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Need Help with my Dad's birthday gift


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My dads birthday is in just over a month and I am trying to think of what to get him. He is one of those guys that seems to have everything and I am about the least creative person so I need help.

He has been hard at work restoring his GTO over the last 2 years and it means the world to him. He has already bought every single thing he needs to get it finished so parts are out but something GTO related he would love, I just don't know what

He also has a Harley but I've gotten him so many gift cards to Harley dealers over the last couple years I don't know what else he could even get.

He is also a boater, but again it seems like everytime I find out something he needs, he already has gone and got it so I'm out of ideas for that too

So do you guys have any real good ideas for me?

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ah so random idea I had but not sure how to execute it. I know he fully intends to take the car to many car shows in the future so I thought maybe a plaque of some sort would be cool. Problem is its been so long since I've been to a car show that I wouldn't even know what to put on it or where to get one made to display along side the car

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how about a watch


I like that, the rest he already has :lol:

A new quesadilla maker, every Mexican father would love that

hahaha if I gave him one of those, he would look at me and say "boy, why the hell do you think I keep a woman around? shes my quesadilla maker.

that was covered with the "hookers & blow" post

What year GTO?

Is he a beer drinker? a kegarator from Costco sounds nice.

Its a '65. Hmm that might be an idea, the one he has he keeps down at the boat since he does primarily most of his drinking there

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...hahaha if I gave him one of those, he would look at me and say "boy, why the hell do you think I keep a woman around? shes my quesadilla maker...

Dad's pimp hand is strong! :lol:

Maybe ask "the woman he keeps around" what her thoughts are? She might have some insight. Of course when they were around, my folks were of no help as to what to get the other for birthday/Christmas (that's Navidad to you :D )

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The plaque isn't a bad idea, any trophy shop could do that for like $20 depending on what you put on it. I used do a turkey bowl with some friends every year and some bought a trophy and engraved the bottom for something like $10 a while back.

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