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Motorsports of Columbus on Morse


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So last spring I walked into this place, point to the bike I want and after haggling over all the crap fees they wanted to charge, buy my bike with a credit card convenience check that the bank said was ok to use (that's part of another really long story). A couple days later we left for England to get married.

Upon return, we find that someone has tried to break into our garage. The door was dented and the mechanism was fucked from someone trying to force open the door so much that they bent the track and other pieces. We call the police and make a report and call around to security companies for estimates on protecting our home. There is a message on the answering machine from CheckCare but we're real confused because the only checks we write are for bills from an account with more than enough money it it. Then as we're going thru our mail that had accumulated over almost 3 weeks, we find a letter from the bank saying they returned the check. We put this all together and contacted MOC and ask them about the garage and of course they denied having anything to do with it. Bret told them if he finds out they WERE involved, the police would not be involved when it came to rectifying the situation...in other words, he would handle it himself. Ten minutes later the service manager calls and says they came to the house and tried to look under the garage door to see if the bike was there. No one from MOC had ever tried to contact us or leave a voicemail on any of the 3 phone numbers they had for us.

We contacted CheckCare and paid their cost. We contacted the fucking bank to get back the added $350 in fees that CheckCare charged for the returned check since they told us originally it was ok to use. MOC paid for a new garage door opener (turns out the service manager's dad is in that business).

After all that, we thought everything was fine. Then today, 8 fucking months later, I get a letter demanding payment for the bike because they don't have any record of it ever being paid!!!!!!!!!! Fuckers!

We called MOC and told them we had paid it but they wanted proof. So instead of them calling CheckCare (who was responsible for paying MOC), we had to go over there and show them the receipt and they finally called CheckCare while we were there and confirmed everything. I asked them if breaking into ppl's houses was standard procedure at that place. "Uh, well, no..." is the response I got.

For all this crap they were gonna give us a $50 gift card! :lol: Like I really want to make a purchase from there again. He offered servicing on the bike...let's see...the one time I took it there was for an idle problem then after that is when my bike cut out on 270 because the idle cable was fucked up. Hmmm...

They probably thought they would have problems with Bret but I'm pretty sure they don't ever want to have to deal with ME again! I don't like being a bitch, ...ok maybe I do :D but sometimes it's just fucking necessary!

The whole thing has been one big clusterfuck but I am just warning everyone to be careful when dealing with this place!

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Thats pretty F'ed up they tried to get in your garage.

My neighbors are always watching out for each other and any time they suspect something, I will get a phone call. Its nice because they know I watch their places for them as well. Try to get into my shit and you will get shot. A pellet from my Sheridan can penetrate 1/2 way through a 2x4 so just imagine what it would do to someones ass. And, if that doesnt teach them a lesson, should they decide to come towards me they will be met with multiple .40 cal 180grain tactical rounds and I can place them pretty damn well.. I will put 2 center mass and 1 head just like we do at the IDPA shoots.

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  flounder said:
Thats pretty F'ed up they tried to get in your garage.

My neighbors are always watching out for each other and any time they suspect something, I will get a phone call. Its nice because they know I watch their places for them as well. Try to get into my shit and you will get shot. A pellet from my Sheridan can penetrate 1/2 way through a 2x4 so just imagine what it would do to someones ass. And, if that doesnt teach them a lesson, should they decide to come towards me they will be met with multiple .40 cal 180grain tactical rounds and I can place them pretty damn well.. I will put 2 center mass and 1 head just like we do at the IDPA shoots.

Ha! I have a Benjamin Sheridan also. Great pellet rifles. I've shot through a 2x4 before. Do you have the .20?

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  flounder said:
Thats pretty F'ed up they tried to get in your garage.

My neighbors are always watching out for each other and any time they suspect something, I will get a phone call. Its nice because they know I watch their places for them as well. Try to get into my shit and you will get shot. A pellet from my Sheridan can penetrate 1/2 way through a 2x4 so just imagine what it would do to someones ass. And, if that doesnt teach them a lesson, should they decide to come towards me they will be met with multiple .40 cal 180grain tactical rounds and I can place them pretty damn well.. I will put 2 center mass and 1 head just like we do at the IDPA shoots.

I bet that doesn't have anything on a Red Ryder BB Gun!:)

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  Satan said:
Ha! I have a Benjamin Sheridan also. Great pellet rifles. I've shot through a 2x4 before. Do you have the .20?

Yeah Its nasty as hell. I think they also call them 5mm..... hard to find pellets but god damn it shoots hard. The Gander Mountain out on Hilliard Rome Road carries pellets for it.

Almost all pellet guns now-a-days are either .177 or .22 I love the Sheridan though and its accurate as hell.

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Crazy! Place is full of nice guys. Overall a great place.

  Satan said:
I'm not really all that fond of that place either. They've dick with us a few times..

Curious...what have they done to you, personally, that fondness is cloudy..?

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Damn sorry to hear this. I have dealt with MOC before for parts and I get great customer service and an awesome discount....I have never paid full price on a part there. I think this is just one situation and we should not look to badly on 1-2 peoples actions. That is fucked up they tried to break into the garage, hopefully they learned from this.

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That sucks a lot, I'd be pissed.

Personally, I've had overall good experiences with MOC and they have always hooked me up with some pretty decent discounts on parts but then again maybe it's because every time I go there a different douchebag dude tries to pick me up.

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they tried to charge me more for a used bike than a new one would have cost, but besides that little issue they have been alright. I actually had a pocket full of cash and would have bought it if they werent trying to screw me.

There "new" general manager(dude from florida) does seem a bit aggressive and I could definately see your situation happening

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Anybody that has had a good experince there should consider themselves extremly lucky.They should probably go play the lottery.I have had multiple bad experinces at that store.Now I go there just to see how they will try and screw me.Its good for a laugh all most everytime I go there.At least they didn't try to charge you for the bike twice,oh wait they did.At least they didn't charge you ten dollars!

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  Satan said:
Ask Sinner or call me later.

Ohhh, Bananas' issue and Sinner's account stuff....Ahhhh, got it. Interesting how you were willing to write them off on the principle of their issues, but exiled me for $10 over at HNW.....hmmm

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