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2011 Harley-Davidson Poster for free


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2011 Harley-Davidson Poster for free


From Dealnews.com:

Harley-Davidson offers its 2011 Harley-Davidson Poster for free after filling out a brief form. That's the best such offer we've seen from Harley-Davidson. Choose from 32 motorcycle models. Limit one poster per address.

Just passing it along for those that want a free poster for giving away your personal details.

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  • 2 months later...
now when yall get mail and calls trying to sell you life insurance, windows, and a shamwow, you will think.... damn, all because i gave my info for that freakin harley poster.

Yeah...... because I gave them my email and phone number. :lol:

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maybe you're saying you gave them a made up e-mail and phone number. but i'm assuming you have to give your correct address in order to receive the poster in the mail. or perhaps maybe you are laughing cus you actually think my post was funny for once....well, probably not.

I have a junk email setup just for spam. And I never give out MY phone number. That was the LOL. As for the address, they can mail me shit all they want. Just more stuff for me to burn in the firepit thing.

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