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Buell Back in Business with 1190RS


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Tpoppa commented on this awhile ago...


I've seen Feb/2011 a few times. Not sure if that is true.

Interviews with Geoff May and Erik Buell have already hinted at a limited production run of street legal 2011 1190Rs.

Looks like a go.


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This ties into the other current Harley thread. It doesn't matter how hard of a worker or how innovative he is I suspect failure in the future. Harley has been bailed out twice and couldn't survive without its accessory sales. Harley is involved in sales of the most popular type of road motorcycle there is and failure looks like it might be looming for them again. A single line of motorcycle sales of just sport street bikes is a hard business model to keep afloat with very few success stories, even the existing ones that appear to be making it are in trouble right now. If the big four Japanese companies didn't have other business ventures to keep their road bike business afloat they would have be out of business a long time ago.

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Its great he's going out on his own, but if he flops Justins right it flops!!!! And I hate to say it but I'm still not impressed, it still looks hateful and can someone please explain to me why it's a good idea to put radiators on the side of a bike?

My BMW has two radiators, one on each side. It works for my bike.

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My BMW has two radiators, one on each side. It works for my bike.

yeah but your bike isnt claiming to be a sportbike either. when you want to throw a bike in and out of corners that extra weight on each side isnt exactly going to help you too much. and they are more apt to being damaged in a crash. a simple lowside would have to potential to put a huge hole in your pocket. and it still doesnt explain to me why its a good idea.

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Can't wait to see the shootout between the 1190RS and the RC8.

1125R ('08) 9/08 24/30/27 130.4 @ 10,000 74.6 @ 8000 474 440

RC8 ('08) 10/08 35/45/36 134.9 @ 10,250 75.4 @ 7000 444 417

The 1125R competes with the RC8 already, by these numbers.

The Buell 1190RS should be a hands down winner in a comparison with the RC8.

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I expect this to be a small run of pricey hand built bikes. I'll be surpised if more than 100 are made for 2011.

There are already handful of 1190RR's racing abroad (not legal in any US series). I just read that a 1190RR clinched the championship for the Euro Sound of Thunder Series.



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Its great he's going out on his own, but if he flops Justins right it flops!!!! And I hate to say it but I'm still not impressed, it still looks hateful and can someone please explain to me why it's a good idea to put radiators on the side of a bike?


My RC has its radiators on the sides.

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For some reason, I think going over to the Rotax engine, was something HD wouldn't tolerate.

Apparently HD had to approve the Rotax engine, according to Erik and his followers, if HD Brass did not approve it first, it was a no go.

Excuse or not?

For good reason, I think all of the warranty work, and very low yearly sales, was something HD was no longer going to tolerate.

Example 1:Erik Buell and staff knew there was a failure issue with the 2009 and 2010 1125 stators, and they continued to create and sell the bikes.

Example 2: You can still purchase a new 2009, 2010 engine from Erik Buell Racing with a knowing bad stator in it, if you want to purchase a 2008 stator/with cover for an additional $502.79 from them to fix this issue you can.

Example 3:The leaking clutch cylinder was also a known issue, and once again, they kept making them and selling them with this issue.

These are just 1125 issues, all other Buell models had their own known issues too for years, but Erik kept putting them out for his fellow " Buell the American Sportbike Enthusiasts"(LOL) to purchase.

If someone was not marketing your product effectively, would you not concentrate on the marketing aspect of your company on your own?

I hope the 1190RS, if released, is carefully considered with the consumers in mind???

Oh yeah, not a Buell and/or Erik hater, just some facts I gathered from being a Buell owner!:)

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Example 1:Erik Buell and staff knew there was a failure issue with the 2009 and 2010 1125 stators, and they continued to create and sell the bikes.

The 08 (trouble free) stator was sourced by Rotax. Made in Croatia, I believe.

The 09-10 part doesn't show a 'made in' country, 99% chance that means made in USA. An educated guess is that HD sourced it from the lowest bidder with VERY limited testing. It looks just like other HD sourced stators.

Buell's or HD's fault? It's hard to know without inside info.

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I hope Buell makes a huge comeback, Americans need a "home team" bike company they can get behind. Priced right with the right amount of performance and reliability they could have a winner, however, priced wrong with the wrong target demographic and I think it will fail. I am hoping for great things from EBR.

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