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another bullied teen commits suicide....


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Our school was one and your done. Also, most parents these days seem to lack what your and my parents did when it comes to these situations.

Fighting is bad, mmmmk?

A boy in my daughter's class teased her, so bad that he even stabbed at her with a pencil, narrowly missing her eye- and she still has the scar today. I signed her up with karate, with the understanding that the knowledge she got was a responsibility to use wisely.

No more problems.

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A boy in my daughter's class teased her, so bad that he even stabbed at her with a pencil, narrowly missing her eye- and she still has the scar today. I signed her up with karate, with the understanding that the knowledge she got was a responsibility to use wisely.

No more problems.


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Kudos to him. There aren't enough teachers like that anymore.

Oh, and thanks for the recall on the ditto aroma. Damn Xerox machines!

I had a teacher like that too in middle school, one of the "cool kids" was trying to show off and was picking on a kinda slow kid calling him names and pushing him the teacher saw this and scooped him up by the neck and took him out of the hallway and into and empty classroom and laid into him something fierce. That kid was crying like a baby when he came out. I could see a teacher doing that now, holy cow these whine ass parents would sue the pants off of him...which is one of the things wrong with school now days. We not only respected our teachers, but (at my school at least) we feared the wrath of the principal and his big wooden paddle with holes drilled in it.

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8th grade metal shop, we had a girl that was here from Malaysia. Glasses, heavyset, and not pretty. Didn't speak English very well.

We were mildly teasing her in class one day. The shop teacher (about TaRR's size) sent her to the office to run off 1,000 or so dittos (remember those, and how good they smelled?). As soon as she was gone, he grabbed a 4 foot 2x4, slammed it into one of those tall, metal trash cans, unloaded a string of expletives describing how stupid and worthless we were, questioned our parentage and our mother's morals, and described, in detail, what would happen to any of us if we EVER spoke a mean word to her again.

Problem solved pretty much right then and there.

I had a teacher like that too in middle school, one of the "cool kids" was trying to show off and was picking on a kinda slow kid calling him names and pushing him the teacher saw this and scooped him up by the neck and took him out of the hallway and into and empty classroom and laid into him something fierce. That kid was crying like a baby when he came out. I could see a teacher doing that now, holy cow these whine ass parents would sue the pants off of him...which is one of the things wrong with school now days. We not only respected our teachers, but (at my school at least) we feared the wrath of the principal and his big wooden paddle with holes drilled in it.

Awesome. We need to go back to that. Just like when my parents were in school, and this was how it happened to me, if you got in trouble at school, you got punished. Then you got home, asked "what did you do?" and got punished again. That stuff worked. You make a mistake, take your lumps and learn from it. Anymore it CAN'T be the kids fault. No way he would do that! :rolleyes:

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Awesome. We need to go back to that. Just like when my parents were in school, and this was how it happened to me, if you got in trouble at school, you got punished. Then you got home, asked "what did you do?" and got punished again. That stuff worked. You make a mistake, take your lumps and learn from it. Anymore it CAN'T be the kids fault. No way he would do that! :rolleyes:

My parents were old school, if I got in trouble it was always what did YOU do? Now it seems like most parents immediately blame the teacher or other person in the situation because their little angel could not have possibly done anything wrong.

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Both of these examples are full of win. Self-defense is a fundamental right' date=' so good on RFM for knowing his role as a parent. For the shop teacher... yeah, that's what it takes sometimes. Someone to stand up and scream that this kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable. [/quote']

Agree on multiple levels.

As a kid, my dad taught me never to start a fight, but that he'd have my back if I needed to end one.

I remember being in the assistant principal's office in 5th grade after I punched a (much larger) kid in the face on the playground. He had slapped in the face me more than once playing while "touch" football, and I finally got sick of it and punched him in the nose after he tackled me into a snow pile (again, we were playing "touch" football). The assistant principal asked for my home phone number, and I gave them my dad's office instead. I remember him saying something like, "so my son was being struck in the face, and none of the staff noticed until he defended himself?" and the lady replying, "it's school policy not to fight back." My dad told her, "it's family policy that we DO fight back."

As an "adult," i have several friends who are teachers. What a mess of a job that is... half the time they're expected to "parent" students, but 90% of your authority to actually punish kids has been taken away by political correctness.

All these suicides are sad, but part of me thinks that the attention from the media actually promotes it... Kids who might not have taken such drastic measures are thinking, "I'll show everyone - they'll see what they did to me now" and then copying the last kid who killed him/her self.

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All these suicides are sad, but part of me thinks that the attention from the media actually promotes it... Kids who might not have taken such drastic measures are thinking, "I'll show everyone - they'll see what they did to me now" and then copying the last kid who killed him/her self.

not sure how true this is... I struggled with some suicidal thoughts for a short time when I was 19. I didn't care about showing "the world" I just wanted to show the one who hurt me @ the time.

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When is it going to stop? I think the schools should pay for failure to help these bullied children by exspelling the bully's indefaintly. The parent's should also be held accountable as well!!!

You. Fail. Horribly.

Get the fuck out of here with that liberal, tree-hugging, "everyone is special", pussy bullshit.

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When is it going to stop?

when we stop raising these weak ass losers.

I think the schools should pay for failure to help these bullied children by exspelling the bully's indefaintly.

it's a public school, we pay for it...

The parent's should also be held accountable as well!!!

nope, only way I'd agree was if the bully actually killed the kid, then hells yes...

if the bully was just being a jackass, and verbally abusing the kid, then the kid neads to learn how to:

A take verbal abuse from ignorant bastards...

B dish out a little of his own...

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Seriously, is there something in the water? I mean, I agreed with Cheech once....you agree with me AGAIN.....and Chevy reps everything I say. :wtf::bow:

I usually agree with you on political stuff. But neg rep for saying I rep you all the time. You didn't specify pos/neg rep.:lol::rolleyes:

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Remember when we were kids and they said "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"?

Kids now are a bunch of kush ball loving, touch football having, wear your helmet all the time with kneepads and elbow pads pussies that need a good punch in the face.

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Wow...there are so many ignorant statements in this thread that I don't even know where to start.

As a father, I hope that any of you making statements about these "weak kids" never has a child that is picked on. The whole essence of them being children is that they are weak. That is why it is our job as parents to protect them and guide them to being good people in life.

As a school administrator for a K-8 school I see bullying on a daily basis, and it absolutely disgusts me. Our children and students are exposed to so much more, and are expected to be able to tolerate and understand concepts and situations that far exceed their cognitive development. Dealing with this is the worst part of my job. Parents of bullies do not accept that their child is a bully. Some think it is acceptable, even funny.

Regardless of view point, if you think it's ok to bully someone else I hope that you take a minute to reevaluate it. It is always easier to pass judgment upon others than to understand. To all the children who have been literally bullied to death or even to the thought of it, my prayers go out to them.

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