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rip peter


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That's terrible :( I remember watching a video made sometime after he had broken an arm or leg or something and thinking "damn, I'll be seeing him on the MotoGP grid before long". That kid knew more about riding at age 13 than I'll probably ever learn in a lifetime; it sucks to see that sort of future taken from someone.

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saw it happen right in front of me. sad, sad day. RIP little dude

We are in SW Vista Section 18 Last row. This happened about 45 min. before we got to the track. I'm glad we were late and didn't see it happen. A gentleman next to us told us about it. Turns out we passed his ambulance on the way to the track. They must have known there was nothing they could do since they didn't Life Flight him. Truely a sad day. RIP Pete.

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What can I say ? I was in the front row for his speed stage press/media conference on Saturday at Indy......and Sunday....he is gone.....I was in a different part of the track and did not see the crash nor I wanted to.....Rest in peace Peter.........It was really a sad day at Indy.

Here is the picture I took Saturday


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Fuck Indy man. That is one bullshit track. RIP

What exactly did the track have to do with this incident?

Peter was a good kid, and a great racer. My heart goes out to his family and friends. The strength his father has already displayed in dealing with this tragedy is as remarkable as Peter's skill on the race track.

I heard about Peter's death from one of the Bostrom brothers (via twitter) and it totally knocked the wind out of me. I was just about to start the Moto2 race, and couldn't even bring myself to watch it.

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Fuck Indy man. That is one bullshit track. RIP

Are you fucking kidding me? Listen, tool box. The kid crashed, was spilt and another young pup t-boned him and killed him. Had dick to do with the track, with the riders being too young, on too big a bike, etc.

People like you that don't understand a single thing as to what it means to race, to be a competitor, to be doing what you love and be good at doing it.

Peter was a great kid. He was a great rider. He had a great family and was doing what he and his family LOVED.

Every time every racer slaps on their helmet and rolls out of the pits, they understand fully what can happen. It's what they all are dealt with. This isn't a video game.

I have seen a good friend die in front of me in almost the same manner. He hit the guard rail at Putnam Park (his death is why they moved the rail back further coming out of 10) and bounced back into the race traffic. Another racer hit him square and killed him instantly. I saw him laying in his own blood.

My son is 2 years younger than Peter was. I don't know how I would handle the situation. However, I do know that if he wanted to race and he was good and I felt his abilities were such to warrant such a race, he'd be out there. If he got killed doing it, that would be something I am not sure if I could handle. But, I wouldn't be such an ass to blame the track or something else if in fact, it wasn't due to any of those things.

I suppose it was the rider that hit him that was really at fault in your ignorant mind.

God speed Peter. And, to the young pup that hit him - there was nothing you could have done. Get back on the horse if not for yourself, for Peter. Carry his memory with you and channel him into your mind and race with passion for the sport. It was a race incident that couldn't have been done differently. You have a lot in front of you and I wish you the best.

To Peter's parents... I hope to never know what you are feeling, but from one parent to another, I cannot tell you the sadness I had yesterday after the race. I think what it would be like to come back and pack up all of his stuff and go home to an empty room... I welled up with tears.

We are racers. This is what we do. We compete because we want to. It is a feeling that cannot be explained to most people. They think that we are all crazy and cannot comprehend what it means to do this under the idea that every time we head out, we flirt with the chance of death or serious injury. Please do not blame the things that are not at fault here. Don't be an armchair quarterback that spouts off crap that you haven't a damn clue about. If you cannot provide a positive wish for the rider or family, simply do not post. Give some damn respect and provide strength to those that are left behind.

God speed, Peter. See you on the other side.

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