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Qu'ran Burning... Thoughts?


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opinion: a view' date=' judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter [/b']

You can take "prejudice" out of the definition and this will stand on its own.

but.. you can't, since it's in there and a part of the definition.

seriously man, go get some shit done. I can wait to argue with you later. ;)

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^ the minister doing the book burning is practicing his freedoms too...apparently, burning the quran is part of his religious beliefs, hence the church ceremony to do it...he isnt harming anyone...its his "free exercise"

not saying i support the book burning, because as i said, its poor taste...but i think its awesome somebody else is using their freedoms instead of just the muslims building that community center

No one is saying that this guy doesn't have the right. We know he has the right. But that doesn't mean that he shouldn't be criticized for it. Criticizing him is also protected speech. Having the right to be a bigot doesn't mean that you have protection from critics.

and cg2112, after the last thread we talked in, i have no desire to ever debate anything with you...you seem like a cool dude, but im pretty sure we see 100% opposite views on every issue known to man...even liking rush...no point to waste time typing about it - you wont convince me and i wont convince you

Well then, just saying wrong stuff!


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Yes!!! I win at quotes!!!

There. I found a definition that fits my liking' date=' so it's official. I can call Cheech a bigot all day long. :D

I already schooled your bigoted ass above.. bigoty bigot head. :p[/quote']


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The biggest problem I see is that this "Christian", "pastor" is not following the Bible. The fact that he is associated in the church and acting this way is completely against what God says about it. The Bible says that Christians should be praying for their enemies, not stooping to their level and doing the things they are doing. To a true Christian, prayer is the answer, not retaliation.

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Agreed. There seems to be sort of a civil war going on in he muslim faith. On one hand you have the "we like to fly planes into buildings in the name of our religion" type, on the other you have the guy that just wants to go about his day pray 5 times and practice his faith not harming anyone. Where their problem lies is that the crazies get more a lot more news covrage than the normal guy. The problem i have with the ground zero mosque is im not sure which end of the stick is in charge of it. The imam that is over it seems more like one if the crazies than the other.

I think the press is severely overestimating the "crazy" side...

there is no "civil war" within the religion, unless you also think there is a "civil war" within christianity between the normal christians who want to go to church, and be like jesus, and the crazies who blow up abortion clinics, those who hang black people, and burn crosses, and molest children.

these people may do these things "in the name of their religion" but their religion isn't the most defining thing about them.

they don't hang black people and blow up abortion clinincs cause they are protestant, they do it because they are KKK members and racists.

they don't molest children because they are catholic, or priests, they do it because they are sexually repressed, and perverts.

they don't fly planes into buildings because they are muslim, they do it because they are suicide bombers, and Al-Qaeda members.

see the connection? the religion isn't the reason, even though they may use it as their excuse. As much as I think religion is retarded, I think we have to be clear about these distinctions.

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Well.... technically this isn't retaliation. It's outright hate. He's a shithead' date=' and for his sake I hope there is no God, because if there is... he's fuxored.[/quote']

Ya, this.

I think the press is severely overestimating the "crazy" side...

there is no "civil war" within the religion, unless you also think there is a "civil war" within christianity between the normal christians who want to go to church, and be like jesus, and the crazies who blow up abortion clinics, those who hang black people, and burn crosses, and molest children.

these people may do these things "in the name of their religion" but their religion isn't the most defining thing about them.

they don't hang black people and blow up abortion clinincs cause they are protestant, they do it because they are KKK members and racists.

they don't molest children because they are catholic, or priests, they do it because they are sexually repressed, and perverts.

they don't fly planes into buildings because they are muslim, they do it because they are suicide bombers, and Al-Qaeda members.

see the connection? the religion isn't the reason, even though they may use it as their excuse. As much as I think religion is retarded, I think we have to be clear about these distinctions.

The problem is exactly what you're saying, the fear mongering. Not only do people falsely hate Muslins, but they're making Christians out to be bad, as well.

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I'm all for pissing off people. One religious zealot is just as useless as the next. Anyone on the Islam side that gets bent over this is a wank. Your right to your pathetic religion doesn't supersede my right to make fun of your pathetic religion.

except these religious zealots are a lot less shy about killing American soldiers than most.

I support the RIGHT to burn any religious text you want, but I think it's a petty and antagonistic move that will ultimately get soldiers killed.

Who is really proving the larger point there?

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Some burning of the "holy" texts won't cause more military death that is already allocated by Islam. Their goal is complete annihilation of the Christian culture and its people.

This is a pretty blatant untruth. I'm not really sure where people get this idea, but I bet it rhymes with Flenn Heck.

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Ok civil war might not have been the right term, but if the normal not crazy ones would stand up and denounce the crazies it would be a total different story because then they would be saying basically this isn't our religion.

pay attention, they have..... OVER AND OVER AND OVER


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But you don't see it in the news and that's where people get there info. Its a spoon fed culture we live in, nobody is going out if their way to get the info. I understand that US islamic foundations try to seperate themselves i go out of my way to read things but most don't.

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be clear, you're talking Al-Qaeda... "radical muslim" doesn't cut it...

the reason we have this rampant islamophobia, is because the press does a shit job of clarifying.

That is exactly what Al-Qaeda is...radical Islam. Everything they do they do in the name of Islam and Allah.

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That is exactly what Al-Qaeda is...radical Islam. Everything they do they do in the name of Islam and Allah.

everything the KKK does they do in the name of christ, but you call them the KKK not radical christians.

Edited by magley64
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That is exactly what Al-Qaeda is...radical Islam. Everything they do they do in the name of Islam and Allah.

OBL is after us because of U.S. presence and policy in that part of the world. 9/11 had zero to do with Islam. Dumb farks in the U.S. media and politics gave them (OBL and Al Qaeda) the present of rabid Islamaphobia to use against us.

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everything the KKK does they do in the name of christ, but you call them the KKK not radical christians.

But the title would still fit.

My only argument is that there is nothing wrong with referring to them as radical Islam because that is exactly what they are, the same as there is nothing wrong with calling the KKK radical Christians because that is what they are. Both groups have taken their religion and twisted its teachings to justify their actions.

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I honestly have never heard of a klan member doing anything against an african american because god told him to, its usually cuz of race. Now if you would use something like a lot of these christian militias popping up in the south i could roll with that.

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