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Bitching about dogs from breeders.

Benyen Soljax

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Yea people, lets pay a G for a dog when there are thousands suffering at shelters. Sorry, but breeders piss me off... most of them anyway. I see no point in bringing more animals into the world when we cant accommodate all the ones we have already.... Just to make some extra cash.

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Yea people, lets pay a G for a dog when there are thousands suffering at shelters. Sorry, but breeders piss me off... most of them anyway. I see no point in bringing more animals into the world when we cant accommodate all the ones we have already.... Just to make some extra cash.


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Yea people, lets pay a G for a dog when there are thousands suffering at shelters. Sorry, but breeders piss me off... most of them anyway. I see no point in bringing more animals into the world when we cant accommodate all the ones we have already.... Just to make some extra cash.

Funny thing is they don't actually make that much money on them either. A lot of the time when they come in needing a C-section, the owners don't have money for it! Or if they do, they have the surgey, then breed the dog again! Poor things! Not really the best way to make money. Sell 3 puppies for $1000 each then pay off vet bill for $2000. Hmmm...

I agree that the shelter is the place to adopt a pet though, instead of buying from a breeder. Thousands of homeless animals are put down every day! However, if you must spend that much money on a puppy, a reputable breeder is much better than a pet store. You do NOT want to get them from Petland! And by the way, Puggles and Labradoodles are not breeds, they are mutts! So buying one for $1000 is just plain dumb when the pound is full of mixed breed dogs that that aren't quite so inbred!

Ok, stepping off the soap box...

Ice -They are some good-looking Yorkies! I hope they find good homes! I forwarded the pic along to my friend who does the Yorkie thing in case she's interested.

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Well, If you can find me a pure bred Rott puppy at a shelter I'll gladly go pick it up.

There are alot of breeders out there just to make a quick buck, and they ruin it for the good breeders that are breeding quality dogs.

Not that I don't love both my dogs, but Hoddi came from quite a strict breeder who knew what he was doing and wouldn't sell to just anyone, Little (on the left in my avatar) came from a breeder who was just after money. It shows. Hoddi is noteably smarter, and from a AKC Standard point of view, she's a perfect Rott. She's also sick alot less, and hasn't had any medical problems, where Little has had some major medical problems, isn't up to the Standard physically, and frankly, isn't the sharpest crayon in the box either...

I will NEVER buy a dog from a pet store, 95% of the dogs from pet stores are from "puppy mills" shit hole places that do nothing but churn out puppys from any two dogs they can mate, with no care to disease, genetic disorders, or anything. not to mention the conditions they keep the dogs in is atrocious. [edit] I had to edit this because there are quite a few pet stores out there now that ONLY sell/deal with rescued/shelter dogs, and again if your not looking for a pure bred, this IS the best way to go about getting a dog[/edit]

If your not looking for a pure bred dog, a shelter/rescue IS hands down the best place to get a dog. There is just something about a rescued dog, they seem to know you saved their asses, and are more loyal, gratefull, and (with the exception of Hoddi, Dog on right in my avatar) the best dogs I've ever had.

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Well, If you can find me a pure bred Rott puppy at a shelter I'll gladly go pick it up.

There are alot of breeders out there just to make a quick buck, and they ruin it for the good breeders that are breeding quality dogs.

Not that I don't love both my dogs, but Hoddi came from quite a strict breeder who knew what he was doing and wouldn't sell to just anyone, Little (on the left in my avatar) came from a breeder who was just after money. It shows. Hoddi is noteably smarter, and from a AKC Standard point of view, she's a perfect Rott. She's also sick alot less, and hasn't had any medical problems, where Little has had some major medical problems, isn't up to the Standard physically, and frankly, isn't the sharpest crayon in the box either...

I will NEVER buy a dog from a pet store, 95% of the dogs from pet stores are from "puppy mills" shit hole places that do nothing but churn out puppys from any two dogs they can mate, with no care to disease, genetic disorders, or anything. not to mention the conditions they keep the dogs in is atrocious. [edit] I had to edit this because there are quite a few pet stores out there now that ONLY sell/deal with rescued/shelter dogs, and again if your not looking for a pure bred, this IS the best way to go about getting a dog[/edit]

If your not looking for a pure bred dog, a shelter/rescue IS hands down the best place to get a dog. There is just something about a rescued dog, they seem to know you saved their asses, and are more loyal, gratefull, and (with the exception of Hoddi, Dog on right in my avatar) the best dogs I've ever had.

I've had dogs from breeders and rescues......I have 2 dogs right now both from same "mother and father" 1 year a part. The female "oldest" is great but the male is dumb.....National K9 Trained both ...the female is very smart ...male ,not so much!! They told us we spent a lot more time with the female because she was first. Our male was a year later so we did't hang on ever move like we did the female. Anyway IMO the dogs are as smart as the owner is.If you put a lot of time and money in to most any dog they will be "smart"...To prove my point I pick up a whiteboxer a long time ago.I hooked up w/ national K9 and he was great with hand signals and even attack training he did great ..And this was a dog that was supposed to be put down because of the breed "whiteboxers are not a breeed standard" does not have whiteboxer in it.Also they ar eborn w/ skin cancer and a bunch of other shit that cost a lot of $$$$. So any dog can be a good dog ....Unless your a thug and you have a pitt bull...Then they should hang you by your nuts and let little kids throw rocks at you !!!Pitts are for dog owners that truely know shit about dogs.Unless you mike vick<<<<truly a stupid mofo!!

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Yea people, lets pay a G for a dog when there are thousands suffering at shelters. Sorry, but breeders piss me off... most of them anyway. I see no point in bringing more animals into the world when we cant accommodate all the ones we have already.... Just to make some extra cash.

AMEN brother! :werd::read:

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1st off, show me some shelters that have very good looking PureBred Yorkies...

My gf is on Dog forums and yorkie forums and i had her ask that question and noone can say they have seen them, and there are people bitching alllll day long on those forums about breeders and they say they've looked and cant find them.

Like dweezel said, if your not looking for a specific pure bred, definitely go to a shelter and buy, im completely for shelters too, my parents got there dog from one and some friends have. But there are a lot of people that are interested in these types of dogs (purebred/small (toy) yorkies). And you cant find dogs like this at a shelter.

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