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Free Online Movie Site


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So...Anyone feel like watching some FREE online movies? I mentioned this site well over a year ago, and I'm still using it, and using it very often. I figured I would share it all with you guys, with an updated, fairly in-depth review. The movies that are offered, are anything from very OLD movies..to current movies that are in theaters now, to movies that haven't even been released yet!

So far, I haven't had any viruses, or problems with the laptop I use to watch the movies. If you use it for normal movies, and use it like I mention below..then I consider it Very safe. If you start clicking pop ups...then you might be asking for trouble.

Use at your own risk of course.

Over the past year and a half, I've watched literally Thousands of movies from this site. No, it's Not a torrent site, No, you don't need a credit card, No, you don't even have to register!!!! You can stream them instantly, or certain types will save to your comp so you can watch them later. I'll do my best to write it up for the Average computer user. So, lets get started!

At the time I am writing this..it says there are 85,597 online.

It has a normal movie section..a Television section..a XXX movie section..and probably a couple months ago, it added a Free MP3 section that seems to be growing quickly, though I haven't paid too much attention to that part. (MP3 section recently disappeared..I'm not sure if its just maintenance, or if it moved somewhere else.)

Basics about the site..

while it is completely FREE, there are a lot of popup adds. (the pages and ads that pop up are safe, just Annoying. Just close them out and you will be fine.) I use the Firefox web browser...with an free plug-in called Flashblock. Flashblock stops all flash based things from automatically working. You must first click an icon over the flash based thing you would like to be able to see, then it works like normal. When you go to click a site to play a movie from, Web pages might pop up, (and usually do), but since they are almost all Flash type adds, it doesn't actually do anything. I then just close out the new page that popped up. It also stops the random ads that cycle through on certain pages that actually play the movie. (example is Movshare) I have no idea how the site works on other browsers. Sometimes you must also click a button to prove you are a human..then the movie will start. it's pretty much self explanatory.

I'm scared to try the XXX site part, do to not wanting to get any virus on my comp. Feel free to try it, but at your own risk. I think it would be safe, as the rest of the site has been.

Now that we have that part out of the way, there are a few ways to actually play the movies.

The highest quality ones, are Usually from the Megavideo links. They play free in your browser..but there are time limitations. It says on the page what you must do to avoid the limitations..or you can sign up with megavideo..which costs money, so I have never done that heh.

Next best quality are typically the Divx type sites. (Movshare, divxstage, 2gb-hosting, and a few others that have the divx logo before the name of the site.) To play those, you D/L completely free software (divx plus player) from http://www.divx.com (At least for people who use a form of Windows..I dunno about Mac) Anyways, you D/L that software, and then you are able to stream the movies and watch them right Now...or a copy of them will also save to your comp and you can watch it at a later time..(as long as the Entire movie D/L uninterrupted). If it gets interrupted, then it won't save correctly onto your comp. When these are correctly saved onto your comp, then you would be able to burn them onto a dvd. Most are only around 800mb though, so quality would probably be an issue. I used to transfer them to my iphone before dr. appointments, and hospital visits, then I figured out how to play movies on my phone for free without any transferring, so I now just do that.

3rd best free quality movies..are the flash based sites. For these, you need to d/l the Free software from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/. I've always had it, so I never had to d/l it. (freestreamtube, milledrive, novamov, flash hoster are a few examples, again, they have the flash icon before their names.

Last quality, is usually the Stream2K versions. It is the default player for the website I believe. It Usually streams the fastest of them all.

There is also a link at the bottom of Most of the movies, that says Download This Movie! If you click it..it takes you to a site that you Have to register on..and it asks you for a credit card.. I have never done this, so I have no idea what it's like. I'll stick with the Completely free ones, that you don't have to register for!

A couple tips that I have learned.

I'll steam a movie while watching it. If something happens and it gets interrupted, instead of starting over..you can use the Megavideo version and skip ahead to where you were interrupted, or most, if not all of the Flash based ones also allow you to skip ahead without re-downloading all the parts that you watched.

I'll also d/l several movies at once. I'll watch the one that is going the fastest, then when I'm done watching, the other movies are generally ready to watch. If you are on a slow connection, then you might want to try it over night.

I've never tried any of the television section..as I don't care much about normal TV..just movies. I'm sure it works pretty much the same.

This should pretty much cover the basics of the site. There is also a FAQ section at the top...but I've never read through it. If you get stuck, try it I guess.

Flashblock (I talked about it above too) is Extremely nice to have on this site. You'll be watching a movie..it gets to a suspenseful...and then all of a sudden..an ad for Brawny paper towels starts talking in the background!

Last step..and this is an important one...Enjoy your free movies!

Disclaimer: You are using this site at your own risk. I've been using it for at least a year and a half, and have had 0 viruses, or problems. If you start clicking the ads that pop up..then you are probably asking for trouble. If a page ever pops up and you can't close it down. ALT F4 is your friend, or alt+ cntrl+del.

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