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Prayers Needed


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I had just gotten home and got a phone call from a high school friend. Seems a buddy from HS took his own life. I lost touch with him after school until about a year ago. We talked about getting together and never did. I regret this so very much now. He served in the United States Airforce and was one hell of a stand-up guy. Please keep him and his family in your prayers if you are the praying type. I'm becoming more torn up inside as this is sinking in. RIP Ross, I will miss you so much.

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I know exactly how you feel, my best friend Greg was taken before we got a chance to get together after a long time... I know your pain, and as always keep you in my thoughts... I let it be my lesson to never hesitate telling people I am close with how I feel about them...

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Thats crazy chevy that you knew him, what a small world. Ross was in my unit at the 87th. He was a great guy and I never imagined him doing that to himself. We all knew something was going on when the base commander came in with the Chaplin. This news was hard on our unit over the weekend. Also being in the Air Force there are SOO many resources available to get help and thats what I'm mad about. He didnt realize how many lives he affected and only if he knew that maybe this wouldnt of happened.

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Thats crazy chevy that you knew him, what a small world. Ross was in my unit at the 87th. He was a great guy and I never imagined him doing that to himself. We all knew something was going on when the base commander came in with the Chaplin. This news was hard on our unit over the weekend. Also being in the Air Force there are SOO many resources available to get help and thats what I'm mad about. He didnt realize how many lives he affected and only if he knew that maybe this wouldnt of happened.

No shit, small world. I realized about halfway to work, riding the bike today probably wasn't the best of ideas. PM Sent.

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