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Justified, or not?


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I bet the fire department got a lot of payments over the next couple of days.

Dunno about the "people inside" thing. I would hope that compassion/ sense of responsibility would override the $75 fee. "Rules is rules" can only go so far.

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wow fucked up...they need to change thay policy...sure the $75 fee a year is fine, but i think they should make it more like insurance...if the people havent paid the fee, still put out the fire and then just bill them a total amount - how much it cost to pay all the fire fighters, gas, water cost, whatever... not just let it burn down

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Paid fire protection has been around since Fire Dept's were started in early Rome. This is nothing new and very common in rural areas. Running a FD is not cheap and we have a very hard time collecting from ins companies. Fire levies are what pays the bills and they are hard to pass in rural communities.

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Yeah, I really don't see anything wrong here. They chose not to pay the fee to have fire protection. If I don't pay my electric bill and it gets turned off, I'm not going to be whining and crying about it. Pay your bills and you won't have a problem. It's $75/yr. I bet they pay more than that per month for car insurance, cell phone, etc. Now they're going to bitch and whine about not getting a service they didn't pay for. Come on, seriously?

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  Isaac said:
Then fuck him for being an idiot. I pay more than that for garbage removal every year.

Of course' date=' I would have a different opinion if there were actual people inside. You don't let folks burn to death over $75[/b'].

Agreed. If there are lives at risk, do whatever it takes to help. Other than that, they were too cheap to pay the $75 fee. And odds are if they had insurance (home owners or renters), it won't pay out since they didn't pay the fee for the fire department.

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  Isaac said:
Then fuck him for being an idiot. I pay more than that for garbage removal every year.

Of course' date=' I would have a different opinion if there were actual people inside. You don't let folks burn to death over $75.[/quote']

If lives are involved SOP's usually mandate enough fire suppression for a safe rescue, then let it burn when we are out.

In earlier times though it didn't matter if lives were involved or not, no pay no service.

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  Casper said:
Agreed. If there are lives at risk, do whatever it takes to help. Other than that, they were too cheap to pay the $75 fee. And odds are if they had insurance (home owners or renters), it won't pay out since they didn't pay the fee for the fire department.



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  1000rrrider said:
If lives are involved SOP's usually mandate enough fire suppression for a safe rescue, then let it burn when we are out.

In earlier times though it didn't matter if lives were involved or not, no pay no service.

ha I called it! :D

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  tbutera2112 said:
wow fucked up...they need to change they policy...sure the $75 fee a year is fine, but i think they should make it more like insurance...if the people haven't paid the fee, still put out the fire and then just bill them a total amount - how much it cost to pay all the fire fighters, gas, water cost, whatever... not just let it burn down

I agree.

Some cities also fine there residence for false alarms. I had a customer in Cleveland set off her monitored smoke detectors, and the fire department was dispatched. She was fixing breakfast and burnt the bacon. She was fined $500 for them coming to her house.:wtf:

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  BiggO said:
I agree.

Some cities also fine there residence for false alarms. I had a customer in Cleveland set off her monitored smoke detectors, and the fire department was dispatched. She was fixing breakfast and burnt the bacon. She was fined $500 for them coming to her house.:wtf:

fuck that...glad our smoke detectors just make noise instead of alert the firefighters

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  chevysoldier said:
ha I called it! :D


Still feeling like a :snarky: after reading about that Ct. family that was attacked by two f-tard pieces of sh!t. Sorry. :(

  tbutera2112 said:
fuck that...glad our smoke detectors just make noise instead of alert the firefighters

Won't do much good if you're out of town. Jus' sayin'. Mine are wired into the security system - they call me first, if no answer or I tell 'em send the cops/fire/emt, then they send help.

While I'm feeling snarky: :repost:

  JRMMiii said:
This is Tea party America in action... I find this story very intriguing. Push finally came to shove -- I'm pretty excited to see the legal battle on this issue play out.

Firefighters Watch as Tennesee Home Burns to the Ground

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  jblosser said:

Won't do much good if you're out of town. Jus' sayin'. Mine are wired into the security system - they call me first, if no answer or I tell 'em send the cops/fire/emt, then they send help.

doesnt matter...thats what insurance is for....if i got fined $500 every time it went off, ide rack up enough money in just paying off false alarms as i would to replace any small items insurance didnt cover lol....i burn shit on the stove at least 3-4 times a year

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I'm kinda shocked at this thread and the opinions within it, especially knowing how many of you are opposed to taxes, social safety nets, and the "liberalization" of America.

Where are the hardcore preachers of capitalism and personal responsibility/accountability now?

Edited by JRMMiii
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  JRMMiii said:
I'm kinda shocked at this thread and the opinions within it, especially knowing how many of you are opposed to taxes, social safety nets, and the "liberalization" of America.

Where are the hardcore preachers of capitalism and personal responsibility/accountability now?

ummmm, I think you're looking at it backwards....

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I'm not following you.

There was a choice to pay $75 or not, choice was made -- so consequences are what they are. Why have all these other stipulations of "Well, if people were inside then..." or "Trapped pets" or whatever?

You pay the $75 or not. No, "well, just charge them whatever afterward" -- no no no, thats not how it works. What if they can't pay it? Someone ("us") is still going to have to foot that bill... this is almost identical to all the healthcare debates on here. You don't want to pay for it ahead of time (via insurance or taxes or fees), then you get no treatment -- yet in the healthcare field, people are treated regardless of their ability to pay and it's broken the system.

Why don't the same rules apply here?

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