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Stunter crash video - Dallas


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what part of "guy doing a wheelie crashes into the back of a truck" did they leave out?

did i miss something posted earlier?

See the news needs people like you. U didnt even pay attention to what they said,but u heard wheelie and crash and like most people who cant wheelie u assume things..

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I'm still stuck on why he didn't go around the pickup. All I can think is that he suffered target fixation and tried to brake rather than swerve. Heck, can you even swerve at 100mph+? That's a lot of gyropscopic effect to defeat.

Looks like he was trying to swerve around it to the right but just miscalculated. At high speeds it could happen very easily.

I also understand that. I would venture to say that a vast majority of guys on here have "run" from the five-o before too.

Vast majority? Not on THIS forum. I've never done it, and don't personally know anyone that has.

So, you've never passed a cop in the median going 20 over and just said, "Ah, fuck it." and rolled on the throttle to be sure he wouldn't get you if he pulled out?

That is NOT running from the cops.

Edited by SWing'R
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Prayer go out to the riders family, especially since he suffered from Cranialrectitus. A very serious condition that effects many people these days. He shouldn't have even been allowed to ride. How can one maneuver a bike, with his head up his ass?

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I think it is close enough. I've never run from a cop w/ his lights on myself, but I also hardly ever take the chance/time to look either.

Its not close at all, simply speeding up cause you're worried you just got nailed is not running,

its not running from the cop until the cop has commited to pull you over, ie. hit the lights.

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RIP to the kid. Regardless of the fact that he was doing stupid shit, a KID (22 is young!) died. Tell me that 80% of guys on here haven't wheelied on a public road, highway or otherwise? Fuck you guys with your holier than thou attitudes. A kid is dead, show more respect than the assholes that were riding with him.

Not once! EVER! I have had to many friends die in motorcycle accidents while being dumb asses!

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The issue with me is simple. I feel bad for the family, friends and anyone he left behind. But the reality is no different if he was robbing a bank with a gun, got shot by an officer and died. The kid was breaking the law, doing something amongst the general public and not only putting his own life in danger, but the innocent people around him. Had he done the right thing, he would still be here and be amongst us all. Sure, a fellow rider has passed, but if we cannot use this to teach others why it is stupid to do such things or we cannot use this to learn from, it is a complete waste. We can be respectful and yet create awareness to teach others...

It's like drag racing on public roads, racing bikes on public roads, stunting on public roads. We've all done this and to some degree. However, when and where you do it can ultimately decide your fate and the fate of others around you. What if that was a minivan with kids in the back. He blasts into the back of it and kills a baby that was securely fastened in the back seat? Because he hit a p/u truck doesn't make it a lighter offense.

The media isn't lying, Brandon. They have footage where the guys are stunting on a freeway with other cars around. The police were trying to pull them over and they ran. He made an error and decided to deal a game with the devil and lost. He paid with his life. I am sure the dash cameras caught a lot more, as well...

I equate this to an incident I was witness to. Mother was at an intersection and looked both ways. It was a 4 way stop... She pulled out. Unfortunately, a kid on an R1 with his headlights not on was doing well over 100 mph. The lady looked and at 100 plus MPH, she didn't see what was coming. He ran the sign... The result was two fold. The kid on the bike died after he slammed into the passenger side of her van and the mother's infant daughter was killed as a result of the crash as she was in the center section on the passenger side where the bike crashed...

He was breaking the law and the results of his actions not only ended his life, but it caused the death of an innocent person. A person that never had a chance to even experience life...

Winning championships doesn't make you experienced and has no value in this discussion. Because you won races and will win a championship, does it allow you to do this type of stuff and it is OK? I've done some pretty stupid stuff. Really stupid stuff... And, I have done things where it COULD have caused injury to others. I wasn't thinking. But, I have learned a lot of things along the way and realize that this is something that needs to be used as a lesson. A tragic lesson, but one that can hopefully save a lot of others in the future.

I think these are some good points. It's all sad though.

It's also good to hear that the AFJ guys have moved past their "doing dumb shit on the streets" days and have taken their riding to the track. You do have to give them some credit there. I have met quite a few riders that need

to follow suit. Riding like idiots on the street really isn't OK and the fact that race tracks and other forums are available to go fast and stunt makes it even dumber. No less, I really think things change when a kid dies. RIP. If anything hopefully a few more people realize this is dumb and start looking at visiting the track to do this sort of thing. Or going wherever stunters go to do there stunting stuff. That's like grove city or coshocton right? I can't remember.

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if i die doing something retarded, i fully expect all of you to make fun of me mercilessly.

I'd appreciate it if you don't do so in front of my wife or my mom, but my brothers and my dad would probably agree with you.

I get angry more often than I get really "upset" by things. As Arnold puts it in Terminator III, "anger is more useful than despair."

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