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Palin more favorable than obama?

kawi kid

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I'm a little older, and I'll say everything, all political parties, has gone way the Hell to the left. Republicans are the new Democrats, and Democrats are the new Left. Apparently that might have a correction in the works. It might not happen this term, or even the next. But there is a middle somewhere. Don't underestimate that middle group. It just might be larger than both the left and the right.

If anything, the Tea party is the new Right...

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Ah, so you're a free-market champion. Where are the choices in the current situation? Because I'm single, I really don't have a choice in my coverage provider, either I use my employer's benefits (with the collective bargaining power of the entire employee pool) or I go it alone (and spend probably 30x more). That's a false choice.


Sometimes the bargaining power is a hinderance. I am one of the few "young guys" at my work at 32. For the past few years our group plans premium has skyrocketed. At the begining of the year a couple of us "young guys" dropped the employer plan and went private. I dumped United Heath Care and then on my own bought better coverage United Health Care for just at half the cost. O and thats a family plan. Someone correct me if i'm wrong but,I'm pretty sure i read in Obamacare that if you make under $88,000 for a family you get gubment subsidies starting in 2011 or 2012 to help pay for your premiums. Something you should look into. Cant hurt.

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I'm a little older, and I'll say everything, all political parties, has gone way the Hell to the left. Republicans are the new Democrats, and Democrats are the new Left. Apparently that might have a correction in the works. It might not happen this term, or even the next. But there is a middle somewhere. Don't underestimate that middle group. It just might be larger than both the left and the right.

If anything, the Tea party is the new Right...

This is what I was getting at earlier.

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Do you agree that the left had gone more left at the same time?

I think with the tea party going more right that leaves the so called rhino republicans behind, and the same goes for the left leaving the blue dogs to the center also.

It's RINO not rhino. Republican In Name Only. I have nothing to add to this thread other than that. Don't feel like reading it all since I haven't been paying attention.

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i hate that hot goofy bitch and will not be voting for her in a primary. (i couldn't anyway because i'm registered independent.). If she gets the nomination of her party i will have to vote for her though. Not because i think she is a leader but because i think she will do her parties bidding and that party line fits my views more closely than the opposition. There hasn't been a leader elected since reagan, plenty party hacks but no leaders.


i score an 87 on this quiz so i think the tea party is a bunch of lefties. The wording on some of these questions is terrible but scoring all 0's or all 10's on all questions give you a middle of the road score so it does have some ring of truth to it. I wish they would have put illegal immigration in the question as an example.


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273/400. Just in case anyone couldn't tell where I lean.

I'm pretty encouraged by seeing what's being said in here about Sarah Palin.

Holy cow, I can't believe how some people I know actually support her, and want her to run for President in 2012.

Quite frankly, I want her to run, also, but for very different reasons than my Republican friends, I'm quite certain.

One last thing, I wouldn't really compare the Palin and Obama approval ratings.

She's likable enough (if you can get past the cutesy language and the lack of understanding of government and policy), but most people don't want her to be President, according to every poll I've ever seen. Even most Republicans don't want her to be President. Approval ratings don't really mean anything - it doesn't say anything about electability. There's no way the Republicans would put her up against President Obama (or any Democrat with a pulse, for that matter), unless they don't really care about 2012 (which is possible - the Dems put up Mondale in 1984, Republicans put up Dole in 1996, with no real expectation of a win).

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i think when im in a bad signal area or without wifi and i hit post then the signal drops it sends the info twice. i had to edit two today cuz of it. i promise im not doing it on purpose.

I know you aren't. It's just funny to see em. I feel like I am in a cave sometimes.

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no worries i scored an 88 :D

64/400...we'll have to work on that. But like Recon I am a little (LOT) older and have the advantage of an education before they dumbed it down. I know we have a Constitution that is supposed to be the supreme basis of all our laws and has been blatantly disregarded since the days of FDR (and before to a lesser extent) and his threat to stack the supreme court so he could get his way.

I have a very simple stand of all of this and therefore don't argue semantics. It is ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Article 1 Section 8 lays it out and no where in there is anything about health care or any of the numerous other things the Congress has shackled us with.

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  • 3 weeks later...
64/400...we'll have to work on that. But like Recon I am a little (LOT) older and have the advantage of an education before they dumbed it down. I know we have a Constitution that is supposed to be the supreme basis of all our laws and has been blatantly disregarded since the days of FDR (and before to a lesser extent) and his threat to stack the supreme court so he could get his way.

I have a very simple stand of all of this and therefore don't argue semantics. It is ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Article 1 Section 8 lays it out and no where in there is anything about health care or any of the numerous other things the Congress has shackled us with.

Yeah, the schools have a lot to do with it. One big viscous cycle.

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