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hand gun v. shotgun v. rifle


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is it ghetto (or difficult) to saw off your own shotgun barrel?

28" is about 8 more than I'd like... but it's all that i'm finding in combination with a 23" .22 barrel.

I don't think so. I know a guy that cut his down to 18.5" with a hacksaw. then just file the edges smooth. He didn't say it required anything else.

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this sounds just about perfect. .22 for plinking around, 12ga for home defense or shooting clays, and then something in between for when the zombies come :) (something legal to hunt with if i wanted, so 243 is probably out...)

THis one firearm restriction sounds good on paper. That is kinda how my situation started. My first firearm was a Remington 870 home defense shotgun. Then next came the Savage .22LR bolt action rifle. Then Speedy let me shoot his .22 semi auto rifle, so i ran right out an got a Marlin 795 semi-auto rifle. I took the wife to the range with the .22's and she thought it was ok, she didn't hate shooting, but really did not seem to enjoy it too much.

22LR ammo is $6.47 for 100 round CCI varment load good for target practice on paper at the range.

So for me, the first purchase was for home defense, then I was looking at under $200 22LR rifles for target shooting. I factored in the original purchase price and the cost of ammo.

Then i went out shooting clays, so now i would like to get another 870 to be used as my field gun, unless i get a great deal on a Browning Citori.

Now I want a pistol. This has all happened in the last 10 months.

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THis one firearm restriction sounds good on paper. That is kinda how my situation started. My first firearm was a Remington 870 home defense shotgun. Then next came the Savage .22LR bolt action rifle. Then Speedy let me shoot his .22 semi auto rifle, so i ran right out an got a Marlin 795 semi-auto rifle. I took the wife to the range with the .22's and she thought it was ok, she didn't hate shooting, but really did not seem to enjoy it too much.

22LR ammo is $6.47 for 100 round CCI varment load good for target practice on paper at the range.

So for me, the first purchase was for home defense, then I was looking at under $200 22LR rifles for target shooting. I factored in the original purchase price and the cost of ammo.

Then i went out shooting clays, so now i would like to get another 870 to be used as my field gun, unless i get a great deal on a Browning Citori.

Now I want a pistol. This has all happened in the last 10 months.

yeah... I know I'll WANT an arsenal one day, but getting the first gun through the door is step one.

I'm not above purchasing a pistol down the road and just not telling my wife... Pistols are easier to hide in the garage. The long gun has to come through the front door though :p

I figure I'd cut down the shotgun barrel to 20" and just call that short enough. Then I know i'm good and legal, and maybe a tad more accurate if I want to shoot clays.

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So why is the wife so anti gun anyway? My wife knows I think I am G.I. Joe she just kind of leaves my gun fetish alone. She does curb the spending though. So she is not so much you cant buy another gun as she is stop spending money. But trading/selling one for another she is fine with.

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The wife just doesn't see the need for a having a gun in our house. Until recently, she had more range time than I did - but she's totally happy to leave the gun at the range.

she thinks a home invasion would never happen in our neighborhood, and if it did, our dog would alert us of the intruder and likely scare him away.

I'm less optimistic (did I mention she's pretty liberal?) about the odds of a home invasion, and I laugh at the notion that Henry is going to react to a home invader, let alone do anything resembling protecting us from one.

Our dog is energetic, but "ferocious," he is not.


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The wife just doesn't see the need for a having a gun in our house. Until recently, she had more range time than I did - but she's totally happy to leave the gun at the range.

she thinks a home invasion would never happen in our neighborhood, and if it did, our dog would alert us of the intruder and likely scare him away.

I'm less optimistic (did I mention she's pretty liberal?) about the odds of a home invasion, and I laugh at the notion that Henry is going to react to a home invader, let alone do anything resembling protecting us from one.

Our dog is energetic, but "ferocious," he is not.


Before I got my CHL I carried around the house all the time (I still do). My wife used to get on me about it a little bit. Saying no one would break in and I didn't need it. We were watching the news one night and we hear "An armed intruder burst into a home and opened fired on a couple watching television." I think someone was killed. I turned to my wife and asked her if she still minded me carrying around the house. Her reply was "Absolutely not."

I would pull articles about someone saving their life with a concealed hangun. Like that old lady at the horse races a while back. Or where a gun could have saved their life and didn't. Showing stuff like this to her helped out a lot.

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The wife just doesn't see the need for a having a gun in our house. Until recently, she had more range time than I did - but she's totally happy to leave the gun at the range.

she thinks a home invasion would never happen in our neighborhood, and if it did, our dog would alert us of the intruder and likely scare him away.

I hope you don't take too much offense to this but does she realize you live in Parma? Now I know depending on what part makes a HUGE difference in quality of the area but it doesn't have the best rap.

I by no means am a Parma hater, but I have plenty of family and friends there that have been there for 15+ years and its just going downhill quick. Enough that even my Dad has decided to move in the next year which is a major shock.

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Here ya go show here this one.. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/12/parma_police_arrest_a_couple_a.html

Why would it not happen in your neighborhood? Do you not have nice stuff, I think if I were a burglar I would rather come to parma were most people think there safe and dont have a gun to protect themself. Also in areas like parma most people make a decent living and have pretty nice homes which means nice stuff inside to steal. We have a bunch of neighbors who think the same way(stupid liberals) until one night 25 cars got broke into the same night. Guess thats what they get for leaving there doors unlocked cause we live in a nice area. Next time they should leave there front doors unlocked make it easier for them to come take there nice things from inside. If I lived in the most upscale area it is all the more reason to own a gun. If you were a robber would you take from some one who is poor and has crappy stuff or from a middle class or upper class area where people have nicer things.

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Oh, by the way a dog is not a threat to a burglar. Saw a show on tv where they hired a ex con to show how easy it is to break into places. he broke into a classic car place that had a bad ass pitbull that ran around inside it. He broke in had a big chunk of raw meat in his hand threw it into a different room the dog flew after the meat and he shut a door behind it. No more dog to worry about.

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I would pull articles about someone saving their life with a concealed hangun. Like that old lady at the horse races a while back. Or where a gun could have saved their life and didn't. Showing stuff like this to her helped out a lot.

I'm good at proving my wife wrong - trust me, that's not the way for me to gain her "support" on this. If anything she'll resent me (and the gun) more for trying to argue with her rather than just leaving it alone.

foolish pride? probably, but I know which battles to choose, and this isn't one of them when she's already conceding 1 firearm.

I hope you don't take too much offense to this but does she realize you live in Parma? Now I know depending on what part makes a HUGE difference in quality of the area but it doesn't have the best rap.

no offense taken. I grew up in Broadview Heights after my parents moved us OUT of Parma just in time for me to start school in BVH. My wife went to private school because she's from Parma Hts. Our neighborhood itself is nice and safe, but we're 2 blocks from Brookpark Rd, and near some cheap apartments. As of this morning, the (closed) driving range nets are down, so there's no physical barrier between our neighborhood and Brookpark Rd. anymore.

I'm very aware that our little 8 block piece of suburbia is surrounded by less safe real estate...

Oh, by the way a dog is not a threat to a burglar. Saw a show on tv where they hired a ex con to show how easy it is to break into places. he broke into a classic car place that had a bad ass pitbull that ran around inside it. He broke in had a big chunk of raw meat in his hand threw it into a different room the dog flew after the meat and he shut a door behind it. No more dog to worry about.

I've seen a different episode of the same show. People who were convinced their dog woudl go nuts were shocked when it basically just wanted attention. food distracted them every time.

But to Chevy's original point, 2 armed robbers broke into a house on my in-law's street in an even nicer neighborhood than ours. They had followed the dad home from the liquor store he owns and assumed he had a large sum of cash on him. Held the family hostage for several hours, before someone in the house was able to dial 911 and leave the phone off teh hook so the dispatcher could overhear.

My wife is bull-headed enough that she's convinced that wouldn't happen to us because I don't own a liquor store and don't carry a lot of cash. I replied, "what if they'd just broken into the wrong house?"

she's convinced it wouldn't happen. if she weren't so hot, i'd smack 'er.

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oh boy you got yourself a real PITA then. I go back to my favorite line to use with my friends that have wives/girlfriends that don't let them buy what they want with the money they earn.

Its easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Be it a cliche, but I swear it works more times than not and eventually they give in. As I've said many times before, this is why I'm glad I'm not married and probably won't be. Finding a woman that can adhere to my lofty standards is damn near impossible

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hahaha - i wouldn't say "PITA," but "challenging" is accurate. She keeps life interesting, and puts me in check when I need to be.

I used to date a girl who would pretty much roll with whatever I wanted. It was fun in the bedroom, but in day-to-day conversation, it got annoying as fuck.

Some times I want to actually have a conversation with some resistance. Let's DEBATE something rather than just telling each other how right we are. In fact, I might have even settled for that, but she would just say, "I agree" without adding any reasons why...

it's kinda like effing a porn star - it sounds awesome, but when you live with it, it's not.

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