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Cleveland Int'l Motorcycle Show & DTC Karaoke Blowout @ Buddy's, Sat 1/29


Are you coming to the Buddy's Karaoke Blowout after IMS?  

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  1. 1. Are you coming to the Buddy's Karaoke Blowout after IMS?

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Well, guess she'll never be included in the 'Once you go black you never go back.' category.


Peter Pan rule won't let me spread any more rep right now

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Srsly... for "not remembering from 10PM - 2:30AM" she's got all the guys she wants to bone in that little black memory bank in her head.

Ever heard the mating call of drunk sorority chicks?? "Ohhh my GAWD... I'm Sooo drunk!"

With the little "hair flip/toss" for dramatic effect

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YouTube - [ORIGINAL] Parrot Sings Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

Prior to Saturday night this is the only rendition of that song I had ever heard. It sounds different when a human sings it but just as entertaining.

:lol: I finally went back & watched this

BTW... Anybody get vid of Rizzo's version? He ROCKED it w/ that old guy! :D

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I'm pretty sure I spoke with mhallam, but there were some issues.

1) I don't hear well between the loud bar and years of hearing damage from drag racing

2) I was slightly inebriated

3) He's a fast talker - or maybe I'm just a slow listener from the beer?

So no offense... I tried to hear you and converse, but it just wasn't happening in my brain very good.

Edited by JRMMiii
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I'm pretty sure I spoke with mhallam, but there were some issues.

1) I don't hear well between the loud bar and years of hearing damage from drag racing

2) I was slightly inebriated

3) He's a fast talker - or maybe I'm just a slow listener from the beer?

So no offense... I tried to hear you and converse, but it just wasn't happening in my brain very good.

You sure did...lol...yea i am a fast talker anyways but im sure because of the beer and shots my fast talking turned into mumble talking and rambling with run on sentences like this post

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Who's that?

Hey... Tell your girl thanx again for re-rollin'/fixin' my dreds :D

I'm thinkin' about growin' some real ones... They were quite popular w/ the ladies... And 1 asian. :D

There's like half dozen pix of Jinu holding/petting them for me :lol:

I think he's the kind of girlfriend who would hold your hair for you when you're pukin' in the toilet... Jus'sayin... K'bai

V V Eat your heart out Justin ;)





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I wasn't there, but just had to say:

What's funny is last night I apparently unknowingly looked at the pics from last year, and today I looked at the pics from this year, and only the shirts have changed. I was digging the "SILF" shirts though...

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Well, guess she'll never be included in the 'Once you go black you never go back.' category.

I said this to justin earlier in the night, but it was in regard to my hair.... lol. Apparently dying your hair black once commits you to that color for a really long time.

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mhallam! Im that guy in the white next to cleve

so i felt bad when I was talking to you because I don't have the best hearing and I didn't catch your name when you first said it but once you made the bengals comment I at least had a clue. I had to look the next day to see exactly who you were :lol:

edit: apparently jrrmmmmmmiiiiiiii had the same issue as me

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I started yelling "turtle" at bad before i met him officially... then it was akward, bc i realized i didn't know him yet.


there is no awkward with me. I walked in and all I heard was "turtle!" and "its the mexican" so i had to chuckle

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I started yelling "turtle" at bad before i met him officially... then it was akward, bc i realized i didn't know him yet.

I walked in and all I heard was "turtle!"


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She knows her men ^ :)

no I actually talked to him sober so I remember him

Srsly... for "not remembering from 10PM - 2:30AM" she's got all the guys she wants to bone in that little black memory bank in her head.

I am flattered you think it is just a little one, and why does it have to be black :nono:

Why do you assume that it is just a little book?

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fonz is black from the waist down. fyi

I wish I'd gotten a pic of my little asian sensation while he was sleeping the next morning... So cute... His little girl skinny jeans still on, bare feet, sleeping on top of his blankets... Just made me want to tickle those tiny little asian feet & see if he started giggling like a tickle me Elmo! lol.gif

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