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I do beleive that middle eastren goverments do as much as they can , specially against al qaida , like in Yemen, KSA , and Afghanistan .

but the USA offers help that they don't refuse, and they take over the oberation , as they are more qualified with better technology :D

I wonder sometimes how come OBL wasn't caught yet, with all this techonology and satalites that is after him ....

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Okay.. Im not pointing a fingure at you.. I just think that the Islamic and Muslim people as a whole, arent doing enough to put a stop to there own extremists. You dont see christian extremists doing anywhere near the damage that Islamic/Muslim terrorists do. If our govt even gets wind of an American group they think are terror orgs.. they put them down... right or wrong. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge and more... I think the American people would put down a Christian extremist group responsible for something like 911.. If they didnt agree with it. Thats what makes me wonder about the average Middle eastern. Take some responsibilty as a Middle Eastern Muslim, and take action against extremist terrorism. I would like to see action instead of buck passing.

Muslims aren't responsible for 9/11.

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Okay.. Im not pointing a fingure at you.. I just think that the Islamic and Muslim people as a whole, arent doing enough to put a stop to there own extremists. You dont see christian extremists doing anywhere near the damage that Islamic/Muslim terrorists do. If our govt even gets wind of an American group they think are terror orgs.. they put them down... right or wrong. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge and more... I think the American people would put down a Christian extremist group responsible for something like 911.. If they didnt agree with it. Thats what makes me wonder about the average Middle eastern. Take some responsibilty as a Middle Eastern Muslim, and take action against extremist terrorism. I would like to see action instead of buck passing.

well that is the issue, you think we are not doing enough .the governments are doing all they can , and honestly if the US military with all its might can't find them ..then , i dt know..i am from morocco (not middle east ) and we had two terrorist attacks back home that killed tons of my countrymen. what's amazing is when you say : "take responsibility" , you basically insinuate that we are turning a blind eye..and we are not

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Have you ever read the Bible? It's pretty exclusive in saying who is the ONE God, and by who you must be saved, and I'll give you a hint... it isn't allah or muhammed. It is also very exclusive as to it's claims of being the absolute word of God, not just a collection of stories. It leaves no room for anyone else's religion, as far as absolute truth is concerned. Believe whatever you want, but your statement is incredibly naive.

Calling me naive doesn't make you right. I have read the Bible. I'm a fairly religious person. I am Christian. I don't go to church, but I do believe in God and pray. Imagine for a minute if Allah is God. Look at Moses, Mohammed, and Jesus. Now read stories from the Bible and stories from the Koran. You'll notice a lot more than one or two similarities. It goes on through all holy texts. I've actually written a few papers about this. It's my belief that there is one God, and every religion is a derivative. Each religion says it's the only right one. Now, you can call me naive all you want. You can believe in anything you want. That's the beauty of free will. I've already stated that it was my opinion.

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I mean the point is religion wasn't even the motivation for the attack either. It was just what was grabbed on to as a tool and talking point after the fact by all sorts of people with different motives.

thank you, it was a lot more political (as perverted as it was ) than religious.

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Okay.. Im not pointing a fingure at you.. I just think that the Islamic and Muslim people as a whole, arent doing enough to put a stop to there own extremists. You dont see christian extremists doing anywhere near the damage that Islamic/Muslim terrorists do. If our govt even gets wind of an American group they think are terror orgs.. they put them down... right or wrong. Remember Waco, Ruby Ridge and more... I think the American people would put down a Christian extremist group responsible for something like 911.. If they didnt agree with it. Thats what makes me wonder about the average Middle eastern. Take some responsibilty as a Middle Eastern Muslim, and take action against extremist terrorism. I would like to see action instead of buck passing.

Ku Klux Klan

Eric Rudolph (1996 Atlanta Olympics bombing)

Tim McVeigh

All these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence#Murders

Just because these guys aren't engaging in suicide bombings doesn't make them any different than the Middle Eastern terrorists currently. They all acted in blind faith for their religion.

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If they didnt have local support they would be dead in the water, using rocks and spitballs.

well there is a difference between blaming locals and blaming muslims in general. pakistan is helping :

Pakistan has played a vital role in the war against terrorism. It has been a key ally in this war and suffered a lot. Despite its enormous efforts in war against terrorism, Pakistan has been criticized by the US. It is a fact that US cannot win without Pakistan’s help, as 75 present of US/NATO supplies pass through Pakistan and the country has deployed more than 120,000 of its troops in tribal areas. It has lost more than three thousand soldiers in the war against terrorism.

Pakistan has established 1500 checkpoints along the border with afghanistan and is the only US ally which has captured or killed more than 700 Al-Qaeda members. Despite all these efforts Pakistan has been blamed for not doing enough.

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Have you ever read the Bible? It's pretty exclusive in saying who is the ONE God, and by who you must be saved, and I'll give you a hint... it isn't allah or muhammed.

lol....God is God...doesnt matter what you call Him....muslims believe in the same God as christians and jews, they just have their own prophet

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lol....God is God...doesnt matter what you call Him....muslims believe in the same God as christians and jews, they just have their own prophet

yes sir you are right,and Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus Christ. No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus Christ . We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of god . We believe that he was the Messiah. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern

day Christians do not believe. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission. We believe that he healed those born blind and the lepers with God’s permission.we also believe in his second coming.

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Have you ever read the Bible? It's pretty exclusive in saying who is the ONE God, and by who you must be saved, and I'll give you a hint... it isn't allah or muhammed. It is also very exclusive as to it's claims of being the absolute word of God, not just a collection of stories. It leaves no room for anyone else's religion, as far as absolute truth is concerned. Believe whatever you want, but your statement is incredibly naive.

read it about a dozen times so far and it keeps getting funnier and funnier. BIBLE: Latin biblia, from Greek biblia ‘books,’ from biblion ‘book,’ originally a diminutive of biblos ‘papyrus, scroll,’ of Semitic origin.

Maybe you should read some books from the other religions. Muhammed is not prayed to as a god. Muhammed is merely a prophet such as Juda, Moses, or even Jesus (yes, if you actually read the Bible Jesus is a prophet). Within the same texts, Allah is "the god". When you read both side by side you LEARN that there are far more similarities with Allah and the Christian god than there are differences.

Now if you remove the English influence you will see that the direct translation for the word "God" into arabic is "Allah" . Another big newsflash, the bible was not written in English so in the original text you will never see the word GOD..

In conclusion, YES, the Bible is a collection of books, a library if you will. Hence the name bible and all the stories referred to as "books of the bible"

Edited by AOW
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i dont have a problem with muslims because theyre muslim...i just have a problem with the ones i happen to run into on a daily basis - somolians

theres over 300 families living next to my neighborhood, went to school with them, and i just plain dislike them as a whole community....call it racist, call it whatever you want, but i hate somolians

for me, when i think muslim, i think about those damn somolians down the road fucking shit up and i get pissed with them as a group.....ive had middle eastern friends and have no problem with them, and really dont care if theyre muslim or not...guess i just have a skewed opinion based on my shitty experiences with a certain group of them

besides, we all know the best thing to ever come out of the middle east is their women....middle eastern women can be fuckin hot

without seeing the rest of her and just going off this....easily a 9.5/10 for me



Edited by Steve Butters
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i dont have a problem with muslims because theyre muslim...i just have a problem with the ones i happen to run into on a daily basis - somolians

theres over 300 families living next to my neighborhood, went to school with them, and i just plain dislike them as a whole community....call it racist, call it whatever you want, but i hate somolians

for me, when i think muslim, i think about those damn somolians down the road fucking shit up and i get pissed with them as a group.....ive had middle eastern friends and have no problem with them, and really dont care if theyre muslim or not...guess i just have a skewed opinion based on my shitty experiences with a certain group of them

besides, we all know the best thing to ever come out of the middle east is their women....middle eastern women can be fuckin hot

without seeing the rest of her and just going off this....easily a 9.5/10 for me



I have a pretty wide range of Muslim/Middle Eastern friends, so I don't immediately associate Muslim to Somalians. That being said, I can't stand them. I have a family that rents the house right across the street from me and they have no respect for their neighbors at all. I wish Ethiopia would find some balls and take that place over.

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I use to work at a place that hired a bunch of Somalians. They were rude and thought everyone who worked there were there for them and they were stinky. I had one threaten me because I didn't get to his laptop fast enough.

I was at the DMV and the lady behind the counter told this Somalian how much he owed and he said "No, Too much" Like he was trying to haggle with her on the fees...silly Somalian

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I use to work at a place that hired a bunch of Somalians. They were rude and thought everyone who worked there were there for them and they were stinky. I had one threaten me because I didn't get to his laptop fast enough.

I was at the DMV and the lady behind the counter told this Somalian how much he owed and he said "No, Too much" Like he was trying to haggle with her on the fees...silly Somalian

My reply: "GTFO! Go back to Somalia where fees were less and so was the quality of life. We don't owe you a thing, work hard and "pay the man" like the rest of us!"


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