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Motorsports of Columbus on Morse


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Ohhh, Bananas' issue and Sinner's account stuff....Ahhhh, got it. Interesting how you were willing to write them off on the principle of their issues, but exiled me for $10 over at HNW.....hmmm

Uhm, no. That's not the issue I'm referring to. If it had been, I would've said ask Bananas and Sinner. Instead, I said ask Sinner or call me. You didn't ask Sinner or call me.

And as for the $10 thing with HNW, was it really worth burning those bridges? I didn't exile you. If it wasn't about the $10 you would've just paid the $10. Its cheaper than an hour of labor which is what they would've charged if they'd written up a service ticket. Instead, your bitching was because you wanted free labor. Stop junking up this thread with your personal BS.

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Whatever, dude...I was born during the day, but not yesterday....or what?


The problem Bananas had was his own problem.

The problem Sinner had was his own problem.

The problem Sinner and I had with them is the problem I'm referring to.


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You should sue them.

DEFINITELY, and get a bigger badder bike then, with there money, hahaha!!!!!!!

you shouldve seen what my dad did to these kids that tried to break into his pull barn, which houses a few bikes and cars and a boat and his prize posession (an old Farm all tractor that he was workin on restoring at the time)... they were in the hospital for a while, lol... we found out afterwards they were after just messin shit up, like keyin the old cars, etc...

that sux bunny... too bad every shop didnt have as good of people as Schiets Motorsports does up here...

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The problem Bananas had was his own problem.

The problem Sinner had was his own problem.

The problem Sinner and I had with them is the problem I'm referring to.


Whatever, dude...I was born during the day, but not yesterday....or what?

It's all a matter of principle. Who's to stay that one person's issue with a shop is not legititame or is minor? It's all relative. Satan there is probably someone that may say that your issue (BTW, I don't know what it is, just saying) with MS is minor or would give them another chance and vice versa with Putty. In the end we all view things differently and everyone draws the line at a different place. :beathorse:

Kinda like people looking at a glass and some saying that the glass is half empty or half full.

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It's all a matter of principle. Who's to stay that one person's issue with a shop is not legititame or is minor? It's all relative. Satan there is probably someone that may say that your issue (BTW, I don't know what it is, just saying) with MS is minor or would give them another chance and vice versa with Putty. In the end we all view things differently and everyone draws the line at a different place. :beathorse:

Kinda like people looking at a glass and some saying that the glass is half empty or half full.

That's what I was saying though... Even though I know people who have had problems there... and I myself have had problems there.... I'm still trying to give them another chance.

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"Even though I know people who have had problems there... and I myself have had problems there.... I'm still trying to give them another chance."

I also gave them another chance, you can tell by the way they all still have the ability to walk.

When we were there yesterday it was 100% a waste of our time and 100% due to MOC error due to some previous accounting staff issues or some shit, either way this most recent fuck up should not have ever even made it to our ears but it did & Kurt tried (a little) to make it right. I do not feel he tried hard enough. I think that he wold be thankful that MOC, his staff & him were not reported to the police for the utter shit that was caused.

Still, what's done is done. We will NOT be the last people they screw over or the last sale they fuck up royaly. So just be aware.... YOU could be next.

Good luck with the job Aaron.

Just make very sure you try very hard to contact me before getting into my garage..... :beating: ....... j/k

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"Even though I know people who have had problems there... and I myself have had problems there.... I'm still trying to give them another chance."

I also gave them another chance, you can tell by the way they all still have the ability to walk.

When we were there yesterday it was 100% a waste of our time and 100% due to MOC error due to some previous accounting staff issues or some shit, either way this most recent fuck up should not have ever even made it to our ears but it did & Kurt tried (a little) to make it right. I do not feel he tried hard enough. I think that he wold be thankful that MOC, his staff & him were not reported to the police for the utter shit that was caused.

Still, what's done is done. We will NOT be the last people they screw over or the last sale they fuck up royaly. So just be aware.... YOU could be next.

Good luck with the job Aaron.

Just make very sure you try very hard to contact me before getting into my garage..... :beating: ....... j/k

yeah... I would sue them. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Trespass, Conversion. I would then file criminal complaints against the company (yes a company can be held criminally liable) as well as the individual actually responsible.

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How many free bolt removals did this place give you...huh...Putty?! ;)

oh shit thats funny!!!!!!!!

LOL...I love how when discussion like this gets going in a thread...the views of that thread show like (10 viewing)....as if there's an alert being issued to come see.

lol....you didnt reply to Satans post right above this one cause you couldnt think of a good one :)

yeah... I would sue them. Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Trespass, Conversion. I would then file criminal complaints against the company (yes a company can be held criminally liable) as well as the individual actually responsible.

+1 :) fuck my door up breaking in, lucky to live!!!!!! :beating: ..oh.... j/k (maybe)

MRBRET, did you find out the actual persons that did it?

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Yeah I found out.

I cant remember his name but he is still there (we saw him yesterday) & he is the service manager or something like that.

He has a pic on the main page >> main page <<, this pics on the right, he is the 4th one down with his back turned to the camera.

He had the whole electric garage door stuff replaced (not the door, just the door opener part), took a while though.

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