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Selling a gun to an individual


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sweet he is both. He is an acquaintance of mine, just wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was missing or that somehow it wouldn't get traced back to me if it was used in a crime or some shit. I kinda doubt it knowing him but I guess you never know....I'm paranoid sometimes :lol:

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for the sake of covering your ass, I would have a witness present when you ask, "are you a convicted felon?" and "do you intend to use this firearm in the commission of a crime?"

Having a witness hear you ask, and the buyer say "no" could save you a LOT of headaches down the road.

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I would talk to a firearms dealer about getting it transferred to his name. Also it is illegal to provide a gun to a convicted felon or someone convicted of domestic violence.

Nope. I called BATF when I sold my AR. Make sure legal age and Ohio residence and you're good to go. I glance at license and write nothing down. However, no real requirement to look at I.d.

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for the sake of covering your ass, I would have a witness present when you ask, "are you a convicted felon?" and "do you intend to use this firearm in the commission of a crime?"

Having a witness hear you ask, and the buyer say "no" could save you a LOT of headaches down the road.

FFL holders follow different guidelines than private citizens. Not required to ask as a pvt citizen.

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Some of you have no clue.

I just realized how bad people do not know the laws. If you do not know what you need to sell a firearm, maybe you shouldn't own one. (not aimed at you Bad :) )

If you buy a gun in ohio, it is NOT registered anywhere! Yes they did a background check on you... BUT that does not mean it is registered. And if anyone ever goes through the process of registering a firearm is a complete and utter MORON.

21 and ohio resident are the only criteria. I always provide a bill of sale with both signatures just in case. But if it's a buddy, i wouldn't.

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FFL holders follow different guidelines than private citizens. Not required to ask as a pvt citizen.

I never said you were required to ask about criminal history or intent of use; only that it could save you a lot of potential headaches down the road.

You're not required to wear a motorcycle helmet on a bike in the state of Ohio, but when your family sues the cager who made a left in front of you for your "wrongful death," the fact that you were wearing a helmet helps convince a jury that you valued your own life and took reasonable steps to protect it.

does it really put you out (as a seller) to ask about the buyer's history and intent?

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I never said you were required to ask about criminal history or intent of use; only that it could save you a lot of potential headaches down the road.

You're not required to wear a motorcycle helmet on a bike in the state of Ohio, but when your family sues the cager who made a left in front of you for your "wrongful death," the fact that you were wearing a helmet helps convince a jury that you valued your own life and took reasonable steps to protect it.

does it really put you out (as a seller) to ask about the buyer's history and intent?


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I never said you were required to ask about criminal history or intent of use; only that it could save you a lot of potential headaches down the road.

You're not required to wear a motorcycle helmet on a bike in the state of Ohio, but when your family sues the cager who made a left in front of you for your "wrongful death," the fact that you were wearing a helmet helps convince a jury that you valued your own life and took reasonable steps to protect it.

does it really put you out (as a seller) to ask about the buyer's history and intent?

if you asked me a bunch of questions id tell you to take your firearm and shove it up your ass. thats just me though

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There are two different requirements here. One for legal state/federal, and one for common sense. One to protect you from state/federal prosecution, and one to protect both the buyer and seller from each other (in case one or the other does something stupid or goes just plain crazy). Get it straight.

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