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Columbus Welding needed ASAP, small job.


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I don't know much about welding like what kind would be needed, but I could use a little help. My neighbors rider deck broke the other night, essentially the middle blade with the drive belt broke free from the actual deck. Basically that needs welded back to the deck. The break is reachable from under the deck but will need some cleaning I think. I can do some of that, but my tools are very limited down here vs. my parents house back home.

The deck feels like it is steel, so that kind of welding whatever it might be is what is needed.

I have cash, and wanted to post here first because A)I Need this fixed asap since I broke it(it's an old mower, like 70s), and B)I dont have a lot of cash, like 20-40 bux would be about the most I want to spend on this project.

If anyone can help, please PM, post, or call me 419-610-5666. Tomorrow night is perfect, or even Monday. I really need to get it fixed because I am leaving town Weds. til Sunday.


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