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The Last Exocism: Review


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Worst movie ever. Ever! Thought there was gonna be a riot

at The Movie Tavern tonight when it ended, the entire audience

was disgusted with how horrible it was.

Don't waste your money, wait for the dvd.

Heck, don't even waste your money renting the dvd!

Oh btw, its another of the "documentary style" films like Blair Witch,

Cloverfield, etc.

At least was saw one good one this weekend, we saw SALT,

that was excellent!

PS. sorry bout the typo in the title, left out a "R"

Edited by SWing'R
typo in title
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Really? The previews on TV seemed good. thanks for the heads up. what made it so bad?

The entire movie you are like waiting for the good stuff, and waiting, and waiting, its gotta be coming,

soon, wait for it, wait for it. Oh wait, this looks promising, now somethings going on.... the end.

I swear when the screen blacked and the credits popped up I heard a collective "What the fuck" from the audience! Not kidding.

But, hey SALT was cool, action from start to finish, with a pretty good story and ending!

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I saw it last night. I was very dissappointed that it wasn't nearly as scary as the trailer made it out to be. I did not expect the ending, so that was good.

In and of itself, the story is good. But, don't go with the expectation of having the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

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Really? The previews on TV seemed good. thanks for the heads up. what made it so bad?

yes, but the fact they show the preview 3 times every commercial break, that just lets you know its going to be a terrible movie.

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I was told, "it's NOT the movie that the trailer makes it out to be."

One review I read said that they expected it to get a decent opening weekend, based on the trailer, but then it would flop after people started talking about it.

Sounds like that's what's happening.

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