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Bitching about dogs from breeders.

Benyen Soljax

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Why the hell is this thread in this section?! :confused:

lol...shit by the way ppl act in MOST of the posts on the board, ALL the threads should be in this forum!! lmao lmao (and i can say IN HERE because of the category name ) lol lol

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oh shit..theyt are black and tan!!! hide them Anfrish!!! thanks god they are SMALL dogs, not much there to eat!!! lol lol

Not much meat on buffalo wings but ppl love 'em! You might wanna keep them under lock and key, Angrish! I've seen lots of ppl on this board eat wings!

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I want to have a pet monkey.I caould train him to lift womens skirts up and steal candy from children that would be soooooo funny.

The male "bumser" will try to jump and bite your balls!!I know that a wierd name, It means fucker in german.his full name is Kliener Bumser = Little Fucker!! And he will howl like a damn siren,When you tell him.

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The male "bumser" will try to jump and bite your balls!!I know that a wierd name, It means fucker in german.his full name is Kliener Bumser = Little Fucker!! And he will howl like a damn siren,When you tell him.

What are you talking about?

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I think the Bulldog would be much higher on this list if they didn't cost 2k+. None of the dogs on this list cost even half as much. Same goes for some motorcycles...Ducati's would be more popular if they weren't such an expensive POS (sorry Yota ;) )

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I think the Bulldog would be much higher on this list if they didn't cost 2k+. None of the dogs on this list cost even half as much. Same goes for some motorcycles...Ducati's would be more popular if they weren't such an expensive POS (sorry Yota ;) )

My wife wants a german shepard from her country ....costs 7000.00 dollars before getting it here.and the last boxer I had came from a champion breed ..I paid 2500.I found out quickly no dog is worth that unless it come professionally trianed.Even then you still train every day,It sucks sometimes!!The thing w/ bulldogs everyone has one.And when you have so many ppl shoppping for them they can get costly and over bread.Sucks they are very funny dogs....Is yours lazy ? A buddy of mine has one that won't do anything ....nothing just eat ,sleep,and shit!!

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My wife wants a german shepard from her country ....costs 7000.00 dollars before getting it here.and the last boxer I had came from a champion breed ..I paid 2500.I found out quickly no dog is worth that unless it come professionally trianed.Even then you still train every day,It sucks sometimes!!The thing w/ bulldogs everyone has one.And when you have so many ppl shoppping for them they can get costly and over bread.Sucks they are very funny dogs....Is yours lazy ? A buddy of mine has one that won't do anything ....nothing just eat ,sleep,and shit!!

I'm unaware of everyone having one. I'll have to disagree on that. My dog is kinda lazy. When I'm not paying attention to him, he'll sleep or sometimes play by himself. However, when I pay attention to him, he's always ready to play...and he never wants to quit once I start. He's 6 years old and will probably start slowing down eventually. But for now, he can be lazy at times...but I wouldnt consider him too lazy.

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can your bulldog ride a skateboard?

I thought about letting him try...but I don't have a board. The bulldog on Rob and Big (mtv show) started riding one without no real training. I doubt mine can...my dog doesn't even like walking on slippery surfaces (tile, hardwood, etc), so i'm sure he'd be spooked by a moving surface :)

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