas a few months past. prolly like 4 or 5 track days ago. i dunno maybe some of you faster guys can give me some insight? only reason i ask is i just watched the video of the wreck at nelson ledges cause the guy didnt hold his line and smacked into the other guy. Trying to avoid that lol. Well let me know what you guys think!!!!


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it's hard to say without seeing you ride. Even lap times don't tell the whole story, but they're a concrete number, so that's where most people turn.

I've ridden BeaveRun at least 10 times over the last 3 riding seasons, and can turn fast "I" or slow "A" times, depending on which group I'm with.

I registered in 'Open' for the 28th if you want a tow in the first session. After looking at the Fasttrax/Motoseries lap times from their last race at BeaveRun, I probably should have registered in their "race" group, but it is what it is.

You'll probably be fine. stay on line, and you won't slow anyone down.

Edited by redkow97
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just do open and when they ask you if you want to be paired up with a racer or instructor, tell them you want a tow for a session. if not, you can ask anyone here that will ride in open to see if they'll give you a tow around.

if you've done more 10+ track days, i would guess you'll be fine for the open group. any idea what kind of times you were running at nelson's consistently and without fear of getting out of line?

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no idea what i was runnin that day i didnt have a lap timer. wish i would of rented one. only thing i can say is me and the instructor Julian(sp?) we lapped some people in the instructional group twice in some sessions, but i dont think we were aloud too lol. like i said other instructors were gettin pissed at us.

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My only time out on the track was at Beaverun (on a 650 V-strom, lol). I was in novice, just because it was my first time out. It was really frustrating, because guys on real sport bikes were holding me up in the turns, and if I passed them (which I wasn't technically supposed to do in the turns) they blew by me on the straights (65hp vs. 100+).

I would say to go with the advanced class and stay on line like the others said. Then again, wtf do I know about it, lol.

BTW, that track was REALLY fun.

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unless you turn better than 1:05's at BeaveRun, I'd consider yourself "borderline" for Advanced.

I registered in open, and PM'd Todd (moto series todd) to ask if he thought consistent 1:06's were fast enough for Advanced.

It's the day before a race day. WERA riders get into the :57's at BeaveRun. the podium riders for Fasttrax will still all be in the 1:00 range.

"open" should be riders in the 1:12-1:06 range, but because they let anyone register wherever they want, I'm betting there will be "open" riders lapping in the 1:20 range. Those people belong in the instructional group...

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unless you turn better than 1:05's at BeaveRun, I'd consider yourself "borderline" for Advanced.

I registered in open, and PM'd Todd (moto series todd) to ask if he thought consistent 1:06's were fast enough for Advanced.

It's the day before a race day. WERA riders get into the :57's at BeaveRun. the podium riders for Fasttrax will still all be in the 1:00 range.

"open" should be riders in the 1:12-1:06 range, but because they let anyone register wherever they want, I'm betting there will be "open" riders lapping in the 1:20 range. Those people belong in the instructional group...

I recall some fastrax folks commenting that 1:20's (meaning 1:20-1:29) was WAY too fast for novice at Beaver. Now, I think thats a load of crap,but I also think 1:05 minimum at beaver for Advanced is a load of crap. You have to remember its a track day, not a race. Most folks will agree that A group trackday pace should be off race pace somewhat.

In fact, a buddy of mine was coaching someone at the Beaver day last fall and while running 1:12's they were literally passing everyone in Open.

To the OP, try Open, get with a coach, and if you feel in over your head after a session or two, drop back down to Novice. There is no way Todd wouldn't accommodate you if you felt out of place in Open.

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All I know is Jinu and the other turd on the speedtriple went by me and started slowly walking away in the last session. And they were in Open that day. Novice was good to be in and were turned it up several notches once the instructor knew were wanted to get some. You'll easily find a fast group of novice guys if the open group is to much for you, no problem.

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Hey, I'm that other turd...and its a daytona not a speedtriple, get it right!

Julian is a great instructor to have if you are one of the faster Novice riders...seems like the other instructors are always getting mad at him for passing. I'm suprised he's still an instructor there, lol. On another note if he's not instructing that day (which was the case last BeaveRun track day I was at) but still there, he'd be more than happy to tow you around in Open for a couple sessions. Probably at a rediculous pace passing a lot of the other Open riders.

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Daytona...Triple...they're all the same piles of smelly poo.


I think I'm going to have to dip into the rainy day fund to make the end of Aug. day. And I think I'll do the Novice thing and and if I get bored which I know I will just go out with the Open group.

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I'm still undecided on whether I wanna ride in advanced or intermediate yet. I think id be able to cut some time in advanced but not sure I wanna do it at the expense of other advanced riders having to pass me

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Well...we already know that Chachi there on the 636 will be doing extra laps since he's instructing and will need to let loose on the O and A groups. O was just a giant cluster last time and I'm sure it'll be the same again.

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I also think 1:05 minimum at beaver for Advanced is a load of crap. You have to remember its a track day, not a race. Most folks will agree that A group trackday pace should be off race pace somewhat.

Maybe I just ride with NESBA too often. Their "A" group is usually between :59 and 1:04.

I ride at the front of "I"

Todd got back to me and moved me to "Advanced," or "racer" group, or whatever.

with faster riders to chase, I'm hoping for 1:04's, but really just there to have fun and not crash. We shall see.

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Maybe I just ride with NESBA too often. Their "A" group is usually between :59 and 1:04.

I ride at the front of "I"

Todd got back to me and moved me to "Advanced," or "racer" group, or whatever.

with faster riders to chase, I'm hoping for 1:04's, but really just there to have fun and not crash. We shall see.

I'm thinking that NESBA, STT, and Fasttrax/motoseries definitely have different "standards" for lap times within the groups.

I've only done 1 day with NESBA, but I definitely think they're on the faster end as far as what they want to see for advancement amongst the groups. Gotta say, even as a STT and Motoseries fanboy, I like NESBA's approach on "placing" people into groups better than allowing riders to pick their own groups.

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