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September 11th, 2001


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How many people remember exactly where you were at on that day? I sure do. 2,977 people lost their lives because of the actions of 19 hijackers. At 8:46 a.m., American Airlines Flight 11 was crashed into the World Trade Center's North Tower, followed by United Airlines Flight 175 which hit the South Tower at 9:03 a.m. Another group of hijackers flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. A fourth flight, United Airlines Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at 10:03 a.m, after the passengers on board engaged in a fight with the hijackers.

Some say this was religion, some say politics. Regardless of why this happened, it does not change the fact that many innocent people died that day. Remember the firefighters, EMT's, police and everyone else who ran into the buildings while everyone else was running out. They faced fear and death to protect their fellow Americans. Take a moment of silence to reflect, remember or pray. Ask someone how they are doing, and truly mean it. Hold the door for someone. Help the little old lady with her groceries. Bring back manners and honest to the country. We are better than what we have become at the high costs we have paid.









Edited by chevysoldier
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I was in Homeroom my senior year of high school, 40 miles east of Shanksville, Pennsylvania the crash site of United Flight 93.

We need to remember those Americans that sacrificed their lives that day and that are still sacrificing it over seas. Pray not only for the Soldiers, fire fighters, police and emts, but pray for their families as well and remember that freedom is not free and fight for what you believe in.

Edited by kitani2126
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Yeah, I was at work when the news broke. When a fellow New Yorker told me about it, I thought he was rattling my chain. Go figure. They dismissed us and on the way home the sky was totally void of planes. It suddenly hit me " we are at war"

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It was senior year of high school for me. Since I was in CA at the time I woke up to the first tower in flames and watched the other plane strike the second tower live. It was so surreal and that image was stuck in my head as I was taken to school. Everyone in my class was in disbelief as we watched the towers completely collapse on TV. Not long after that, our school was closed down (my HS was on a Cal State University campus and it was shut down as well) and we were all sent home.

For the next several days we were getting e-mails of first-hand accounts from alumni living/attending school in NYC of the chaos and rescue efforts. We were lucky that nobody from our school perished but those images still come back around this time of year.

I'm using tomorrow to celebrate the freedoms we do honor and cherish by riding my motorcycle and enjoying a BBQ with friends. There's too much wasted energy in anger.

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Still seems unreal, just like the day it happened.

I was on my way into work, listening to the radio. They came on saying a plane had hit the tower, but everyone thought it was an accident. I ran into my office to tell everyone, and they already had all of the TVs on news stations. Shortly after, the second plane hit. We all stood there in shock. It was unreal. I remember all of the eyewitnesses saying they saw a missile, and some talking about explosions before the buildings fell. Now if you talk about that stuff you're a conspiracy nut.

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I went into work and we had a TV set up to watch games on. They were showing the WTC with something about a plane crash. I thought of that B-25 that crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945. Soon, we all found out that it wasn't and accident. A surreal day for certain.

The Speedway across the street was selling gas for $6 a gallon.

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I went into work and we had a TV set up to watch games on. They were showing the WTC with something about a plane crash. I thought of that B-25 that crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945. Soon, we all found out that it wasn't and accident. A surreal day for certain.

The Speedway across the street was selling gas for $6 a gallon.

Oh geez, I forgot about that. Those evil fucking bastards tried raping everyone. The Sunoco on Dublin Rd just west of downtown was $10/gal and traffic was backed up with people filling up their tanks. Really folks? If something does happen and we do run out of gas, what's one tank really going to do for you? As soon as you're out, you're as fucked as everyone else. Except the Amish. They'll run the world if we ever run out of gasoline.

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I was at Ft Campbell, KY in the company area with about 15 other soldiers waiting for one of the trucks that was shuttling my company out to the qualification firing range. We heard it on the radio first and then we all went into the day room to watch it on tv. Within an hour the entire post was locked down and no one came on or left for about 3 days. After that only the main gate was open and the other gates all had armed infantry fireteams from my battalion stationed at them. A few months later, I was stepping off a transport plane at Kandahar Army Airfield, Afghanistan with the rest of my company to meet up with the batalion and division, ready to go find the bad guys in the caves and mountains.

Edited by jmwildi
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I was at Ft Campbell, KY in the company area with about 15 other soldiers waiting for one of the trucks that was shuttling my company out to the qualification firing range. We heard it on the radio first and then we all went into the day room to watch it on tv. Within an hour the entire post was locked down and no one came on or left for about 3 days. After that only the main gate was open and the other gates all had armed infantry fireteams from my battalion stationed at them. A few months later, I was stepping off a transport plane at Kandahar Army Airfield, Afghanistan with the rest of my company, batalion, and division ready to go find the bad guys in the caves and mountains.

I went to basic in 2003 and I remember my DS telling us that at least 90% of us would be deployed to a combat zone. I'd like to know how many of us did.

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I went to basic in 2003 and I remember my DS telling us that at least 90% of us would be deployed to a combat zone. I'd like to know how many of us did.

A few years ago the Army Times did a deployment study and came up with 30 or 40% (if I remember the article right) of all soldiers in the Army (active and reserves) had not deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. The rest just kept getting rotated through the Pentagon's deployment schedule.

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We were getting ready to open the bank that morning.... I was in my office. Wife called & started talking some crazy shit about a plane hitting the WTC. I went out into the lobby, & the girls had the TV on & everyone was dumbfounded. As we were trying to make sense of it.... The 2nd plane hit... Then we knew for certain it was a terrorist attack & we were at war. One plane was hard enough to comprehend hitting the tower... But two was a certainty

Then the Pentagon, & later all the media started talking about the plane heading west, & guessing it was going for the Sears' Tower. My youngest 2 were home already, but I went to school & picked up my oldest who was in 1st grade. My mind was scrambling & all I could think of was how many more targets were they going after, Red Dawn, looters, etc, & if life as we knew it was gonna end... I wanted all my babies home with me where I at least had a chance of protecting them

Once things settled down later in the day.... I spent the next several days glued to the TV watching every shred of anything they televised.

Those couple days are burned in my brain for eternity

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I rember driving into work and thinking what a beautiful day it was, not a cloud in the sky. I was listening to Stern at work when the first plane hit, like casper said they thought it was an accident. I work for Nationwide downtown and remember looking out the window as hundreds of cops surrounded the federal building, it was creepy. We were watching the TV as the second plane hit, I just wanted to get the fuck out of there and be with my family, it was such a weird feeling.

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A few years ago the Army Times did a deployment study and came up with 30 or 40% (if I remember the article right) of all soldiers in the Army (active and reserves) had not deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan. The rest just kept getting rotated through the Pentagon's deployment schedule.

That's probably pretty accurate now that I think about it. I knew guys that had 15+ years in that had never deployed. Then I knew guys that had been in for 6 years and 4 of those were overseas. Seemed like the same guys kept getting stuck in the rotation.

I rember driving into work and thinking what a beautiful day it was, not a cloud in the sky. I was listening to Stern at work when the first plane hit, like casper said they thought it was an accident. I work for Nationwide downtown and remember looking out the window as hundreds of cops surrounded the federal building, it was creepy. We were watching the TV as the second plane hit, I just wanted to get the fuck out of there and be with my family, it was such a weird feeling.

Yeah it was such a beautiful day. Sunny, perfect temp, clear sky and clear air. Sad how the day ended after such a good start.

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Same here. I was glued to the news channels.

Yeah... I was like a zombie & barely functioning.... Just tuned to the tube all day/night

And the flag I'm flying right now is the same one I bought from the VFW in the days following the attacks. She's faded, tattered & torn with a hole.... But I'll never get rid of her!


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The wife and I was sitting in the dr's office filling out papers for the youngest to get his tonsils out and I was thinking whats this place is playing on tv? There was no sound and all the sudden the second plane hit and so did the reality, hey people this "IS" happening now. The place went silent and the nurses even came out to the waiting room to watch what was going on it was very sobering.

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I was a freshman in high school and as soon as the bell rang to begin my 3rd period spanish class our principal came on the p.a. system and told everyone what was going on. For some reason none of my teachers would let us listen to the radio or watch the news so the reality did not really set in until I got home and actually saw what had happened.

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I was a freshman in HS and a kid walked into my class and said " Some idiot just crashed a plane into the Trade Center" I just thought it was a cesna or something small the way he made it sound. A few minutes later the announcements came on and told all teachers to turn on the TV. We all watched and pretty much were in shock. 3 years and 13 days later I enlisted. 2 combat deployments to date and many more to come.

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Was having a department manager meeting when my maintenance director burst in. We all thought he was screwing around, but it was no joke. One week earlier to the minute, we were standing beneath the towers deciding whether or not to take our infant daughter on a tour. We decided to do it next year.

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