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Christian Sport Bike Assoc Sept 25th Ride


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Just spoke to Todd who spoke to Harb's mom and she said that he has a couple broken vertebra. It was good he finally chose to have us call the squad. He is at Marietta Memorial. I will find out more tomorrow.

Today was not a good day for the group. I hate it when someone goes down on my watch and it is even worse when they have to take a trip to the hospital. Harb went down on 260 in a relatively slow corner but it had some gravel at the start of it and then it was decreasing radius. None of this caused the crash from what I can tell, it was more like he came into the corner and saw radio flyer already crashed but he was standing in the ditch and he must have fixated on him instead of pushing through the turn so he rode right into the ditch and ran into Radio Flyers bike. This is all speculation based on what Radio Flyer told me since TaRR and I were already through there. My prayers go out to Harb for quick healing and I hope to get down there and visit him tomorrow.

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Hey - REAL SORRY for causing the big gap holding us back then taking 278 to break us off. That really started the day off bad. But THANKS for sticking on my tail. I really appreciate that.

No worries at all man. Seriously, don't beat yourself up over a couple GPS errors.. I know you said you were kind of upset about it..but things like that is why I choose to ride in the back. We caught back up to them... Before the first gas stop, and even ended up in front of a few of them! It's all due to Busa powa! (or maybe Busa gps powa!)

Also, wanted to check in.. Both Marysville bikes made it home safely. Sorry we had to break off early, I hope the rest of the route was fun..and no more mishaps.

I hope you 3 that went down, heal up fast, get back on 2 wheels quickly!

Wasn't the smoothest ride this time..but I still had fun. Thanks Mr. Mathis for putting it together, and leading us to our doom..err..I mean our salvation!


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No need to post the pics of me lounging on the side..i mean it is kinda your fault we were there...I'm just sayin.....

Where you were lounging we noticed after the trooper left he stirred up a bunch of bees. That could have gotten ugly if they would have found you.

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No need to post the pics of me lounging on the side..i mean it is kinda your fault we were there...I'm just sayin.....

Speaking of that after you left. We saw a bunch of bees right near where you was sitting must of been a nest or something

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Where you were lounging we noticed after the trooper left he stirred up a bunch of bees. That could have gotten ugly if they would have found you.

I'm allergic...so yeah..I would have been hitching a ride with him to the hospital! I think they were stirred up by a certain person..(not me) falling in the ditch right when we were getting ready to take off.


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I went down and the bike looks totaled. harb went down behind me due to target fixation and he went to the hospital.

Man, do i know how that target fixation can bite hard.

I've sent up some prayers for those ingured. I'm praying for a speedy recovery as well.

John - Keep up posted please.

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